2010-03-23-Cleaning the Slate
Topic: Cleaning the Slate
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: “There are two sides to the coin of spiritual progress – a bright side and a dark side. For most people it starts with some religious belief, and they will go in search of true spirituality, or consider they have already found it. A smaller number have only part of the total -- whatever they may have discerned from the beliefs of others, and they may well have adopted these fragmented truths without conscious knowledge of having made these credos their own. Both of these are still on the bright and shiny side of the coin. Both of these are in with a chance on true enlightenment.
“The dark and worn side of the coin comprises those who for absolute conviction, for laziness, or sheer disinterest, have not stopped to look at the wonders of this world to consider even the possibility that there might be a God, a Source of all there is, who out of love for all potentials created them in the first place. These individuals, simply by the very nature of universe organization will one day be in for a rude awakening, and if not on their terra firma, then on Mansonia, with the near-eternal re-occurring thought that the most profitable aspects of their lives were squandered in the pursuit of never-fully-satisfying pleasures.
“I had ‘well since reached the age of 100 years’ when a grand spiritual enlightenment heralded my far-into-the-future success as a fused mortal. Different conditions applied, different, somewhat stricter requirements had to be met, on my planet so well advanced over yours – a planet with a world-wide religion. And still, so relatively few of the billions on your world, in your distant past, as yesterday, have made the grade of true enlightenment. So few are independent thinkers, and so many are steeped in tradition, and even fewer will sharply call ‘so-called facts’ into question. Only a handful will clean their slates, entirely wipe out that which is conceived from others, and listen to the Inner Voice of pure Truth.
“The words of Geshi Rimpoche, speaking about those who are taught ‘a truth,’ have a certain religion, and develop great disdain for others who do not agree, ‘sounded a distinctly loud bell’ with you.”
George: “I’ll note Rimpoche’s words here. OK?”
Geshi Rimpoche was quoted to have remarked: ‘They cannot see the false, because they are caught up in it. They are conditioned by their prejudices, by their belief, and what others tell them. They have failed to assert their creative faculty of discerning that which is not true. The only truth above the false is that it is false and they will be caught up in it till they understand it, and how they have been caught up in it.’ – quoted by Dr. Murdo MacDonald-Bayne in his writing ‘Christ in Tibet.’
Samuel: “On your world, as on any other evolutionary world, there is no substitute to the acquisition of truth, other than by receiving this from the Source, by knowing you are part of the Source, there being no division whatever, and by heartfelt comprehension of that fact. At that point all criticism of another will be at an end, all wars will be of the past, for as you hurt another, you will hurt yourself, and your Creator.
“I am Samuel the Panoptian. I bid you Adieu.”