2010-08-19-Education and Training
Topic: Education and Training
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Vince: Good Morning Monjoronson, I’d like to ask you a question today, please?
Monjoronson: Hello my dear chap, ask your question and I shall do my best to answer it.
Vince: Thanks, I will.
It has been mentioned by some “Enlightened Ones” that they go aboard “Ship” during sleep state, for conferences, education, planning meetings and the like; but do the whole 200,000 or so of them do this, or is it only the elite which enjoy this privilege?
Monjoronson: First of all, I fully understand that the purpose of this question is not to seek information about you, but bring enlightenment to others, so my answer will be given on that basis.
In the first place each and every one of our “Enlightened Ones”, are hand picked for a selection of important tasks, and the vast majority have been destined for this prior to conception in this incarnation. Now, for every rule there are exceptions, because things happen over time and people leave your dimension at the end of their lives, so at any given time these numbers fluctuate, as some leave and others join.
There is another parallel scheme running which is not general knowledge, but there is a reserve pool of ones who are becoming enlightened very quickly and they can stand in for any losses through Collateral Damage, and if the number of Humans remaining with Earth after Stasis is greater than initially forecast, these will flesh out the skeleton of our organisation to provide greater coverage worldwide. The number of these ones is greater than 200,000 and their training is ongoing as we speak.
A goodly number of our front-line and reserve personnel do not know with the conscious mind what they will be doing, or even of our presence at this time, and it is often only when there is bleed through from one dimension to the other that there is some feint remembrance of activities they were involved in elsewhere, and these events are often explained away as strange dreams during sleep. Incidentally, education and training goes on during daytime sleep as well as the night time, and sometimes a person will sleep during the day when they normally wouldn’t, in order to catch up with the others in their preparations.
Because there are people who are going to serve in a wide variety of roles at a range of different levels, education and training also goes on in a number of different locations, including Starfleet craft, but also actually on your soil but in a different frequency band outside of your sensory range. These sessions for individuals in sleep state on terra firma, tend to be quite short and generally cover basic educational needs before individuals are ready to move on to the more advanced studies on board ship. In this part of the scheme, our tutors are those able to spend short periods of time in your dimension, and they work out of cloaked craft, but initial tuition takes place away from these vehicles in order to avoid any fear of “Little Green Men in Space-Ships”, as the saying goes.
Those ones going on board a Starfleet craft do so because they are working with beings who are not currently able to be in your dimension at this time, principally because the lower dimensions are unhealthy for them; but once Stasis is ongoing and the dark energy and pollution removed, they would be able to spend a certain amount of time there, which would vary with each individual concerned. This is a deep subject, and I have only explained a thin veneer to you, but that should give readers a broad brush view of the subject.
Most of the people who are consciously aware of our presence will not be aware of their sleep state activities, but they will be actively engaged in the education and training process as it applies to them individually, and thus they should not feel left out of it. Of course, there will be intensive mission specific training going on with all of our first and reserve groups during Stasis, prior to the “waking up” of the world in the post Stasis scenario.
I don’t want to say any more than that at this point, but I hope I have given you a flavour of what is happening on this subject, without giving our Dark Ones any information with which to curtail our activities.
Vince: Thanks MoJo.
Monjoronson: A pleasure dear fellow.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy answering a question from my friend Vince. 19th August 2010