2010-05-21-A Few Realities
Topic: A Few Realities
Teacher: Michael
TR: Vince
Very well my friend, let’s get started then,I am Michael of Nebadon come to be with you and give you a message.
Dear People,
I know you are weary, for you are tired from all of the attacks upon you from your rulers after many thousands of years, and as we fight a winning battle with the forces of darkness in your reality, I can see that you are heavily fatigued and some of you are at your wit’s end.
But that applies mainly to those who are awake to the reality of beings in other dimensions; whereas the majority of the population are unaware of this feature of multi-dimensional life. I would encourage anyone who would like to know about the vastness of Creation to read the relevant papers contained in the Urantia Book, explaining many facets of this vastness. It can be read online or downloaded here: www.urantia.org/en/urantia-book or see our links page.
Now, for those who are unaware of this, let me just say that it is a commonly held view amongst many people, that all that you can see is all that exists and your planet Earth is the only inhabited planet, and the centre of the Universe. My word, how wrong that is, and I want to take the time to explain a little about the reality.
What I am about to say is a broad brushstroke of a view, and covers the matter in no depth at all. It will not satisfy Astrophysicists nor most of the scientific community, because my task is to explain this in simple terms that the below average man in the street will most likely understand. My channelling partner Vince; who is one of several, has a mission to explain difficult concepts in simple language, and this is why I am here with this message today. So, this is very simple indeed, and I apologise to any educated people reading this, but we must reach people with little or no education, for they make up a very large portion of the population, and we cannot ignore them, and do not wish to either.
Your current lives are one of many that you have had and will have, and you will be many different people in many different times. You will have good lives and not so good lives; be black and white; male and female; good and not so good. Each of these lives is a facet of your Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex, which exists in another dimension and gathers all of the experience of every lifetime, so that every incarnation becomes an opportunity for soul growth. Most people are not aware that there will be many lives involved, and each of those lives develops a different aspect of your being. Do not worry if you cannot imagine where your Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex exists; is situated or stored; to use several possible descriptions, it’s currently out of your sight, but connected to you at all times. Just remember that when your body and brain are no longer viable here, and you die; it is only your brain and body which die, because your Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex is very much alive in these realms that are currently unseen to you.
Like radio waves and television signals, where the different channels are broadcast in different frequencies, there are very many frequencies to the whole of existence, and the human cannot normally see things which exist in different frequency bands, although beings who exist in higher frequency bands can see humans in their lower frequencies.
What you also can’t see, is that there are an unimaginable number of inhabited planets in the cosmos, as well as even more which aren’t inhabited. Your society isn’t very advanced, and by comparison with what life is like in the more advanced civilisations, you are back in the stone-age. All of your clever gadgets are not very clever at all, and they are in existence to make money, not give you enhanced lives. In fact, your only position is to get hooked on them and pay for them with some of your paper money, so that other people become paper money rich. Many inventions and discoveries which would enhance your lives have been repressed, because they would stop the rich criminals from earning quite so much money.
How many of you laugh at the concept of spacecraft overflying your countries, and even landing on your soil? Well my friends, it is very much a reality. What you would term ‘Aliens’ are just other beings from other planets, and are very much your brothers and sisters. And apart from one or two varieties who weren’t particularly nice in the past, they are very friendly, and are here in your skies to help with the task of returning Earth, or Urantia as it is known to the rest of Creation, to pristine condition.
Planets don’t just run themselves; for in the first place they have to be created from fragments of matter, and then they are grown from a tiny object to a large one over time. If you look at your current land masses you will see that they all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, but they are many thousands of miles apart in some cases. Some of your scientists think that they were all together as a single piece which fragmented and floated over billions of years to other parts of the globe, but the reality is different.
The land was all one piece together on the planet was small, and then as the planet gradually grew and expanded, the continents parted company and the gaps were filled with new land and sea water above it. That process is ongoing, and that is why there are large tears in certain land masses and ocean floors, where Urantia is growing into a bigger planet. Now, there will be those of you who will wonder where all the water came from, and where all the liquid volcanic rock which forms the new lands came from. Others will ask why doesn’t the Sun go out, and how long will its’ gas supply will last?
That’s only available on a need to know basis, and scientists and others may postulate whatever theories they wish, but I’ll tell you straight, that the truth is beyond the understanding of earthbound humanity at this time. It won’t always be so, but consider the improper use many of your inventions have been put to, and you will see why certain things will have to remain a mystery for the time being. After all, you humans can’t yet all live together in peace. The leaders of your world should hang their heads in shame, for what kind of society wounds, tortures, kills, maims, cheats and robs their fellow beings? I will tell you; and that is one lead by Evil.
Until you can learn to live together in peace, helping your fellow humans to build a stable and loving society, then you have really achieved nothing much worth mentioning. Not only that, but your treatment of wild and domesticated animals is atrocious, and you have virtually ruined your planet, and external beings are going to have to come in and fix it for you.
Oh yes they are!!! Plans are well advanced, and in the coming times there is going to be some major work done to rejuvenate dear Mother Gaia as she is known, for this is the spirit of the planet which sustains every one of you to the best of her ability, and she is crying out in pain, so the changes can’t come soon enough. And that is why you will see many unexpected geophysical events and adverse weather patterns in the coming months as things begin to change and improve.
On that note, I am going to leave the matter for you ones to digest, and return to it at a later date.
I am Michael of Nebadon, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and I place my seal on this message which was received from me telepathically this day by Vince, and transcribed and published.