2010-01-28-Seeds of Light and Love
Topic: Seeds of Light and Love
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Monjoronson, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I am sure everyone here joins me in gratitude for the gifts that we have been given that have brought us to this place. The knowing, the understanding, the awareness, the experience of the presence; those are all things which we all treasure for what they've brought into our lives. Thank you Divine Parents for these gems, these gifts, these tools for learning, these experiences of growth. Sometimes you can almost feel the growth happen as you take one of these gifts and realize the significance, purpose and the value we find in it. Thank you for your divine plan which so thoroughly encompasses all of us and brings us further and further opportunities to uncover new gems and experience new growth every day, every time we try. It is a blessing to be a part of this gigantic enterprise plan you have developed and designed for all of our purpose. I stand in gratitude.
I would also vocalize my internal intention to make myself available as a conduit for the flow of your divine presence by virtue of my Voice Within which I believe is God's presence in my life. I would desire and express my desire to bring this circumstance to life at this time, to allow this to occur, to embrace that this is so, to be fully engaged as a part of this process because it is my will to do so and I thus choose it in this moment. Thank you Divine Parents, thank you my Inner Voice. Let it be so.
The Voice: And so it is, I gladly respond to such an invitation. I identify myself now as this one's Inner Voice and I humbly accept this offer that has been made and the gestures to create the proper environment for us to get together and commune with each other once again. It is noteworthy to reflect upon the gesture just offered to illustrate with word symbols the effort being made to make accommodations for such an exchange, albeit any specific particulars to building this temple are only significant to the ones in the moment, the act itself of taking the step to prepare and create provide the room and create the space whereby we may enjoy such times together.
And all of this is accomplished apparently so simply by the mere act of focusing the creative element and allowing intention to be formed into thought and thought to be formed into word and then so easy it is for deed to follow. You have all well understood by now that it is not a complicated process nor a lengthy one nor a rigid one in any way but simply more a process of play and creative venture. Permit yourself, allow yourself, encourage yourself, the freedom to create this space, to literally envision the details and build this sanctuary that you so enjoy. After so many times of being engaged in this process you find it so simple and easy to return once again to where you left off or to where you are comfortable in your association with your creation, this abode that you have built in the realm of spirit. It truly is made of your intention and created by your choosing and as such it is a sacred place for that is what you are here to do, to exercise your creative potential and to choose and when you do those things together in the direction of spirit, all things truly are possible and no restrictions may apply.
If I might divert and take a cue from your observation earlier in your conversation of the very many different realities people experience, as further illustration of the uniqueness of the abode that you build in the realm of spirit, it will be like none other for your nest is feathered with your own accumulation of experiences and your own gathering to yourself of life's meaning and value. That is what makes your personal abode so sacred. It represents your true being and I would like to draw your attention to the idea that although it is quite true that you live among a vast myriad of individuals with their own unique experiences and therefore reality, those things that are you, that define you as an individual of the realm, that you are comprised of ring true no matter where you find yourself, in what circumstance or under what conditions. In fact it is impossible for you not to be you. You can attempt to assume the identity of another or to disguise your own identity but in the realm of spirit, no such disguising is possible. You simply represent the being that you are and it is not possible to misrepresent yourself, rather you simply appear as you are.
In this material world it is easy to hide behind disguises and to create appearances and to mislead or be mislead but in the spiritual realm, such is not the case. Only the genuine aspects of you are housed there, in this abode that you have created in that realm. The more evolved a spiritual being you become, the more transparent you are, able to be seen and known by all. I have greatly enjoyed this opportunity to both simply observe you and then out of your courtesy, be asked to join you. I will remind you before I depart that I of course am always observing you, you are of course always inviting with various gestures and to various degrees. We are growing closer in our experience together. I attempting to make contact with you and your growing awareness allowing you to hear my attempts. Certainly we can feel this growth as well, both of us and I thank you for your bringing yourself to such a point of awareness that we may join together in our gratitude for the place we find ourselves. So be it, so it is and so it will be as it is your desire and mine. Thank you for this opportunity. I now would recede once again and allow this sacred place to be accessed by another, farewell.
