2010-01-31-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Prayer
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson, Elyon, Unknown
TR: Cathy Morris, Mark Rogers
Michael: [Cathy] I am with you today in this discussion of prayer, I am Michael. In my life on your world I found great strength in the communion with my Father. I would go into seclusion and make that connection in stillness that you are familiar with. I was able to invigorate my service by connecting with the higher spiritual plane. The act of prayer was to me more of an act of turning my will in the direction of the Father's will. It is indeed true that what the Father desires and what you request will be completed. In this process your participation is needed as the connecting link. You act in this situation somewhat as a plug that is connected to the wall socket to power a tool that can be used to promote a creative activity. Your connection is linking the existing power with the power ready project. As you make connection it redirects the power to be used in a waiting tool for a tool ready project. All projects are available and the energy is ever-present. The important aspect of this is action, making the connection with the intention to participate in this project. I am with you always and am waiting for you to choose the project of the day. I am eager to participate with you at any time in the project of your choosing. All of the projects laid out before you have value and impact on our overall project. You have the free will choice to participate and to choose the project. I am with you always.
Elyon: [Mark] Hello dear friends, it is my pleasure to once again join you, I am Elyon. Like you in this moment, I am enjoying the space that the words of your Master have brought us to. I honor once again the direction of this conversation and will be happy to discuss further the nature and implications of prayer as long as it takes and to the glory of Father in heaven. You have just heard from Michael that he himself has engaged in this process that you are attempting to describe and define in your discussion. He knows what it is like to swing his will to be oriented with the will of his Father, our Father, and in this way he has demonstrated that this process of using your will to act as a switch and to align yourself to be plugged in results as you have witnessed in the directing of great energy to be wielded by one who is in complete alignment and conviction of the process.
Michael spoke of the many many projects which are at hand immediately before us and how we are of great value to the universe because we are in a position to choose our project, to swing our will into alignment with his and the Father's, to plug ourselves into the vast circuitry that spirit represents and to be the one responsible for channeling or focusing this great resource of energy to a desired focal point. In your discussion prior to the recorded portion, there was the question: Where does this energy go and how does it get used, what happens since prayer is energy and energy is donated by the prayer, who collects, stores and transfers this energy?
I say the answer may very well be you. They could very well be anyone who chooses to so engage with the process. Certainly you witnessed great acts that Michael was involved with as Jesus, in his time seen as miracles or extra-ordinary accomplishments. These acts were no more than demonstrations of faith and portrayals of energy in motion as a result of one having made the choice of a project, having consecrated his will to the will of the Father, having made his connection to spirit and having thrown the switch and activated the circuit as a demonstration of his faith. You all do this on a regular basis as well. You grow your garden, you foster spiritual growth in your discussion, you reach out in service at a moments notice. All of these are acts of swinging your will into the alignment of the will of the Father. When such alignment is established and such connection is made by virtue of the desire to do so, then truly the power in the grid may flow to your end, to the end that you may direct because you are in a position unique to do so.
These are in truth not miracles at all but demonstrations of universe principles in action. Your Master said: "You can do all that I have done and more", and he spoke the truth. There is no special access that any one individual is granted to this universal grid of energy, rather it is wholly dependent on the individual to engage with the process and hook up to the grid and then in the greatest triumph of all, the sheer act of faith powerful enough to manifest in deed. When this combination has been satisfied, all power on heaven and earth may be seen to be wielded, directed, focused, altered or somehow conditioned by ones in such a focal point.
So when you wonder: What happens when you pray? and you know that this act of prayer is an act of creation and this act of creation goes out as a charge into the universe, the next time you find yourself in a position to be a conduit for such energy you need not be surprised that it is wholly present and ready to be directed to your point of location. Certainly you recognize that this is the case as you feel a flush of energy come over you in such circumstances or when you are having a dynamic spiritual expression with your brethren, there is a flush of energy that you have just plugged into, turned on and are now in the process of directing and focusing.
This gigantic energy field from which you may draw such power is itself a living and dynamic creation and it is very true that the act of prayer and the demonstration of response to a prayer may well be separated by this condition of time as you so perceive it, but in literal fact of infinity, there was no lapse in time, merely the choosing of the proper time.
I hope this line of reasoning can further help you to grasp with the intellectual arm of your triangle what is in fact a spiritual principle. You have referenced the many triad steps to move from one position of awareness into the next and subsequent position of awareness and this attempt that you make to fully explain what is a rather wholly spiritual principle is a requisite step to be taken in this process of completing the step towards your full understanding and awareness.
Thank you all for such contribution in your discussion. Truly it is easy to witness the advances that you all have made as it is reflected in the calibre of your conversation about interpretations of spiritual principles. It is my honor to join you in such times as this. I leave you with a deep and profound affection, farewell.
Monjoronson: [Mark] Greetings once again my friends, I am Monjoronson here to throw my two cents into this wishing well of understanding. Words may be used repeatedly to try to reach some sort of understanding about some principle which is so spiritual such as prayer; but in the end this comes down to a personal interpretation of what it is to the one who is interpreting it and it will most certainly be personalized by each observer. But Michael has given you his interpretation of what it was to him and certainly among the family of man, actions speak so much louder than words so many times. Even those who were with Jesus during his time on earth marveled at the Master's discipline in always providing time and a space for himself to commune with his Father.
As you know, life is busy, even frantic, and as Jesus, Michael was certainly a very busy individual with many demands made and many extraordinary opportunities being realized each and every day. And so his apostles marveled that in the midst of all the outside demands, Jesus would steadfastly maintain his devotion to the reestablishment of the connection with his Father. But as a result of his steadfastness, he maintained an even keel throughout what were very charged and emotional times in his life and this was perhaps his greatest contribution to understanding the significance of prayer in an an individuals life. Not what to pray, not how to pray, not exactly when to pray, no procedures, no demands, merely observe the man who would choose to make a priority of staying connected with his Father in heaven. Amidst all the turmoil and hubbub he would go aside and spend time with his Father.
Truly this life lived as a mortal was meant to inspire the lives of millions and millions of his children subsequently, to see how calmly and evenly he lived his life and how purposefully he wielded such great power by virtue of his constant connection and his great faith. All humans could stand to learn a thing or two from the life of the Master who showed all mortals for all time, the way, the truth, and the life.
So today once again we have used a number of word symbols and attempted different angles of perception and description, all the while we have been engaged in the very thing we have been attempting to describe. Communing in spirit form with each other and even with the Father because we so choose to do it and we bring our faith with us and so we do it, it is done even now. Thank you all for being such bright lights of spiritual truth. It is a pleasure to work with this group. I now withdraw in appreciation for the opportunity you have provided. Thank you.
A Visitor: [Cathy] I wish to add to this discussion of prayer. I am witness, the power of this process on a developing world such as yours. In my mortal life on a world as yours, we were aware of a different level of prayer connection. Lacking the rebellion your planet experienced, our world was connected to the power of prayer and the spiritual circuits. As was mentioned earlier in the discussion, we on my world were aware of Urantia and the bestowal mission on the planet. It was my pleasure to direct the energy of prayer to you, my brothers and sisters, and the entire universe has indeed focused on the renewal of your world and its return to the family of our origin. Michael indeed has projects ready for participation, I witness that this is always an option for you. It is my great pleasure to be here and aid in any way I can. From our perspective, there was great power, spiritual pressure coming to the planet, some of this is produced by the redirecting influence of prayer.
Cathy: I'd like to take a moment to join our intention and direct prayers to the troubled places in our world, to places where forgiveness is needed so that we can change our world.