2010-08-12-Words Flowed Like Holy Water
Topic: Words Flowed Like Holy Water
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Good morning my son.
I was in two minds whether to contact you at all today, as that eye infection has laid you low for a while, but at the very least, I can bring you some Love and Light which will help you.
Vince: Mornin’, I wasn’t aware that the Spiritual Hierarchy suffered from Schizophrenia. (A reference to “two minds”)
Monjoronson: A figure of speech and selected from your own library of sayings so that ordinary people will understand me.
Vince: Oh yes, being very ordinary; indeed common, I understand you perfectly. Carry on.
Monjoronson: It is the little quirks of yours which I find so appealing. Never mind, let’s crack on, shall we?
Vince: Yes, my mind is blank and at your disposal to bring forth wisdom and light, or whatever other stuff you bring.
Monjoronson: Do you feel that the kettle has gone off the boil with respect to the coming shift and Stasis?
Vince: Yes I do, very much so. I was only thinking that the sense of impending change was absent yesterday, whereas the day before it was a very strong presence in our reality.
Monjoronson: Well, that is good as we had decided to remove this energy which brings this awareness, and channel it into the events themselves, and the reasons are twofold. Firstly, it is energy we can put back into the pot to bring about stasis; and secondly, we don’t want the Dark Ones to feel this frisson of excitement connected with these epoch making events.
You see, in order to sense and ‘feel’ approaching events, there has to be the energy available to power it. If you are waiting for a bus, you will not normally know how far it is away from you, or whether it has been cancelled; except by electronic information displays; although the odd person may pick up on it by psychic sense and to do this, they will have to spend some of their energy to do it; and even then it may not be successful.
With vast events of a global nature, there are those people and animals who expend some of their energies to sense these things, but with Stasis and the upcoming changes, because they are so big they have to have a level of energy attached to them which will meet the sensitive people, and the animals, half-way.
At this point I must tell you that there are those Dark Ones who have well developed psychic abilities, and used in the military, secret services and other even less pleasant areas of the Illuminati domain, where “Remote Viewing” as they call it and other arts are trained and practiced. So, if they did pick up on the waves of change earlier this week, then they certainly won’t now, because of the removal and reallocation of the energies involved, which makes it more like a stealth technological event. I am happy to mention this here, and there is no point keeping it secret, because the Dark Ones will only think that we’ve gone off the boil again, as on so many previous occasions; and in the event that any of them find their way to this site, they won’t believe anything through a gross nonentity like you.
Vince: Thank you for your kind appreciation of my position in life!!!
Monjoronson: You well know that I am only expressing how they would see you, nothing more.
Vince: Yes, but I like a little joke now and again to break up the heaviness. My Gawd, some of your pieces published through other scribes are a bit like watching paint dry, and have a soporific effect on me.
Monjoronson: Ah, you are so kind!!!
Anyway, on with the motley; now that the energies have been diverted, the upcoming events won’t be sensed and they will just come in with a bang. There will be no warning, and the surprise will be total. You could use the onset of the big Tsunami you had where everybody was taken by surprise; but this will be much, much bigger and on a global scale. It will be when you least expect it and when there is a sense of calm rather than one of turmoil.
Vince: So, why are you dwelling on Ascension process and Stasis, rather than concentrating on teaching?
Monjoronson: Well, at the moment where I am situated, it is all hands to the pumps and the main focus is upon these events. We have to rid your planet of the Dark Ones, and clean up pollution and negative energy and that is a sizeable task. But, this is also educational in a sense as well, because if we tell you the nature of things before they happen, this process in itself is educational, and it also brings greater trust between us in both dimensions.
Vince: What if it goes wrong again, doesn’t this removal of energy for warning us about the event’s arrival, show weakness and suggest you are covering your arses in advance of any tardy or unsatisfactory outcome?
Monjoronson: Well, I can see how it can be viewed like that, but it isn’t being done for those reasons, and I must ask you to accept my word on this please?
Vince: Fair enough then, I accept.
Monjoronson: Good, now you can go back to your sitting, watching and waiting for an outcome and I do believe when you have experienced the outcome there will never, ever be a grain of disbelief by you again. This has been a long hard struggle to get were we are today, and where we will be at the declaration of stasis, and along the way many dear ones have been hurt, passed over or given up. This is a war waged against the Darkness and far bigger than any of your “World Wars”, and for those of the Light there will be spiritual rewards upon our victory over the Dark Ones, before we then move onto the next phase of the operation which will be to consolidate our position and then move on to lay foundations for building a new civilisation on the basis of Love, Light & Fairness and in line with Divine Law
Thank you this day for sitting at the keyboard and tapping out my words, and despite a number of difficulties the words have flowed like Holy Water.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with my Scribe named Vince. 12th August 2010