Monjoronson: I as well will accept the invitation offered, I am Monjoronson. I as well greatly enjoy my opportunity to observe you in active participation with spirit. That is what we do, that is who you are when we come together like this. You are actively engaged in the spiritual pursuit and there is no hiding it. It is plain for a universe to see, in fact you literally light up. As your vibration increases you are charged with spiritual energy and you actually glow to those of us who have perception in this range. And so it is we have referred to you as light anchors. You glow when you are charged with spirit and you anchor this spiritual presence as you glow to your world and the grid which surrounds you.
And so it is that we come together on these evenings and spark these charges, create the proper atmosphere, will it to be so and use our creative potential to make it so. It is just an idea, it is just a potential, perhaps just a thought and then we choose it, we bring it forth, we activate and we assemble the very reality that we choose around us. And so it is truly up to us. We are the ones who come together and throw the switches, make the connection and fire the grid. I am greatly honored to have individuals such as yourselves come together for such a purpose and create such a bridge between the material and the spiritual. Certainly we are activating potentials routinely now between us and this very act of our choosing and of our doing create greater and greater potentials for others to choose and to do.
You see, it must be introduced into the thought stream, into the thought pattern of the family of man before it can be accepted and adopted, there has to be those who would bring it into the thought-stream and introduce it to the mind of man. Then it can be chosen, it can be adopted, it can be embraced, it can be created. And so it is that changes occur on this world. As you have been discussing, there are cultures even now on this world which may stand in great need of upgrade to their base of understanding and awareness but until they are exposed to new thought, new ideas, new ways of living, new concepts to be known, then they simply are stuck with the old tapes that play over and over again about how it was done before and before that and before that.
New spiritual principles need to be introduced to the world. Even those places you consider to be most advanced on the world are still impoverished when it comes to spiritual principles and the awareness of spiritual connection. That is what is so very significant about what is seemingly so small a gesture as we make even here, even now. By simply choosing this as our reality we now have created a place where it exists. We have literally created this reality so that it may be chosen not only by us, but by others who may see it, observe it and then choose it, what is now uncommon practice as you've said to yourselves perhaps as outsiders or as strange in relation to many of your groups of affiliation because your chosen set of realities does not mirror theirs. But you, having chosen and created an alternate reality, then may have an opportunity to expose others to a variance, a difference, an opportunity for them to change and grow and choose anew.
So it is we create these seeds, these seed ideas, these seed awarenesses, these seed concepts which may not be well known at this time but there were times before everything was known that is now universally accepted. Thank you for being engaged with me, with all of us in the spiritual realm in the creating of these seed times. Do not concern yourselves that it may appear as though these go unheeded for some time. They will find their time and place to be of great service to a great many but for now allow that all must come to their own awareness in their own time but that when they are ready, when they have arrived at a point of choosing, there will be other choices for them to make, there will be alternate realities such as the one in this moment to be chosen. And so it is and so it will be. Thank you all again and I will look forward to our next scheduled appointment. Until then I bid you all farewell.
Light: Greetings, I am Light and I have been urged to step forward and share my creative desire to more actively work with the universal principles at play to bring more light, the light of wisdom, the light of peace, the light of love, the light of grace into every equation that is within my sphere of influence and my dear friends, you are all within my sphere of influence. If this represents your desire as well to more actively channel, direct, funnel or be a conduit for this transfusion of light then let us work together to make it so.
You do this even now as you live your life with the light of awareness within you, the light of peace that comes from such awareness, the light of love which is associated with your awareness and the light of grace in which you acknowledge and live your life. Truly, we both desire to function in this capacity, you in your realm and dimension and I in mine but we may cross over. If we each reach out and extend in the direction of the other, surely there is connection, there is this arc. And so it is my desire to function in more awareness that this is so and with more intention and purpose that this be so. I state this so that it may be chosen, so that you as well may identify with my desires and intention and perhaps choose to participate with me. If this is so, there is no force that will stop it. I invite you to use this same technique to create potential for the association and relationship you have with your Inner Guide, your Inner Voice. See this condition and create the environment with intention which will make it possible. State your intention so that they may be chosen by another. Enjoy life opportunities to make it so and be about the process of creating it.
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to express myself. I crave that you all know of my fond regards for you and my well wishes for your journey of discovery. I hope I have made a small contribution and I bid you all a joyous journey, farewell.