2010-07-09-A Few Insights
Topic: A Few Insights
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Good morning my Scribe.
Vince: Mornin’ Boss; Guv, Yer Worship!!
Monjoronson: Ha, Ha, very funny.
Vince: But in respect of your position, I left the punctuation word out between the ‘Yer’ and ‘Worship’.
Monjoronson: I noticed, but still smiled.
Vince: I was looking round The Correcting Time’s Training Mission Archives yesterday for a while, and I am impressed with the vastness of what I call Creation, and you can’t help feeling humble when thinking about all those who know so much more than most of us mortals do, and probably ever will. The sheer number of planets, and particularly inhabited ones, is difficult for the average person to imagine.
We have a saying here, that Ignorance is Bliss; and mainstream humanity is just so ignorant of what exists in this vastness, and seems to have an infinite capacity for believing that Mankind on Earth is all there is; that they are the supreme beings, and what they can see is all there is. What staggering arrogance!
Monjoronson: But you must remember that it is because they can’t see anything else but themselves and their own local environment that they have this view. How many people in the world have read the Urantia Book, for example; only a very small percentage?
There are some very enlightened and advanced people on your planet, and they tend to stay out of the limelight and walk their walk in the shadows of mainstream society, lest they be attacked for being different.
Vince: There are people here with First Class brains who could intellectually devour Urantia Book’s contents, but for the fact that they are unaware of its’ existence, and are locked into their material dimension because they have minds which are closed to the possibility of other dimensions and all that they contain.
Monjoronson: Most of your scientists are firmly stuck in the material dimension, on Earth and beyond and consequently they are blissfully unaware of the reality. We have had discussions with the scientific, governmental, military and other communities for several decades now, and those parts we have contacted are fully aware of our existence, and our mission; but many of them have chosen to do nothing to help us, and simply carry on with their own little frauds. Sadly, that’s the truth of it.
Vince: What happened just then please? My sentence morphed into your sentence quite seamlessly, and I was completely aware it was you giving me the words, but hadn’t picked up the switch from typing my paragraph to your words.
Monjoronson: That’s the first time this has happened, and is a sign of seamlessness; whereby the more time you spend in my company, the more will rub off on you, and when we have our sessions, you will be unaware of where you end and where I begin, and that distinction doesn’t matter.
When this aspect is fully developed, it won’t be a ‘you/ me’ conversation, it will be an ‘us’ piece of work. When people align themselves with God, the Divine Will of the Father, then you are connected to the pool or stream of God consciousness and you allow that to override your will. You put your personality to one side while the divine energy flows between us and all around us, and you are in a kind of cocoon. This is just your first experience of it, and it will grow larger and stronger, to the point where the transcription of the texts will flow better and the volume will be greater. I am glad you mentioned it.
Vince: So am I, because I was only aware of the text, and my personality was not present in the space.
Monjoronson: There are going to be some sizeable texts coming your way when you have developed a bit further, and I know the physical aspects of transcribing them are slow and somewhat painful at times, but this ‘encapsulated’ method will make transcription less of a physical chore and increase productivity, and the quality.
I know that you are feeling humbled by the numbers, titles and descriptions of those authorities under Michael’s direction who are and will be involved in the cleansing and refurbishment of your planet and its’ peoples. But, you have no need to be, for they are infinitely more humble than you are. If you recall your most intimidating moments in your high school days, when you brushed against the teachers and their air of authority, then we are nothing like that.
Michael cares about every one of his children, and none of us will do anything to frighten or intimidate you ones. How could we; for we love you unconditionally? Each of these beings has a great deal of knowledge and a number of tasks to do, and so these things with all their technicalities will be way over the heads of most of you, but they are being done so that you will all benefit, so that your next stages of civilisation will be more of a spiritual affair, rather than a deeply material one.
I really meant it when I said that we have to find a way to reach the ordinary person who is completely unaware of our existence, because you can’t turn a planet from Dark and corrupted to Light and spiritual if you don’t have the population travelling the same journey.
To reach them we have to use language and concepts they will understand, otherwise we are wasting our time. We understand that they don’t know us; don’t want to know us; and don’t care either. We have to turn this around and engage them in dialogue, and it is going to be a long slow job. I think we didn’t realise adequately how difficult this was going to be, but from discussions with you and other ones, we know it is going to be a long drawn out business, and take much longer than we had expected.
Linear time doesn’t matter in this respect, because we don’t look at it in that light, and it is the overall task implementation time which is important. We know it will happen, because we can predict the outcome, but couldn’t say when that will be in a way that would suit you ones in a linear time frame.
