2010-07-30-A Few Realities to Consider
Topic: A Few Realities to Consider
Teacher: S333
TR: Vince
S333: Good Morning my dear chap. As you know I have wanted to connect with you since yesterday, and I feel now is the appropriate time, if that’s OK with you.
Vince: Yes, providing we don’t get too bogged down in discussion I’m OK for a while.
S333: Fine, then let me begin. The Dark Ones or the Illuminati, or whatever you ones choose to call them are hard at work plotting the downfall of humanity, and there are many layers and back-up positions to their proposals.
We should remember that these family bloodlines which make up their numbers have had many centuries of planning and actions to reach where they are today and most of you just look at a single lifetime. With their organisation, they plan centuries ahead and each new generation plays their part throughout their lifetime, or else. This sense of duty is drummed into them, together with some vile activities including satanic rites, child abuse, murder and torture, plus a great deal of sexual perversions of various sorts.
Once they are involved in these activities, there is no way out, and this applies to the vast majority of their followers. These poor souls get sucked into their organisational machine, and woe betide them if they try to escape, for then they are exposed, ruined, tortured or murdered, or a mixture of all of these horrific options. Before these people became embroiled in these activities they were normal regular people, and as such they have weaknesses, just as all of you ones do. But they got trapped through money, sex, drugs, and criminal activity; and no mercy was extended to them.
You see they turned to the Dark Ones for help, and not to the Light. If they had asked the Father for help, it would be given in a convoluted form which would have extracted them from their predicament after first learning some useful lessons from the situation. But they opted for the quick fix, in the majority of cases, and when this happens, the Dark Ones rub their hands with glee, for the individual gets the material help they need, but the Dark Ones give it with strings attached, and there is never a way out, just further entrapment with every activity the individual is forced to perform.
In every city, town, village and settlement in what I shall call the developed world, there are units, cells, offices and so on containing one or more of these entrapped individuals, and from the outside they are just like normal people. They are often in positions of authority, because that is where they can control the rest of the population.
Aside from local, national, state and federal government, the military, religion, education, police and the media where the Dark Ones abound, these unfortunate ones are everywhere, and no transactional activity in your lives happens without being subject to handling or scrutiny by them. Your apparent reality is the Illuminati construct and it is created and managed through the media which they control, and all manner of diversions which are conceived and manufactured to gain and hold your attention; for while you are looking the other way, they are robbing you blind by a variety of methods.
With planetary populations elsewhere in the Grand Universe, beings care for each other and their environment, and that takes priority, and the concept of war and various forms of conflict are absent. You are conditioned to believe that war is inevitable, normal, and patriotic, when it is nothing of the sort. People in your world are encouraged to drink large quantities of alcohol and take recreational drugs and the creation of civil disturbance and violence are thus guaranteed.
You are encouraged to worship money on the high altar of your lives; and is that money worth the same value as gold or silver, no it is not, it is a crooked kind of worthless paper and numbers on computer screens, and is only worth anything while the financial system you live in says it is. The Dark Ones could declare their currency worthless tomorrow if it suited them, and your financial system would collapse, and then where would you be, in deep trouble; whereas with gold and silver coinage, you would still be able to conduct financial transactions.
If you think your politicians have used a lot of spin in recent times, then as the saying goes; you ain’t seen nothing yet. The entire output of your newspapers, TV & radio; popular drama, situation comedies and reality shows; and computer games is designed to condition you to behave in a series of ways which are not to your benefit, but that of your financial controllers. Every aspect of your lives is managed in this way, and far from living in a free democracy you are actually living in a virtual prison.
Now, I have no doubt that the vast majority will consider my words to be nonsense, and that in itself is testament to how successful the Illuminati are, for your prison appears to have no bars but it is far more subtle than that and has been applied for centuries on the ‘softly, softly catchee monkey’ basis.
Many of you don’t believe in God and think there is no life when your body has ‘died’, but know how to text on a cellphone, back a horse in the 2:30 race at Caulfield, know the current property prices in your neighbourhood, and who has won Olympic Gold. In reality, finding God is far more important to you than any of these and similar diversions, for it affects your future in lives you have yet to live, and about which you are totally unaware for you are disconnected from the Source of All That Is.
No amount of Sex, Booze, Drugs, Money, Property and Junk Food is going to prepare you for the experience you are going to have after your funeral, when you find yourself still aware and not dead, for it was only the bone, flesh and blood you left behind and the real you is still alive and in a dimension you couldn’t see in the life you just had. Trust me when I say that if you have done some real bad stuff in this life, you are going to regret it once you have passed over, and there will be nobody to judge you but yourself. All of those bad things you did cannot be denied when they are played back to you at a screening and what you have done will determine what happens in future lives, and some of those can be very unpleasant for ones who have done really bad stuff.
The time will come quite soon when there are drastic changes to your world and your lives as a result; and life which once seemed fairly comfortable and easy will become harsher with make do and mend, non-availability of foods and products you currently regard as essential, and a drastic scaling down of entertainment, media and diversions as a result. This may come in one hit, or in stages gradually ratcheted up, but come it most certainly will, and how many of you will be ready, and how many will survive it; that is a question you should all ask yourselves.
You are in the Autumn (Fall) of your present reality, and Winter is almost upon you. Will you be ready, or will you succumb to the harshness of the new reality? No amount of paper money, property and power will see you through this new scenario, and no amount of booze and recreational drugs will deaden the inevitable pain you will feel. The only hope it to find within you the true path to God and the Source of All That Is, and then you will begin to understand how you have been misled by the Dark Ones and what is needed to build a new civilisation based on Divine Law, love of your fellow beings, and fairness; and you don’t have very long now to make that journey to find the Source.
I am David of the Spiritual Hierarchy who goes by the name of S333, speaking to you through Vince, one of Monjoronson’s Scribes, and a dear friend of mine. 30th July 2010