2010-06-18-Paradigm Shift
Topic: Paradigm Shift
Teacher: S333
TR: Vince
Hello Dear Ones , There is a sense this week that things are finally starting to move along a little quicker than before and there is real progress being made behind the scenes to foil the Dark Agenda of the ones who profess to be the Illuminated Ones. Of course they are nothing of the sort, but they have a very high opinion of themselves which is not borne out by the facts.
Some of their projects are now in tatters, and there is a very real chance of an economic collapse, unless they can still hold on by their fingernails again. You have to admire their devotion to their futile cause, and sadly they really believe in their perverted ideas for running the world. Most people don’t get to see what goes on behind the scenes, and what currently appears to be a strong edifice is in fact paper thin with deep cracks appearing in the background.
There are very many organisations from companies to governmental units which are severely strapped for cash flow, and are delaying payments for a few days extra as a result. Paper and computer screen liquidity has been pumped into the system, but this is a short term fix which causes further problems with liquidity a few weeks down the line. This is a place we have been before, and although this is a revisit of the same situation, it is at a lower level down the spiral to disaster.
Theft works well for these Dark Ones, but having stolen so much of the World’s resources already, there isn’t much more to steal, and so once again we see taxation on the increase again in a number of countries, and further asset stripping of mineral wealth from ‘developing’ countries is being hurried along. By ‘developing’, I mean those countries with weak underbellies where the thugs can stick the knife in easily, and effectively steal the resources from under the noses of the population.
Because you measure time in a linear fashion; to the pace of planetary rotation, everything seems to be taking a very long time for major changes to manifest, but it is already a done deal and the Dark Ones have lost. That means they cannot win and they will not win, and yet they do not have the common sense to realise that the game is over, but the awards ceremony is yet to take place.
And what awards they will be for the Dark Ones; uncreation or removal to a re-educational area for naughty boys and girls who refused to heed the wishes of the Management, in the form of the Spiritual Hierarchy. There are still a few seats left in the lifeboat for those stragglers who decide to give it up before the final curtain comes down and the awards are handed out, and those of them who turn to the light and admit their crimes against humanity will find love and forgiveness from us, and their awards will be far less severe than it will be for those who carry on with their stupidity.
Please don’t cry to Daddy when you find yourselves in the dark and dank place without hope; which is what you have earned yourselves by your deeds, and you have had plenty of opportunities presented to you this year, to turn away from your corrosive lifestyles of darkness. Money and Power plus the destruction of peoples and planets is foolish in the extreme, but that is what you of the Dark fraternity have been engaged upon for millennia, and there will only be one outcome, and that is your own downfall, as surely as night follows day.
Many of the Dark Ones actually realise that there is going to be a sticky ending for them, and still they carry on with their nasty games, which defies the logic of any right minded person. But they are not right minded, and your governments, banks, corporations and armed forces, are operated by very sick and corrupt individuals, and occasionally we need to remind everyone what is going on, and the current state of play in the Light v Dark tournament.
These are the realms of Christ Michael, and there is to be a paradigm shift of huge proportions on Earth very soon. The subterranean rumblings of earthquakes, the strange and severe weather patterns, the awakening volcanoes and the fracturing sea beds are all indicators to humanity that the curtain is up and the orchestra have started to play. This is a monumental revolution in train, and going on as we write this.
Dear People, observe these signs and know that the darkness is nearly over, and prepare yourselves to join a rather bumpy but exciting ride to your own salvation and the downfall of the Dark Ones.
I am S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy come this day to give this message to you through Vince, one of my telepathic channelling partners.18th June 2010