That too is one of the biggest problems you ones are having with the Stasis event, for you are hampered by you rigid linear time frame. In centuries gone by, and before the Industrial Revolution, linear time was far less important to you than it is today, but your adherence to it causes you a number of penalties, and a substantial degree of loss of freedom is one of them.
There are less developed parts of your world where Sunrise and Dusk; Dry and Rainy Seasons; Sowing and Harvesting times are the clocks of the population; but in developed countries being in a place at the exact co-ordinated time, to the last split second is the objective, and you are much poorer for it.
Whether we have strange names; or fancy titles; or represent strange sounding commissions; should not matter to you in any way; we are here to help you, and we serve God and Humanity. As I have said before, I will try to avoid using titles, labels or expressions which are difficult for you ones to understand and we shall endeavour to keep things as simple as possible, but there is much work to do yet.
Do you realise that we are still talking about things, and have mainly not got into the subjects themselves yet?
Vince: Yes I do, and I think that’s probably due to only just having completed my initial training, and having only just been accepted onto your team.
Monjoronson: Yes, and health and fatigue issues too. It’s going to take a while to work you up to the point where we start to see some serious papers coming through you, as we have to develop you for more stamina and greater speed, which are both essential to the outcome. But there’s no hurry. I am going to prepare a piece on the subject of key nutritional foods which you ones may feel is useful in times of emergency, such as during geophysical and weather events and that should be available in the next few weeks.
I also want to say that Stasis should be less important to you ones than you think it is. Most of you are unaware of the previous short periods of Stasis which you have already had, and the only difference between them and the next one, is length of time and magnitude of surrounding events. Try and look at it like your millennium in 2000. All the computers were going to crash, remember? All manner of other things were going to take place, and what do most of you remember? I’ll explain using terminology you are familiar with: ‘Fireworks and a Piss-up’.
January 1st 2000 was just another day, with a few more hangovers than 31st December 1999. The passage of the Sun and Moon across your skies was no different to the day before, the Millennium was just another human festival like Christmas or Diwali. Many of you will wake up after stasis much the same as you were before, and many of you won’t. Some will be aware of training during stasis, and others won’t; some of you will have lost loved ones, some of you won’t.
In linear time terms it doesn’t matter when stasis happens, it isn’t important to the project. What is important is the harvest of the maximum number of people possible. Michael cares deeply about every one of you, and many of his methods have been unorthodox when compared with much of the rest of the creation. He has done very innovative things, which in the overall scheme of things has given and will give vastly more experience to his created children than had the standard way been taken.
This upcoming stasis period is important, and so is harvesting the maximum number of people possible, and when He sees an opportunity to obtain many more people, he will take it even though it will cause you ones to moan and bitch about the delays, as judged by the application of linear time.
As far as the overall project is concerned, time is less important than a successful outcome, and so while there is a non-linear time by which stasis will have to be imposed, we must reach that point with the maximum number of harvestable mortals. That’s what is important.
If you ones set an imaginary time when you judge stasis to be due, then the likelihood is that you will be wrong and disappointed. Harmonise yourselves with God, live in the now, and then you will be ready when stasis arrives, because any other path is littered with frustration and potential disappointment.
Vince: In the last few days I have come to see that more clearly.
Monjoronson: That is because your new perspective has been gained by being close to ‘Old Monjoronson’, and as I said, it rubs off on you, such is the closeness.
That way brings you into harmony with what is actually going on, but you have to trust us that we have your best interests at heart, even if sometimes it doesn’t seem like it at all. Many of you ones who are on our side are just on the initial steps of a very long journey, and yet some of you think that you are in an advanced class, instead of a beginners one. Yes, your understandings are beyond the levels of many of your fellow humans, but you have a long way to go yet in order to harmonise yourselves with us and fulfil your potential.
Ridding your planet of the worst of the Dark Ones is an important step, but my goodness what a great deal of work has to be done afterwards, and we are talking here some thousands of years to become in harmony with the rest of Creation. My word, you still have WAR on Earth!!! There is a conflict mentality amongst many of your brotherhood which has no place on a civilised planet. War belongs in a museum, where people can go look at it and wonder why in the past people wanted to kill, maim and poison their brothers and sisters. The why is because those concerned didn’t know any better, but to be a civilisation fully accepted into mainstream galactic society, war and conflict have to go for a start; and crime and false religious beliefs won’t be far behind. You have such a long way to catch up.
I am going to leave it here for now, until we have our next discussion.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy, providing you with some insights through Vince, one of my Scribes