2010-06-04-Questions on Stasis 2
Topic: Questions on Stasis #2
Teacher: S333
TR: Vince
Vince: Can we talk about Stasis some more please?
S333 – Yes, if you wish?
Vince: Do people have free will to decide whether they want to have any training during Stasis, and want to accept whatever mission they have chosen or been selected for?
S333 – It is certainly true that there will be some people who are going to be trained, and they come from all walks of life and from every region on your planet. Some people would be hard pushed to decide whether an individual’s entitlement to be at this training is valid, for there are some people from apparently unpromising circumstances who you wouldn’t look twice at in the street. They will come because they have the spirituality and the skill sets required for a multiplicity of tasks.
Everyone has the freewill to decide to accept the request to be trained or not; to accept a mission request or not; but what you should remember that this freewill choice is made at soul level and not just by the human personality of the individual’s present incarnation. So it is possible for the personality to say that they are or aren’t doing something, when actually they may find themselves doing the complete opposite because of the soul level decision.
Another thing is the numbers involved, and I must address this issue. There were numbers given out some time ago as to how many people will be going for training, and people have taken these and set them in concrete, when they are actually very fluid, and there will be more than one single location for the training, and more than one kind of training, according to the type of mission the person is going on.
It is very tempting to imagine that any single person is going to have a vast overseeing or managerial role over such a complex operation. The Spiritual Hierarchy as a collective take the lead role and we have our Federation personnel to carry out much of the on the ground cleanup, and management of the coming changes. Some of you ones will have key roles to play, but I am not going to announce those people and functions, because the Dark Ones will have a field day. Suffice it to say that there are some superb people amongst your number, and many of them are very modest in their personality as not to have a clue as to the important roles they have accepted at soul level.
No matter, they will find out when the time is appropriate.
Hey, listen to this, why don’t you? Everything is a dance of fluidity; of ebb and flow; thrust and counter thrust, so that there aren’t numbers and things and concepts set in stone, because that is a very 3rd dimensional way of thinking. If you can imagine a major music festival, where the organizers have more than one field, more than one tent, more than one band, they actually have all of the fields, tents and bands that they could possibly need, and it is flexible according to how many turn up.
Well my friends, step outside of the linear thinking box for a while and consider that concept for a moment. Everything that is required is available; nothing has to be booked in advance, or made in a factory. These are our methods of infinite resources, which because of duality and the material world you currently find yourselves in, these concepts are often beyond your understanding.
Vince: That sounds great, and I shall certainly ponder those words and extract the most understanding I can from them.
Can you tell me whether some people are going to leave duality and become reunited with their Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex, and also, are some people going to get new bodies?
S333: Let’s talk concepts here and not numbers, because there is the danger that somebody will squirrel away some numbers and bring them out again at a later stage of the fluidity, and then inappropriately announce them to the world, and they will then be as good as disinformation.
Yes, some people are going to be reunited with their Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex as you put it, and it’s not a bad term to use either, although there are others. I’ll stick with this term anyway. When it is appropriate for an individual to be thus made whole again, then they will be made whole, and you don’t need to worry yourselves when, where and how that will be; suffice it to say that when it is any individual’s turn for that to happen, then they will be fully aware of that.
You see, everyone needs to be very adult about that, and not treat it like the latest gadget, or world class honour bestowed upon the individual. “Please Miss, Edward’s got his Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex on today, where’s mine?” That would be an example of the way such matters end up being treated by certain areas of humanity, and we don’t want to go down that path. You’ll know when it’s your turn, and that’s enough.
As far as new bodies are concerned, then here again it depends on the individual, their mission and life expectancy of their current body and whether they are reunited with their Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex. There will be repairs to bodily components where required, including any defective major organs, and there will be cloned new bodies available where appropriate. No numbers here either, but we’ve all the technology and manpower available for however many people require these works carried out. We know the current situation with most of you anyway, but this is another fluid situation and numbers will vary on any given day.
Vince: Will people be given different rank during training?
S333: Oh dear, what a 3rd dimensional concept? Look, the only thing that is relevant is ability, knowledge and spirituality essentially. We don’t label people like ‘Deputy Chief Inspector Packaging Division – Boxes’, because everyone’s equal in our eyes. In fact the more knowledge and understanding you gain as you grow spiritually, then the more humble you become. The more you realise that it’s your job to go out of your way to help the less fortunate or less well developed, and you may choose to bathe their feet as well. See what I mean; no personalised Number Plates here?
If an individual is put in charge of a project by us, then they have to be capable of doing it. That doesn’t mean they will succeed, but if they try their best, and for some reason it goes wrong, they won’t be blamed. They did what they were asked to do, and that is all that is expected of the individual; no more, no less. Forget status, pay grades, titles and the like, for we are all equal in the eyes of God. And on that note I am going to close for today.
This is S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy, in telepathic conversation with Vince on this day of 4th June 2010, and I place my seal on these words.