2010-08-23-The Time is Nigh
Topic: The Time Is Nigh
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
This piece was received in four parts over three days.
Monjoronson: Good day to you my good man, this is a piece which shall be completed in parts before it is published.
You are now very close to Stasis, but I cannot say when the date and hour will be, for it happens when it happens. Let me just say that it is very close indeed.
All that you and your fellow Enlightened Ones of all kinds of spiritual stature have worked hard towards is within a whisker of your grasp, and there will be no turning back. The vast throng of beings from elsewhere in The Creation are poised to evacuate those in need of it, and geological events of epic proportions will give way to Stasis quite soon afterwards.
Our Enlightened Ones (EO’S) have been taught well and whether they are aware of it or not, have been assigned to particular locations during Stasis for mission related training, before being deployed in the post Stasis scenario. I don’t suppose all of you will have picked up the great sense of excitement which permeates our different dimensions, but suffice it to say that it is what we have all been waiting for over a very long time.
Individuals and groups of you have been assigned to particular tasks under the leadership of specific members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and their team and project leaders. Some of you will work direct for a Celestial or Angelic being and similar, whilst others will have been assigned to areas under leadership further down the operational chain of command. Wherever you are; be not disheartened, nor elated, by your position in this structure, for you as an individual have been placed where you can maximise your particular skills, and everybody is of equal value, wherever they are situated.
Don’t expect to “wake up” after Stasis in the same place you were, as a number of EO’s will be assigned to different areas, and also some regions will no longer be viable after geophysical changes. Please be assured that you will be placed in the most appropriate location according to your abilities and the kind of tasks you have agreed to perform, which is not necessarily known to your conscious mind. It may also be that upon first sight, your location may seem less than ideal, compared with your circumstances in your current reality. If this is this case, then I would ask you to allow the passage of a few months before attempting to address this issue.
It is inevitable that life will not be the same as it was prior to Stasis, and it will take time to settle down to some kind of normality. This will be an entirely different situation to your previous experience during the present incarnation, and we will be having a gigantic push to establish the appropriate conditions to establish foundations on which to build a new civilisation. This will not be an easy or straightforward task, and at the outset it is preferred that EO’s accept the given situation and make the best of it, rather than have to deal with the ongoing task and have to relocate many of you as well.
Your location has been carefully chosen to enable you to make a wonderful contribution to the plan, if only you will stick at it and overcome the initial turbulence.
There will be an abundance of spiritual work to be done, and yet the relative freedom with which to do it, commensurate with large quantities of dark and negative energy having been removed. Your planet will have a new sense of freedom in the atmosphere, and yet that is contained within the framework of Divine Law; break that and the transgressors will find a price to pay. But that is nothing new to our Enlightened Ones, who are already aware of the consequences of such actions, and go out of their way to comply with said laws.
And now my friends there is little more for me to say, other than we are all poised and ready and the time is nigh.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy coming to you through Vince. 23rd August 2010