2010-07-20-The Human Being and the Animal
Topic: The Human Being and the Animal
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: I wish to explain some things about Human Beings and Animals for the benefit of those who don’t already know these facts.
Vince: OK then Mojo, off we go.
Monjoronson: What is the basic difference between Animals and Humans; nothing really.
Now there are going to be many ‘Ho-Ho’s’ and ‘Poo-Poo’s’ to that, and ones who think ‘Old Monjoronson has gone of his rocker’. Well, dear reader; let me assure you I am still very much compos mentis, or still on my rocker for those of you who don’t appreciate Latin.
You were once an animal at some time in the past, and you evolved through many lifetimes in various stages of animal life, until you were evolved enough for your first human incarnation. How far developed as a human are you, and have you had many previous lifetimes? Well, if you are reading and understanding this paper, then the chances are that you have had quite a number of past human lives, on top of your previous animal lives.
There are different grades of animals according to their purpose in the scheme of things, and potentially any animal spirit can inhabit any animal body. Now the word ‘spirit’ is a bit of a tricky concept here for there are different interpretations, and I don’t want to get too deeply bogged down here. Many animals have what we could describe as a single pool of animal spirit which inhabits each and every animal for each life and its’ experiences, and then returns back to the pool upon death of the animal.
There is also another level of animal mind/spirit complex which has achieved a degree of individuation at the time immediately prior to being incarnated as a human for the first time, and thus stepping upon a ladder of experiential lives of a higher nature. Now, this is a simplistic description of a much larger subject, specifically to give an understanding of the process of evolution as it applies to the developing spirit, soul and mind through the animal kingdom into the human one.
Every animal has its daily needs, not unlike you ones. Food, water and a degree of shelter are all basic requirements according to species and whether domesticated or not. The need to reproduce is also a particularly strong urge, and within that area are all the things that motherhood and fatherhood entail for the species concerned.
All animals feel pain, and they have emotions and feelings too. A twenty feet long swamp alligator is obviously going to have a very different range and scale of these than those applied to your favourite cat or lapdog; but the principle is the same. Many animals are very intelligent and with tests done on a wide range of species it has been shown that many can count, some can express requests or questions, and understand concepts; and some are not developed to that level yet. Animals do not understand morality though, for this becomes required during the time of human development after a series of animal lives.
Animals communicate with each other telepathically, and use call or birdsong patterns for warnings, territorial purposes and expressions of certain emotions. Many species are capable of expressing greetings, happiness or displeasure by various physical means regarded as body language. Humans are capable of communicating telepathically in a technical sense, for they have the appropriate equipment built-in, but for a very long time this has been mainly disused, to the point that the majority ‘believe’ telepathy is impossible and phoney.
There are a few mortal humans who can communicate effectively with animals telepathically, and animals who try to communicate telepathically with humans, but find they are either not received or not understood. Human to human telepathy is also practised by a tiny minority of the world population. Celestial to human telepathy is also practised, and here you have a member of the Spiritual Hierarchy communicating with a mortal human, bringing you this message. It is a learned and developed technique, and we wish that there were far more of you doing it, as there are waiting messages for all of you to tune in and read. Thus telepathy is your direct line to God.
There is very little difference between the maternal instincts of an animal and a human animal; and if you cook a lobster in boiling water, it feels the pain just as intensely as did certain white settlers in Africa when placed in boiling water in the large cooking pot of cannibal tribes in past times. In a divine sense, killing animals for pleasure is just as illegal as killing humans for sport; for Divine Law is not susceptible to the various manipulations of your statutory laws by slick individuals practising as attorneys.
Next time you eat animal flesh, or kill an animal for sport or to eat; like you, they woke up that morning expecting a normal day with their family, under the same sky and you killed them. Oh, you bought some meat in the supermarket; that makes it alright, does it? Well that constitutes death by proxy.
Now, certain species of animal were placed on Earth to provide humans with food, and that was a contract between the two kingdoms, where in return for kindness and care they would provide you with their carcass when humanely slaughtered. But the contract has been broken routinely so many times, when systematic brutality and unkindness are an everyday event, and humane slaughter is very often quite inhumane.
Most of you don’t need to consume animal ingredients and foodstuffs any longer, and there are healthier options from plant based origins. There is now really very little difference in raising ten of your own children and slaughtering them for food, as keeping ten pigs for the same purpose. As man’s evolution progresses certain things are expected of them, and one of those is to refrain from using animals for food and clothing where death or ill treatment are involved. Trust me when I say: “You don’t need it folks.”
Earth; or Urantia as it is known, is an evolutionary planet for various diverse life forms to evolve over many millions of years and is stocked with an exceptionally large variety of species and sub-species. This isn’t an accident, for it is a biological warehouse of animate diversity, with which to stock other planets in the fullness of time; it is a vast living collection.
Planets; Universes; Human and Animal species do not manage themselves; they are created, and the Creator Son responsible for this Universe of Nebadon and Urantia (Planet Earth) and all of its life-forms is Michael of Nebadon, also known as Christ Michael Aton amongst other names. All of you ones and the animals are creations of His, and the beautiful young planet on which you live.
The planet, its people and animals should be living in harmony with each other, but alas war, strife and conflict exist and are used by Dark and Evil Ones who profit from this continual conflict. This kind of system isn’t the norm on the vast majority of other inhabited planets, and as a result of past evil events, other planets in your vicinity were destroyed and this has caused you imbalance and disharmony, as well as Galactic Isolation.
Your fellow humans and animals were created by Michael of Nebadon, and are all his children, so why does humanity slaughter fellow brothers and sisters, in the name of national security; and ‘In the Name of God’. It is futile, and far from being liked by other inhabitants of the Cosmos, you are regarded as the neighbour who came to dinner, pissed in the flowerbeds; crapped on the dining table; buggered the chauffer; raped the kitchen maids, shot the guests; rustled all the animals and on the way home, smacked the postmistress in the mouth, just for good measure.
That is intended as an amusing and graphic way of describing how well thought of Earth’s Inhabitants are by beings elsewhere in the Cosmos, and it isn’t pretty. It is based on your actions, and in your 20th Century, industrial warfare was introduced, with the intention of reducing the world population by these grossly evil factions. And, they did it in the name of God; each side prayed to God and then killed as many as they could of the other side; what futility.
There is little or no difference between each animal and human in the world; they are all created out of the same Divine Fabric; they all have their likes and dislikes; abilities and emotions; and they all feel pain!! Galactic Civilisation regards you as uncivilised and exceptionally dangerous, and to be kept at arms length; so perhaps that’s why most of you and your scientists think you are alone in the Cosmos, for you are a pariah planet, to be avoided at all costs by Galactic visitors; what a reputation to have.
It evidently doesn’t concern many people, for they don’t even think about it; they don’t even know about it; but they know Spain won the World Cup football tournament in 2010; are they stupid or what? Or what, actually; because all of the news is bullshit; all of the tournaments are diversions; all of the world religions designed to enslave. In other words what you regard as your daily truths are for the most part lies and fabrications, designed to keep you ignorant and pliable and cash cows to be manipulated and milked at every conceivable opportunity, just like how your cattle are treated. Animals and humans; there’s not much difference really.
Vince: I say Monjoronson, that’s telling it like it is!
Monjoronson: So it is, and it needs to be said time and time again, until the message finally gets home.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and I bring this paper to you telepathically through my Scribe called Vince. 20th July 2010.