2010-06-11-We Are Nearly There
Topic: We Are Nearly There
Teacher: Michael
TR: Vince
There comes a time in the scheme of things where you have to push and push, and still the beast refuses to roll. Then just as everyone is exhausted and fed-up with the whole business everyone says; “Let’s have one final big push, and if it doesn’t go we’ll have to figure something out another day!”
So they push, and they push and still the baby doesn’t roll. Then almost in desperation someone shouts: “Heave!” and they all put their last 100% for the day into it and stand back and watch. “It’s Moving”; “No it’s Not”; come the cries, and then for all to see there is the merest glimmer of movement, but considering the effort put in, it seemed hardly worthwhile.
The team headed back to the car park and changed out of their dirty clothes, but one small boy stayed there watching; fascinated by the display of kinetic energy inching the thing forward. It reached the point where there was no turning back, and the boy called to the adults; “C’mon and see this, she’s really moving now!” and she started onto the slope after the hard standing and picked up speed gradually, and then more people joined the throng and were cheering as she picked up speed and rolled all the way down the hill.
So, you may ask; what’s the point of this story? Well, we are still waiting for Mama Earth, Gaia as we say, and we’ve pushed and we’ve pushed, but we’re not quite there yet. Every now and then we give her an encouraging shove, and she’s nearly rolling but not quite . We know she’s going to roll, and very soon, but there is a finite point when she has to move and we are fast approaching the point where it will no longer be her choice and where it just happens, and the geophysical events are as they are and nobody has a soft landing as we’d all hoped.
There is still a little time left, and if I look closely it is as if she’s rocking slightly and working up to the big release, but we’ll just have to have patience and wait a while and see; but I can tell you it will happen without a shadow of a doubt. It’s been decreed and we’ve done almost all we can, and she should have gone by now; but natural things sometimes keep us waiting.
So we’ll give her a tiny bit longer just to see if she’ll move on her own, but if not there will come one almighty shove from dimensions higher than my realms, and that’s just a cat’s whisker away. Then you will have a planet in a higher state, ready for you ones to build a new civilisation after a well overdue clean-up.
It is with this simple story that I want to let you know where we are at.
I am Christ Michael of the Spiritual Hierarchy, otherwise known as Michael of Nebadon, and I place my seal on these words given to Vince telepathically for him to publish. 11th June 2010.