2010-06-02-Monjoronson on Abundant Hope
Topic: S333 About Monjoronson on Abundant Hope
Teacher: S333
TR: Vince
Well, that has set the cat amongst the pigeons, in no mistake.
The trouble is that when you are planning an event of planetary proportions, people tend to get an idealistic view of what is involved. We have limited resources with which to advise you, even though our channelling partners are more than they used to be. You also have to take into account the fact that we don’t want to announce details of various matters, for if we did the Dark Ones would rub their hands with glee, and set to work putting their spoke in the wheel.
You have to be realistic, because if you abolished money, banks, and trading companies, how will your society function? You have to have a long transitional period where things done a particular way gradually change into a better way. We are talking Evolution and not Revolution. If Revolution was to be brought in, then many people would suffer greatly, and for what? You would cleanse out the pipe-work, and blow up the lavatory pan in the process!!!
Trust me when I say that things will be very different; but you have to keep in place a framework in your society so that you can then take the big decisions and move forward as a co-creational society. Nothing good ever came out of destroying every conceivable institution and starting again from scratch. You have to work with what you have got, and work very hard to bring about the changes that are necessary to take you forward with the kind of spiritual society you want.
We cannot and will not impose our ideas of what you must do, because you are the experts in creating things. By creating this society yourselves, you will end up with what you want, and that may turn out to be something unique in Creation, and not a one-size-fits-all solution given to you by us. By creating it yourselves you will understand it, you will value it, and it will serve you all well.
If in the coming days, you ones decide to question us of the Spiritual Hierarchy, you will learn much more about this ongoing process, and it will flesh out the skeleton presented by our friend Monjoronson. He was not wrong, and his presentation was to one group of people who have a different level of understanding than certain others.
Presenting information to humanity is fraught with difficulty. In the first place you have to have a robust group of channelling partners, and have to pitch your message so that the channeller will understand, as well as their client group. There are limits to what you can say with the resources you have at your disposal, and due to the particular message you have to get across at any given time. So, you have to limit yourself to what is achievable, and it is only fairly recently that we have been able to give out two or three parts of the same message to several channellers within a short time of each other and in different locations. That is a new development, and one that has only happened because you ones have been prepared to assist in this process. Just imagine what is possible, why don’t you?
So, there’s nothing wrong with Monjoronson’s piece, but it was one page from one chapter of one book on one library shelf in one small room of one library of one town in one country on one planet amongst billions. Get the idea? When your channelling partners from the Spiritual Hierarchy get masses of questions on a variety of topics, we will try and provide you with answers which will dovetail in with Monjoronson’s words, and give you a broader view. The more you do this, then the broader the picture we can paint for you.
On that note, I must away and get on with a rather vital task elsewhere that begs my attention. So, I’ll talk to you again very soon.
I am your friend S333, of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
This is a message from S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy received and transcribed by Vince. 2nd June 2010