2010-06-25-Spiritual Materialism and Post Stasis
Topic: Spiritual Materialism and Post Stasis Missions
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Hello Dear Ones,
I have had conversations with Vince about personalised car number plates and their futility in the spiritual scheme of things and I want to elaborate on this kind of materialism in a spiritual setting.
Incarnate humanity likes to own things, and takes pride in these objects, some of which fall into the ‘small objects of desire’ category. There is much trading of these objects in your civilization, be they houses, cars, boats, model railways, cell phones or other collectables. This is all part of your material lives and helps maintain your global and local economies.
There’s nothing wrong with owning a valuable painting, or of having personalised number plates when you are at a certain level of spiritual evolution, but the more highly developed you become the less you need these material objects as they become increasingly irrelevant to you.
There are those of you who profess to be more highly evolved than your bretheren and like to portray themselves as above the level where they need the comfort of having these material status symbols, and lecture others accordingly. They often portray themselves as ‘special’ in the scheme of things and know much more about events going on behind the scenes than your average John or Jane Doe; and yet they display all the signs of Spiritual Materialism.
With spiritual development there is a point which you reach where you obtain a degree of humility, and the greater the development, the greater the humility. Self importance should by then be virtually non-existent, and the individual then cares greatly for the welfare of other people. There will then be no comparison of levels of spirituality between beings at this point because that is actually irrelevant.
But there are those on the one hand with various developed attributes including the gifts of Healing, Spiritual Philosophy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and many other wonderful abilities; and on the other hand compare themselves more favourably with others, question the beliefs and philosophy of others, as though their way is the only right one. This is typical of Spiritual Materialism, and the culprits are far from being as evolved as they think they are. Their high opinions of themselves are misguided, and if they could only see themselves for what they really are, then they would probably be horrified.
Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and the genuinely evolved person understands that and agrees with it. Each one of you has different beliefs, and if you were to dissect those of two people who outwardly appear to have exactly the same beliefs, then you would find points of difference with each of them. With conventional religions containing some of the truth, you will find another kind of Spiritual Materialism when the followers are required to wear this or that, and believe the concepts which that religion says they should.
In the ranks of what you would call Lightworkers there are many different strands of philosophy and instructions as to how to proceed, and how not to proceed; and those individuals having a dubious ‘spiritual’ product and a full business model with which to sell it. And yet these very different strands are all part and parcel of every individual person developing their own spiritual philosophy and rather than criticise them for their displays of Spiritual Materialism, we welcome their diversity, and hope they will soon see the materialistic trappings of their growing philosophy for what they are and ditch them as irrelevant, futile and a hindrance to their greater understanding of all that is.
Every so often an individual comes through a natural learning process which sparks off a new idea of great assistance to humanity and can change everyone’s thinking for the better on a wide range of issues; so all of us should welcome this diversity, not seek to repress it because we do not yet understand it. This repression is another strand of Spiritual Materialism, as I choose to call it, but more correctly it could be termed Unspiritual Materialism. I do not call it that, as it does not distinguish the difference between it and regular mainstream materialism.
Listen, ‘Old Monjoronson’ is trying to explain this concept as simply at I can, but I’m not sure how it will come across to you ones. I hope it isn’t too difficult to grasp, as I didn’t want it to be too ‘dry’.
We can try and guide people with kindness and allow them to go their own way and find the route to God, but let us not criticise them for walking their own path or compare ourselves with them, or try and whip them into line with our own beliefs, for it is wrong, futile, and counter-productive.
Even those of you who think you know the nature of your task post Stasis are going to have a few surprises when what you thought would be your function will actually turn out to be very different to what you imagined. Some of you have delusions of grandeur and importance, while at the other end of the spectrum are those who expect to live in a mud hut and be anonymous. Well it won’t be like either, I have to tell you, and I am going to elaborate in order to diminish the Spiritual Materialism involved with these views.
Every one of you who will work with us post Stasis will be doing so because you agreed to be here for this event, and nobody is better or worse than another, is that clear? You all have skills which will be required, and you are all different, so you will serve in different ways. You will be bringing a spiritual dimension to a realm that is sadly lacking in it currently.
There will be rules and regulations to be followed by everyone, and they will be introduced to the world as they lay down basic guidelines as to how things should proceed. They are based on Divine Law and when observed will gradually begin to bring your world back into line with the rest of Creation. These are often at odds with the laws of your countries on Earth, and they will supersede most of them.
In each of your situations, with your individual tasks, you will be expected to promote and enforce these new regulations, which are designed for the long term good of all life on Earth, but may very well be unpopular with unenlightened beings. You will not be able to do this by being aloof and superior; which is yet another branch of Spiritual Materialism.
All of you who will be working with us on this Post Stasis project have important tasks to perform and you will be given all the facilities and equipment you need to carry them out and you will be well looked after by us for the duration of the project, which will not be a short period of time. It will not be easy, but I can guarantee you the most rewarding and enjoyable experience imaginable.
But there must not be a trace of Spiritual Materialism about your future, for if there is you are very likely to fail in your task, or simply be removed from it in the worst case scenario, which is a waste of valuable resources. You have a small amount of time left to make your peace with all and let them be; remove any vestiges of superiority over others or inferiority under others; tune into the evolving reality around each and every one of you and when the hour beckons begin the tasks you are here for.
Together and in harmony with each other we shall succeed.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you these words through Vince as part of my Teaching Mission. 25th June 2010.