2010-03-12-A Motley Crew
Topic: A Motley Crew
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza
TR: George Barnard
Dr. Mendoza: “Enough has been said in the past about your Midwayer brothers and sisters having been thrown off the deep end into a raging torrent of discordant life, to figure out for their selves just how to function at their diverse tasks. We now by invitation, I must add, consider how our human cousins fared under the strain of requiring planetary oversight in all areas of life, and having to stumble along by their selves without a Planetary Prince and his extensive entourage. The planned blending of your races had hardly commenced.
“Incidentally, you truly are most fortunate in that we are task oriented, entirely, and unlike you, care very much about what we do, rather than the time taken up by our tasks. With us all from day one was the Primary Midwayer, Andrea, and more than a few of her kin, and it was she and her associates who informed us of the stalled plans for our world’s human races. In particular we cover the necessary blending of your races that was so long delayed, then failed, and is now considered to be of minor importance.
“Compared to Midwayer Mathew’s home planet, where all races were fully blended, and able to be contacted by their planetary assistants in more-or-less standard ways, our human student present ‘a motley crew.’ I say this in jest, whilst assuring you that to us it is a breath of fresh air to discover someone in the next generation, or the next, further down the line, possessed of a genetic inheritance similar to the previous generation, or the previous, if it skips one generation. At times we get lucky, and congratulate ourselves, as family members react similarly to our contacting them.
“Contact, however feeble with previous generations, may be an indicator as to which method of myriad different ones should be tried at first. However, no attempt with positive intent and persistence by you, is overlooked by us. More often, when contact is desired by you, all manner of methods are tried by us, including having the beginner talk in her or his sleep, as you yourself have well experienced. We tend not to give up for whatever excuse. Midwayers don’t fail.
“True blending of the races takes thousands upon thousands of years. At this time, we can neglect that obvious eventuality as being of immediate importance. Meanwhile, we are becoming more adept, educated, especially with interplanetary assistance of Midwayers and Mentori of wide-ranging local universe origins.
“This is Dr. Mendoza. Carry on. I send my love to all. Later, fellows!”
George: “Thank you Doc.”