2010-07-09-Answers to Questions on Stasis
Topic: Answers to Questions on Stasis
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Vince: Mojo, can I ask you a question, please?
Monjoronson: Ask away.
Vince: It’s about Stasis, as there are conflicting messages and reports where some say it is delayed; others that it is cancelled; plus those who think there will be one or more reduced size events, will you advise me on the actual position please?
Monjoronson: It is a complex, fluid and ongoing matter. I will not reveal all, because there is a certain amount of gamesmanship going on, and the Dark Ones can read all the suggestions through all the sources and plan for whatever outcome, which will occupy them greatly.
I will make you aware of certain factors which have entered into our calculations, which are: Pollution; Expansion of the Planet; Overall Population Numbers; Harvestable Population Numbers; Loosening the grip of the Dark Ones; Gaia’s Ascension and a whole spectrum of related and other issues we do not have time to go into.
It is very likely that there will be one or more stasis events, but they will be very much smaller and less comprehensive than originally thought, but in their own way they will be very effective and deal with some major issues, in some cases without very many people knowing it. Previous stasis events were successful and minor compared with what was planned, and over 99.999% of the world population knew nothing about them whatsoever. That was good; very good in many ways, as a series of evolutionary changes is often better than one gigantic all encompassing event, which sometimes gets caught up in the middle.
I will say to you that at the present, there is unlikely to be a major stasis event, and there is likely to be the first of several newly planned minor stasis events happening quite soon. The chances are you won’t even be aware of it. There will be an increase in people passing over from natural causes, extreme weather conditions and some geological events, but nothing like the proposed ‘Big Bang’ scenario. Mainstream humanity is not sufficiently spiritually developed to reap the benefits from this, and a more evolutionary and longer approach is required for maximum benefit.
Individuals’ missions will be revised, and there will be gradual progress into the tasks which mortals are going to perform, but that does mean that many will pass over at the end of their material life span, but that is inevitable since this big event has been stood down. This is a complete change of emphasis from what you were given to understand, and inevitably this will cause moaning, bitching, and quitting, as well as claim and counter claim as to the truth of the words I am giving you in this short message.
I must say to you all, that if you wait a few more months you will see that progress has been made and that it is ongoing at a subtle pace which will affect everybody at molecular level, but there will not be the massive changes you were expecting all in the one hit. You ones who will moan and bitch must understand that the Commander in Chief Michael of Nebadon must obtain the best outcome possible in the given circumstances, and tactics and methods alter according to the reality of the situation ruling at any given time. Natural evolution and minor stasis events are judged to be the best way forward for all concerned.
Thank you for asking me this question; and that is all I am able to say at the moment.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy, writing through my Scribe we call Vince. 9th July 2010.