2010-07-14-A Little About the Invisible
Topic: A Little About the Invisible
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Good day Dear One and I want to use this opportunity to introduce the subject of Spiritual Philosophy for bringing knowledge to people who have no previous knowledge of this subject.
Vince: Fine, I’m all ears.
Monjoronson: Let us look at the average man who is an incarnated facet of a larger being, here to experience a lifetime of learning through practical experience. Yours is an evolutionary planet and the people on it are evolving, as are the animals who one day will have their final animal incarnation and then commence their first human one.
There are all kinds of beings in human bodies on your planet from the most simplistic first human incarnation type to very old souls with literally hundreds of previous human incarnations under their belt. The number of human incarnations can be misleading when looking at soul growth, because the number of previous incarnations is no guide to evolutionary spiritual growth, and many of those previous incarnations may have been of a low and non-spiritual nature.
And yet there are those with just a few high quality incarnations behind them who have made substantial progress and have totally transformed their Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex beyond recognition. Most people have at least one bad incarnation where they are susceptible to the Dark Energy, but this too is a valuable learning tool, for to experience the unpleasantness of the Darkness, is to be prepared to avoid it in future. But then there are so many people who incarnate time and time again and only experience the Darkness, like a moth attracted to a table-lamp. There is the song ‘Sex and Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll’, which sums up so many wasted lives completely, and during the time in between incarnations, these Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complexes reside in unpleasant circumstances.
You as a person are a simple incarnated facet of your Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex, here with the purpose of learning through experience during the lifetime of your mortal body. All of that experience, both positive and negative, is stored back at the Complex level, and every human body you have is connected to the Complex by mechanisms you cannot normally see with the naked eye.
Every object around you is made up of tiny particles held together with a kind of glue, and they are fairly dense and all vibrate at frequencies in a band which is within the range allocated for human perception by eyes, ears, nose and touch. Things outside of these wavelengths are not able to be observed by any of these senses, but when scientific instruments are devised, some of these wavelengths can be observed. You will all be familiar with TV & Radio where when you have a box of components, you can receive broadcast signals on wavelengths outside of your normal range of perception. If you look at a radio and fiddle with the tuner, you can pick up all kinds of radio stations broadcasting from many places around the world, but you cannot detect with your own senses these radio waves wafting through the air that you breathe.
At a much higher frequency than can be detected by human senses, and most scientific instruments, are the realms of existence where resides your own Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex. Here is the total memory of all of your incarnations including the current one; here is your Mind. The Mind is the computer of the Soul and does its bidding; the Brain is the computer which runs the mortal body, and is controlled by the Mind; so your mind is actually outside of your body. There is also another major organ of thought and that is the Heart, which is packed with neurological cells and is responsible for those ‘Gut Feeling’ moments, and that well known phrase; ‘I love you with all of my Heart’. Through this organ come many of the higher and more spiritual thoughts and knowledge.
Now, this explanation is rather simplistic, but for ones without any knowledge in this field, this will be more than enough to contend with. There will be ones who laugh like a drain when presented with this information, and will say it isn’t so and how could it possibly be? Here again we are dealing with subjects outside of the range of normal human perception, and the majority of people work on the basis that if you cannot see it, it doesn’t exist. That is perfectly understandable but inaccurate because the greatest quantity of things which exist in the entirety of Creation, are completely outside the normal range of perception by mortal mankind.
How many inhabited planets are there in the Grand Universe, would you say?
Most scientists would tell you that so far the only one they know of is Earth, but the braver astrophysicists will say that they believe there must be intelligent life on other planets because it would make sense, but they have yet to observe it. There are many billions of inhabited planets in the Grand Universe which is so vast as to be almost unimaginable to the human brain, but you cannot see them and therefore think they do not exist. That gives rise to the belief that Earth is the centre of the Universe, and the only planet containing intelligent life; and if that is the case how can there be a God, because you can’t see Him either.
