2010-06-30-Aspects of Multidimensionality
Topic: Aspects of Multidimensionality
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Good Morning young man, I want to discuss some things regarding Multidimensionality in a simple fashion so that ordinary people can understand it . Vince: Simpletons like me, eh?
Monjoronson: Yes!!! If only you knew the status of your Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex, you wouldn’t make a cheap remark like that. Your current incarnation has a substantially de-tuned aspect of all that, which is installed at DNA level and is entirely due to your life purpose, which is to explain spiritual concepts to ordinary people in a simple fashion. This is something that appealed to you when this current incarnation was being planned, for it is a very unpopular area for people to choose to be in.
Vince: I did say that tongue in cheek you know.
Monjoronson: Yes, I know you did; but it really wasn’t worthy of you.
Vince: Oops, hush my mouth!! Come on then Mojo, let’s get on with it.
Monjoronson: OK Vinny.
Multidimensionality is everywhere about you ones, but because of duality you are mostly unable to use it. The closest you come to using it is in prayer, or when constructing concepts in thought form. By prayer I mean using thought and words to request the Almighty, God, the Source of All That Is, and whatever terms you choose to use; to intercede and help someone, or to bring about changes to events. You don’t need me to explain all the various aspects of prayer, for you ones who do that are quite familiar enough with the process.
What I don’t mean by prayer are those words written in prayer books in which the congregation are taken parrot fashion through a series of words which have little meaning to them, and which when repeated loudly by all of the people gathered have all the syntax characteristics of an express train speeding along ‘clickety clack, clickety clack, clickety clack’ and not a soul understands the meaning of the words. This is all part of what I term the Holy Moly World Religions.
You can’t see me at the moment, and yet I am ‘speaking’ to you in thought form, for I am in another dimension and yet we are firmly locked together in this two-way conversation. But normally, or some would say abnormally, you can’t have any other conversations going on while we are engaged thus; but I can. I can communicate with any number of people at the same time, in a variety of dimensions, and perform other tasks besides. You are confined to the material body with its’ brain, which to your eyes is invisibly linked to your Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex, which has the multidimensional capabilities which I do, but at a less well developed level.
When I am in the flesh walking in your material world, I shall look like just an ordinary bloke, but I shall still have the ability to communicate multidimensionally, because I will still exist in a number of dimensions at the same time, but unlike you the flesh-bound aspect of ‘Old Monjoronson’ is fully cognisant of the other dimensions at all times and can multi-task in all relevant dimensions.
Even though I am trying very hard to keep this simple, I am sure there will be those of you with difficulty in understanding either the concept, or how I am describing it. I must admit that I am still learning the required simplicity as I have been used to more technical conversations with people who understand and require the appropriate terminology, which in some quarters has caused some to call me ‘dry’ or ‘stuffy’. I am here to work with Vince over the long term to take these ‘dry’ and ‘stuffy’ subjects and bring some simplicity to them and I am still learning as we go along.
There has been a very widespread and long advertising campaign going on in the passenger transport sector and one particular bus side banner advert says: THERE PROBABLY IS NO GOD! When you consider the sheer ignorance, stupidity and futility contained in those five words, there is clearly much work to do with incarnate humanity. This is however no chance remark because it is all part and parcel of how the Dark Ones manage your reality, and many people will be fooled by this campaign, such is the ignorance of so many people.
As a truly multidimensional entity, just consider the One we call God. He is known by many different names, but he is the Creator of the local universe in which your planet exists, and he created everything here including you ones. You are part of Him, and He is part of you. That means He exists within each and every molecule of every person, animal, plant or mineral; and yet if you dig deep within you and find your Creator and speak with him, he will answer you, each and every one of you; and that is a major example of mainstream multidimensionality.
Vince: So, if every molecule of everything is stuffed full of God, why do the Dark Ones exist at all?
Monjoronson: Well, theoretically they shouldn’t. Everything which exists was originally Love & Light and there was no Dark energy. If Love & Light was all that there was, clearly there was no Darkness, and so none of the Spiritual Hierarchy at any level knew that there could even be such a thing as Darkness, either then, now or in the future, using the linear time-frame you will be used to.
