2010-07-31-The Gulf and Other Events

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Topic: The Gulf and Other Events



Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Vince



Vince: Hello Monjoronson, can we have a chat please?

Monjoronson: Hello to you dear friend, how can I be of assistance?


Vince: It is regarding the BP Oil Crisis in the Gulf. First there is the mainstream media heavily playing down the event and surrounding effects; then we have some alternative media saying that there is a life extinguishing event of global proportions brewing; and yet other alternative media saying that it isn’t oil at all, but a Tar Volcano which will settle on the seabed and be broken down by microbes, and this is done so that the Dark Ones can spray toxic dispersant which is intended to destroy life locally, and reduce America’s welfare bill by a significant proportion.

I must say that this latter false flag operation, if that is what it is, would be in line with 9/11 and the tardy response to Hurricane Katrina, and would be typical of an Illuminati covert operation. So therefore, is it realistic to expect large quantities of people to be whisked off to other planets in spacecraft, and the onset of stasis?

Monjoronson: You have to separate some of these things and look at individual aspects of the problem, which I shall do.

Global pollution is at an all-time high all over your Earth, and it will have to be cleaned up. China and India are utterly filthy, as are parts of Eastern Europe and the Americas, and at some point it must be removed because unless things change there will be further pollution added on top of that already in the environment.

Whatever is in the Gulf from the leaks will have to be removed, as well as the dispersants which are being sprayed. There will be a large number of people in the Gulf region who will suffer ill health and die as a result of what has been released and sprayed.

There are also other things going on with earthquakes and volcanoes, and although we have yet to reach a stage where the whole planet shakes, the activities in several areas of the world are increased and undoubtedly we are heading for some more major geophysical events.

Will there be people evacuated as a result of the current situation in the Gulf, as has been predicted? Possibly, but that really depends on how bad things become; but the option has been planned for. It is also true that the Stasis event is more likely to happen soon, but whether that is a big one or the first of several smaller ones is still unknown, because the magnitude will depend on the circumstances.

I will not lie to you and pretend that we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are not very concerned with several ongoing events around the world, and if a series of things coincide, then we could still have a big bang stasis. And then there is an alternative scenario, and one of many, where there may need to be localised evacuations from areas requiring them, and only a short term stasis event at the time.

As I said to you before, nothing is ruled in or ruled out. It is a wise person who prepares for the worst and expects the best, that way you will be ready for any eventuality. You must also remember that there is a great deal of disinformation out in the media, both mainstream and alternative varieties, and you are not in a position to be able to determine the truthfulness of any of it.

Stay calm; stay grounded; stay centred, and do not let yourselves be unduly influenced by the rampant gamesmanship going on at present. Just carry on as normal and watch and wait for an outcome. Those people living in an area at risk will be affected in some way at the tipping point, either by being ready for evacuation or moving of your own freewill beforehand, and here you should do what you consider best in your own circumstances. In all of these situations you should only do what you feel is right for you and your family and not be pressured to go somewhere you are not comfortable with.

In all of this business connected with the Dark Ones and Ascension of Earth, nothing is as it appears on the surface; there are schemes and counter schemes; information and disinformation; and you have to try and find your own individual way through this jungle at the present time, and rest assured that when any kind of evacuation and stasis is appropriate, it shall be introduced at the most effective point.


That is really all I wish to say at the moment, but I thank you for asking the question.

I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy, answering a question from one of my scribes named Vince. 31st July 2010