Topic: Why?
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Vince: G’day Mojo, I’m trying to get a sense of why the Dark Ones who are royalty, presidents and prime ministers, secretaries of state, generals and admirals, captains of industry, bankers and their ilk carry out their evil practices to the detriment of the mainstream population, via the many operatives they control. Their work involves subjugation of the people, by the rich and for the rich; population reduction programmes and schemes to control every aspect of our daily lives. Why?
Monjoronson: And a very good day to you too. Now, I know you aren’t so naive as to think that you don’t have some idea why, but your question is an attempt to obtain further information from my perspective for the benefit of others, so on that basis let me proceed.
Some people think they have the God given right to rule, and this applies as much to Queen Elizabeth 2nd and the Pope, as to the King of an African tribe. It applies to military leaders and politicians, bankers and businessmen; and they have mostly been bred by their family bloodlines to carry on the family business of robbing, killing and subjugating ordinary people.
I nearly said that they don’t even know God, but of course they do, and they know a good deal about members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and about visitors from other planets; but of course they carry on their dark business without regard for the wider picture, and anything other than holding power and keeping their money.
I know that you are very interested in the two wars known as World Wars 1 & 2, with particular reference to the first machine age war; WW1. You recently expressed some thoughts on the subject of WW1 being a global population reduction programme, with all parties financed by the global bankers, using the ruling classes to concentrate on eliminating vast numbers of ordinary people from all around the world.
This was not a secondary objective either, for it was the main objective and the trench warfare involved ensured this vast waste of life, and difficulties for families where at least one member was crippled or killed. This adversely affected your societies and this great waste has meant that your societies are still adversely affected today. Again in WW2, vast swathes of humanity was killed and maimed, which once more set your civilisation back.
And so their Eugenics programme rolls along in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas which go mainly unreported in your media, but it isn’t limited to the military. People disappear from your society every day, and nobody knows where they went. Some are children who are kidnapped and taken for sexual perversions and rituals before being killed or put to work in the dark organisations if they have the skills; others who go are as the result of police, military and ad-hoc forces whose task is to depopulate areas and “cleanse” them of humanity. In some cases, complete cities are turned into ghost towns, before gradually being wiped from the face of the Earth.
At present you are virtual financial slaves, but there are plans to turn the majority of the population into actual slaves, but we intend to halt this nonsense for it runs counter to the sovereign individual status which every individual has the right to attain in due process. This will be through spiritual progress through any number of lifetimes on an evolutionary planet such as Earth, and nothing will be allowed to interfere in the long term divine plans for achieving this.
Vince: Yes indeed, but the majority of the people don’t know this; don’t care and think that the News Media presents them with the truth.
Monjoronson: That is the great tragedy, where people gave up the right to manage their own reality and gave it away to crooked spiritual dwarfs with professorships in the black arts, and even now they think they are going to get away with it for ever.
Vince: But you haven’t answered my question “why” yet.
Monjoronson: Well, you know that CIA personnel go to “Bastard School”, as the saying goes; well that’s the mild form of upbringing compared to what the Princes and Princesses of Darkness go through. Right from the first day of their lives they are subjected to various forms of psychological conditioning, some of which is close to torture, and every second of every day is devoted to their mission in life, the acquisition of power and money and subjugation of the population.
These are all damaged people who we would like to rescue and turn back into people of the light, but their conditioning is so intense that this is proving very difficult. The ultimate sanction for these ones is uncreation, but even at this advanced hour we are still hopeful of at least turning a few of them.
This process was started aeons of your time ago, and as every child is born there is no respite from having the message of the mission beaten into them until it becomes the sole reason for their lives. There are multiple identity programmes which impress alternative personalities into the individuals, so that at different times of the day in a variety of circumstances, each individual presents the most appropriate identity to the world, with the natural personality suppressed and completely out of view.
These people are victims of their parents systems, just as the population are and no amount of hatred will ever help them to quit their evil deeds. Love and Light are the answers but it is very difficult getting through to these people who only know fear and compliance. It may have to wait until this present life of theirs is over and the time of reckoning arrives for them to be turned to the light again. Within the dark bloodlines this is a self perpetuating problem and only Divine intervention is going to halt these families and their operatives from defeating the purpose of incarnate humanity, and owning all the material wealth.
From our perspective the question “why” gives an answer that we find the reasons idiotic and severely misguided at the very least, for the individuals concerned are speeding up a one-way street with a stout and tall brick wall at the end into which they are going to crash unless they stop and turn back. We know why they do these things, and we also know that if they hadn’t been programmed so heavily into the negative arts, they would even at this late stage accept our offer of help.
If you remember a childhood playmate of yours called Stephen who was put through the public school system (private schooling in U.S. terms), and went on to be an Atomic Weapons Scientist, and young John of your Territorial Army days who became a Secretary in the British Cabinet Office. These fellows were given a pretty hard ride by their parents, and the Fathers in the main, and thought they had no choice but to obey the command and become embroiled in the dark arts. But these were only bit players in life’s dark theatre and the children of the Illuminati figureheads have a worse time, for the day will come when they stand in line to become figureheads themselves and so the blackest of black arts are beaten into them every minute of every day with no respite. Small wonder then, that they do their work with glee, for that becomes their sole enjoyment after all the fairness and decency has been beaten out of them.
It is a very sad tale which has been going on in some form or other for millennia.
Vince: Thank you kindly for explaining that for me, and I hope it will be of interest to others.
Monjoronson: It’s a pleasure to work with you, and now I suggest a few days should elapse until our next contact, when you will be better able to receive more text from me.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with Vince who is one of my Scribes. 9th August 2010