This mythical God can be the old white bearded man in a chair as made popular by Christianity, to one of many stylised icons carved on totem poles and stone artefacts around your planet. The idea of a Creator Son creating and managing a Universe in which Earth is one quite small and insignificant sphere stuck out in the back of beyond, is not a view of significance in your popular culture, any more than is the continuation of life after death of the mortal body. ‘If you can’t see it then it doesn’t exist’, is the popular mindset, but wrong all the same.
I Monjoronson am one of the team which you could describe as The Spiritual Hierarchy, who manage your world out of your sight, so how can it possibly be that my Scribe named Vince, himself a facet of his Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex called Erethea, can communicate with me if I truly exist, and am out of sight? He must be a fake, surely? Well, no actually he isn’t, and in common with a small percentage of the world population, he has developed his perception over several decades whereby we are able to converse. Many of the ancient texts which were the foundation stones of world religions were received in exactly the same way, except Vince transcribes using a computer instead of stone and chisel or quill and parchment.
Over the millennia there have been many who have developed this ability, and in a previous incarnation in Ancient Egypt some 5,500 years ago, another facet of Erethea was also a Scribe, making Vince a kind of brother to the previous existence. In the meantime there were some unpleasant lifetime experiences to go through in a whole variety of different lives in bodies male and female; black, white and brown; rich and poor; long lived and short lived, and this present life we call Vince is the 34th Incarnation in this particular series.
I explain this to serve as a typical example of one who lives now and has lived before, many times; and has a Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex existing in invisible realms. It is quite normal, unremarkable and utterly truthful. It is also a place for the individual with no previous experience of this kind of reality to start pondering what life/soul history they may have. Were they once famous, were they a peasant? Why are the attracted to certain things and not others?
When an individual prepares for a new incarnation in your material world, there are many things to be studied and skills to gain, prior to the actual incarnation taking place. Before this training it is decided what the experiential incarnation is about, and what things must be experienced, many of which can be vastly different to previous lives. When the training is complete and final preparations are made, then the strands of DNA are programmed accordingly. This determines every aspect of the physical body from sex to skin colour; finger length to body height; deformities to perfections, and so forth. There are some twelve strands of DNA and two of them are ‘active’ to science, and the other ten regarded as ‘junk’ by science, but all twelve of them are used to determine every aspect of the physical being and one day in the future science will be evolved sufficiently for the other strands to be revealed to them. At the moment these attributes would be used for Dark matters and not spiritual ones, so in general terms they have to make do with just the two strands for now.
Incarnation is by the usual male/ female intercourse method, although there are some very senior beings able to incarnate by other methods, including the virgin method you will be familiar with in the Christian Bible. During the individual incarnation, everything each person has ever thought, said and done is recorded, and when that life is over all of it is available to be played back in order to determine the future path for the Mind/ Soul/ Spirit Complex. When an individual denies they have done something, it will be there on the screen for all to see, and denial is pointless. The truth of it is that at the end of your current life, you will be your hardest judge, nobody else. What you have done and experienced will be the determining factor in your next life, and your DNA will be encoded accordingly Have you ever set up a computer profile with all those tick-box menus and radio buttons; and doesn’t the system work just how it is set; and doesn’t it get infuriating at times when something doesn’t work like the user expects. With your DNA, that funny shaped nose you hate, or that chest weakness, or something else you don’t like or doesn’t work properly, is all down to the encoding for your life and it is responsible for major learning paths in your present lifetime.
I could go on for a bit longer, but there are two considerations at this time; one is that you will need to digest what I have said, and my Scribe isn’t very well today and has come to the end of his energy; and I must tell you that this illness is an experiential learning tool and of course down to the way his DNA has been encoded. You know what? He doesn’t like it at all, but will be the first to admit it has taken him on paths he would not otherwise have trodden, and so has been successful.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy, writing this for you through one of my Scribes named Vince. 14th July 2010