There was a difference of opinion and a Senior One was allowed to operate in a way which nobody knew they could. This is often called the Lucifer Rebellion and this different way was the first seed of the Darkness, which eventually spread to many different places in some sectors of Creation. Because nobody understood Darkness, there was no way it could be defeated until it was adequately studied and measures created which would bring those parts of Creation back into Love & Light. This is currently an ongoing process which will see all of the Dark Ones removed from power and influence on your planet.
This is an exceptionally condensed description of a process which has been going on for a long time now, but I needed to simplify a complex matter so that it can be understood by ordinary people.
Vince: Thanks for doing so.
How is it that senior scientists, with first-class brains who can master a subject such as Astrophysics, are not aware of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and of the aspects of multidimensionality which you have touched upon?
Monjoronson: That is a complex question to answer, so I shall attempt to give you a simple overview.
Many scientists are controlled by the Dark Ones and their system. If you have an ambition and want to get to the top in your profession, you’ve got to go to university and study the subject, and universities are controlled by the Dark Ones, and they all revolve around money, greed and power; so for one who wants to get to the top, there’s an awful lot of arse to kiss. There aren’t many scientists with a truly open mind, and the system helps to provide them with some preconceived ideas and rules and regulations to follow. Then if they want funding for their pet project, there’s more arse to kiss; and so begins the downward spiral.
It is not true to say that many scientists are unaware of the existence of God and the Spiritual Hierarchy, for there have been many senior scientists who have actually been introduced to Christ Michael, and politely requested to desist in developing a certain technology; and almost to a person they refused.
Now, before you say did He incarnate for this process, or if not how did the meetings happen, let me say the following. There are a number of ways this can happen, but I am only going to tell you these; by means of a conversation with the individual’s Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex, often during sleep-state; by a meeting on a Star Fleet inter planetary craft, or in rarer instances by His materialisation in the vicinity of the Scientist during a quiet time. In nearly all cases in recent times they refused to play ball, most often due to fear for their lives, or of those of their family; or for monetary reasons.
Multidimensionality means that the Spiritual Hierarchy can move around at will; be in several places at the same time, including being in several material bodies at the same time; and carry on multiple conversations and related matters at the same time. But, for you ones who don’t want to believe these aspects of multidimensionality, the THERE PROBABLY IS NO GOD poster campaign will help you feel a whole lot better and you can dismiss my words as a load of bullshit!!!
That’s because humanity has had it drummed into them that; ‘If you can’t see it, it probably doesn’t exist’, and nothing could be further from the truth. For those who will brave the ridicule of their fellow Man and look inside and find God; open the mind and look outside and find the many seemingly odd occurrences involving multidimensionality around about you all, then you will learn much and advance spiritually.
Vince: Would you like to specify a couple of things for people to find?
Monjoronson: Yes, I would.
Intuition or Gut Instinct - This comes through the inside of you, but often refers to things outside you. Many times have people been saved from death or injury by this, which is the Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex reacting to a situation; and/ or it being stimulated by a spiritual being in another dimension whose duty it is to keep you ones safe.
Coincidence – This seemingly random event where a sighting or meeting occurs as if by chance is yet another input by a multidimensional being helping you keep up with your life-plan. In a big city it is possible for an individual you went to school with never to see you again in the next 80 years or so, but if an apparent coincidental meeting takes place, one of your mathematicians will tell you the odds against that happening.
There are many more such things which are not only possibilities, but realities; including chats with your loved ones after they have ‘died’. Here we have a communication between ‘Old Monjoronson’ and Vince, and there are many who would say this is phoney, but it isn’t; it is just one example of one human in your dimension who has acquired the ability to communicate with the Spiritual Hierarchy after a long period of development. There are many more people who have developed this spiritual ‘gift’; and without them you would have no other news outside of your current vibration frequency band, and what bullshit your Dark Controllers feed you.
Everyone with a Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex is hard wired with the equipment to communicate with the Celestials in some way, shape or form; sadly most of them won’t bother to find out how, and your world is a sadder place because of that.
That is the end of today’s session, and I shall leave it there for you all to ponder.
Vince: Thanks, Mojo.
Monjoronson: My pleasure.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with Vince. 30th June 2010