Topic: Service
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Michael's Personalized Adjuster
TR: Henry Z.
Prayer: Father/Mother God, encircuit us in the spiritual embrace of Nebadon. Give us the courage and strength for the tasks at hand and help all of us in our daily attempts to connect and understand more of our spiritual heritage, more of our spiritual destiny, more of our spiritual resource, and help direct us to the work at hand. We thank you for the wonderful opportunities and blessings which present themselves to us continually, to grow, to understand, to nourish, and to help love one another. Again we thank the spiritual universe for this opportunity to come together in this intimate display of spirit/human interchange. We open this up tonight and ask for spiritual presence and spiritual guidance. Thank you.
Michael: Greetings to all of you this evening my children, this is your Father/Brother Michael.
At this time I come to ask for your help. I would ask that each and every one of you begin to more aggressively and more actively begin to participate in your communities, through the churches, through fraternal and social organizations, through the health agencies, through the educational system, through the recreational systems. Begin to represent me as my ambassadors of loving friendship to your brothers and sisters as I did when I was here on your world. Begin to use the tools which you have earned through years of study and practice and patience. Begin to show forth love and a positive note. Let your light truly shine. It is not important to correct people, to overpower them or in any way or form intimidate them. Just have eyes that hear and ears that see. Begin to be a beacon of light and positive grace in these desperate and difficult times which we are moving into.
So many people are in desperation and despair. So many people are confused and conflicted. So many people are afraid of the end of the world. My children, I need you right now, I need your hand to go out and help with the work of beginning to ingratiate yourself with my brethren, your brothers and sisters. Begin to sacrifice a little of your time for this tremendous effort of helping to bring a greater sense of recognition and positive pronouncements in all of these areas.
I am sure you will not have any difficulty accessing any of these situations which I have mentioned, and if you do, then begin to pray for an opening to present itself that you may come into a greater alliance with the greater family and brotherhood of Urantia. For years many of you have been prepared, now the call goes out. I need harvesters to go out into the field and begin to harvest the goodness of your own hearts that they may strengthen the areas in which you choose to go. Make a difference, and if you have to, stretch a little. Just listen and observe. Find out where you can make a little difference.
I am not asking anyone to save anyone. I am not asking anyone to go out and change anyone. All I am requesting is that as you go through these daily activities that you begin to act as my ambassador in my stead. I need your hand to be my hand, I need your feet to be my feet, I need your hearts full of love to be my heart and I need your mouth to sound forth with eloquence and truth, with righteousness, with positive aspirations and acknowledgements. I need you to be my beacon of light during these times. Remember, find ways to ingratiate yourself so that you are not separate or distant. Find common ground and each step of the way I will be there in the presence of spirit with my nature of love and compassion, patience and understanding, ready to assist with whatever needs to be done. It is not important where you go but that you do begin to find areas in which you can do my work for me.
Your reward will be an understanding and awareness which becomes so great within you that you begin to see things anew, that you literally will become reborn, renewed in your faith. In the sweat of the work at hand there is a genuine satisfaction which comes through knowing that you have done the best that you can do. This is all that I ask. The spiritual universe has been tremendously generous in these times to help those of you with more of a progressiveness in your nature, those of you which have accepted greater truths and greater realities and have a sense of a larger picture of where you fit in this great and grand spiritual universe of Nebadon.
There is no more important work anywhere in the universe. In all of your ascension career there will be no greater work than the work which is at hand now and I ask each and every one of you to consider how you can begin to be of help for me. Help me comfort my children, help me feed them, help me enlighten them, help me care for them, help me to do that which they cannot do for themselves. Help straighten out the confusion and the conflict, if need be, begin to act as a mediator to help resolve conflict.
Again, you do live in interesting times. You live in times of tremendous change and I certainly intend for this change to have a progressive and positiveness about it. I truly desire, for my peace and my religion, to truly begin to form within the hearts of every man, woman, and child on Urantia. Again, we are moving into times where indulgence can be destructive. It is time to serve. It is time to begin to walk your talk. Again it is time to represent me in person as my ambassadors on your world. Be not afraid for I will be there every step of the way, my hand in your hand, my spirit within your mind and heart, and my encouragement, and my word upon your lips.
I thank each and every one of you to begin to make a difference as you go forth, however you choose. Much is needed, there are no weak areas, all which is given is of importance. Again, I pour forth my spirit into each and every one of you as commissioned ambassadors to go forth into the world and to begin to make a difference. Day by day, week by week, do what you can do. I don't expect miracles overnight, I just expect people who are continually beginning to show forth a difference. All of the blessings I can give go to all of you now. Thank you and good evening. 23:00
Thought Adjusters, Communication
Michael's Personalized Adjuster: This is the personalized Adjuster of Michael of Nebadon, the head of the organization of Adjusters on Urantia. I personally act as a representative of Michael within the hearts and minds of the Adjusters within each one of you. Now that this proclamation has gone forth, trust on the Adjuster level, we will be working in a greater capacity for you to begin to understand and clarify within you that which you have been requested. We will begin to show forth within you the direction and the areas in which you are to go. Begin to open up in a trusting and faithful stance that you will be guided and led to the work at hand. Do not hesitate. It will be presented to you, it will be made obvious and sure.
Within your hearts and minds, you will begin to receive more love, more nurturing substance. You will be filled to the brim to go forth and begin to dispense this worthwhile substance of spiritual light, of loving and compassionate helpfulness, kind and friendly understanding, honorable negotiation. We desire a greater community of aware beings that the work of the co-ordinated Adjusters within all of you begin to reveal on a personal level at first, a greater social destiny for your people.
The time has come to become more active in your personal communication with your Adjuster, that your desires and wishes be known to them and that you begin to look for the areas in which you can be of greater service. At this time this is part of a greater social event. Be a fulcrum, a balanced stance, that around you things begin to move and align themselves in ways of correctness, ways of prosperity, ways of peace, ways of correct understanding, ways of co-ordinated effort. It is a time to begin to visualize true peace and happiness. Begin to feel it within yourself. Begin to acknowledge it within yourself and begin to find ways to advance and augment peace and aspects of peace.
Begin to think of what you can do for another as we do for you. Begin to think of yourselves as having reached the position where now it is necessary to go back and help others to awaken and come to a greater understanding as you have. Begin to rejoice in the synchronicity which will begin to reveal itself in your lives and outwork within your activity as you begin to activate that part which MIchael has requested. In my position I see complete peace on your world, I see 100% co-operation and every Adjuster is willing to do what it takes within you to help bring this about on your world, this peace, co-operation, this brotherhood synchronicity. It is time now to truly bring the kingdom of heaven down into the minds and hearts of all men as our ambassadors, as our spokesmen, as our humble ever-ready servants.
I thank you for this time to assure you of our co-ordinated efforts and the exciting part that will begin to activate within yourself as you truly begin to desire a greater part of this service and begin to make decisions to activate it. We truly thank you for this.