2010-06-22-In Conversation
Topic: In Conversation
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Hello Dear Fellow,
It is I, Monjoronson, here to speak with you.
Vince: G’day MoJo, how can I help?
Monjoronson: First of all I’m delighted you’ve finally used the ’MoJo’ title for me, as I know it’s been rattling around your brain for a couple of weeks now, and I rather like the easy familiarity which goes with it. Many of my contacts with those in your dimension are bound by strict formality, which I am bound to respond to in the same manner, for if I did not, many of the individuals concerned would consider me not to be who I am.
I know very well that you have love for ‘Old Monjoronson’ as you call me and that is reciprocated; and your decision to respectfully treat me as if you were talking to your favourite friend is much cherished, and I say to you that in the long term this will be most productive.
You see, when I am with other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, we do not sit round a table in great ceremony like at a board meeting of a failing company; we have jollity and banter between us, and these senior ones are my ‘mates’, if you would like me to phrase it thus.
If you like we are the board of directors of Nebadon, and we have an easy relationship with one another, just as you would in a group of friends. We would actively encourage you ones to be a little more laid back with your approach to us, for by removing the stiff formality, we can help you more and give you a different type of information; whereas by searching through all of the rules and regulations contained in the Urantia Book, and asking us questions on specific points contained therein, we are then obliged to respond in kind. But, by being a friend, and a co-creator with us; and that is an important distinction to make, then it is not a teacher and pupil relationship, but a group of friends with a joint responsibility for creating a new civilisation. How cool is that?
Vince: Sub-Zero MoJo!!!
Monjoronson: Indeed it is.
Vince: If we look at the Lightworkers and other ‘enlightened ones’ here on Earth, then we are talking about a tiny minority when compared to the global population; and if just a few more open up before Stasis, then it is still only a minority, and that is rather disappointing.
We incarnate who will co-create with you are small in number, and that’s going to make the job all the harder, isn’t it?
Monjoronson: Yes it is, but there comes the time when the starter fires his pistol, and the race begins and then you have to do the best with the resources you’ve got. It gets to be an uphill struggle, but as a result of that you learn more and become even more spiritually developed, which is a very good and valuable thing.
We’ve allowed thousands of years in our plans before your new civilisation gets to be anything near to where it should be, such is the slow pace of human understanding, but it is a very worthwhile project and the Light will overcome all of the obstacles involved. That is a given, but the journey is the most valuable experience for each and every one of you.
Vince: I am hoping that once Stasis is over, we who will co-create with you will have a much clearer view of where we are headed, because so many of the Dark Ones will have gone.
Monjoronson: Well that is the case, but you will still have around you those people who haven’t even taken the first steps to understanding the human voyage to soul growth, and still seek personalised number plates!
Vince: You like that about the number plates; don’t you?
Monjoronson: Yes I do, for it is a badge signalling sheer futility with an individual. When I am living in the flesh with you ones, does anyone expect me to drive a car with number plates thus: MON 001J or MO 10JO
Of course not, for it is foolish and arrogant and shows a stunning degree of self-interest which would be better spent assisting your Brothers and Sisters to see the Light and commence upon the path to spiritual awareness. Material icons of this nature are not appropriate once an individual becomes spiritually aware. A meeting is about to commence, and I must take my leave of you now dear fellow. Until the next time, I send all of you on Earth my great love and respect.
I am Monjoronson in telepathic conversation with Vince this day. 22nd June 2010