Topic: This Light You Are
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monmacion
TR: Tiahuan
Good morning, I should say! Certainly my friends, I appreciate your willingness to linger this late, pushing yourselves into the morning hours to play host to myself and others who would join in this circle of light you have created.
You have all been advised over many years of the pre-eminent role of Stillness in this practice of extending our Father's light, and if you could see your light brightened so much by this practice, you would know even as you know the sun rises in the dawn, its light expands as it ascends in your sky. And so it is when you enter this realm, this place that you call Stillness, you allow this light within you to rise to a great prominence and to issue the fullness of its brilliance. As you practice, so you become; this light you are.
I and my fellows who visit and look forward to joining you in a more concrete manner in the course of materialization - we do look forward because we endeavor to increase this luminosity that you yourselves have recognized is our Source, but what you are doing upon your world as Agondonters in your final phase of living without seeing is what is making this possible. You are creating the space that is necessary for us to join safely, you and your fellows upon your world. Otherwise, this would be what we would call an invasion, but as it is, as you are becoming so bright, your light draws our light, and the light of ALL is magnified, and the gravity of love that you are generating is what is drawing us into your space. So therefore, you will understand, perhaps, Michael's plan to lift you up from within, but for many of you this has been an ordeal of a lifelong journey that your generation has expended, having spent yourself so dearly in the course of exploring an unrevealed truth that you are living in a universe teeming with intelligence that is defined by its orientation to the Source of intelligence, whose minds are understood to be rooted in Spirit.
Transition, Mansion Worlds
When you have finished your task in this world and you transition to your next spheres of assignment, you will see this mosaic that you have made real. It is a generational gift, a contribution that has made possible the safe transit of this world from a state of isolation to integration, but this phase transition has been characterized by a great tension - stress. It has tested you deeply, and you have found that your resilience, your capacity to sustain such a wrenching adjustment is made possible solely by your reliance upon your indwelling Spirit. Otherwise, you would call this what you know as the partnership of humanity and divinity working as one, the Creator and the creature, Parent and child, joined in a wholehearted, united effort to heal what has been broken. And so, my friends, while you look to me and my colleagues on high as your seniors, superiors - whatever you may think of us; we do have more experience. It is though, from the depth and range of our experience that we recognize the remarkable work that you are doing and that you have done already. In fact we salute the spirit within you, we marvel at the capacity of our Father to live as he does in beings such as you are.
Whenever sentient beings conscious of their Source behold the First Source in action in the life of any, you are swept with awe, your hearts are caught in a state of wonder, and rightly so, for it is wondrous always to behold the presence of God living in and through his children. And just as you are caught up in these moments of wonder from time to time, so are we caught up in the wonder of your labor that we are privileged to join. This is a way of saying my friends, well done, good and faithful servants. Enter the joy of your Maker!
Magisterial Mission
The path that you have trod is rugged, you have sustained injuries, you have braved storms, and you are now in the whirlwind of its culminating influence. It is you my friends who have unleashed this whirlwind upon your world by your devotion to simply walking with our Father; this whirlwind that has many concerned, looking for their Savior, for their Messiah, for their Holy One, some One, anyone to come and show them the way forward. Such openness and receptivity is what your labor has created, and into this space me and my fellows, those of us who are part of this massive initiative that you know of as your initial Magisterial Mission. We are here, but we are here because you have made it possible working with Michael, each of you in your own ways, and when we join you, as we will in a manner that is more visible, more fully manifest to your fellows, you will know that it is not we who have come to save your world for it has already been saved, but we come to join you in this labor that you have already begun in earnest, and we are here to magnify this labor, to strengthen it, and to enlarge even further, this space you have created, this light you have generated.
Light and Life
So you might say, you and your fellows, spread throughout this world, not knowing each other necessarily, but fully conscious of being part of a network of persons devoted to but one thing, expanding this light, allowing our Father to rise in your lives. This is Light and Life. Our labor will be simply to expand it. Eventually, sufficient light will find itself present in your world, and the beginnings of the planetary stage of Light and Life will commence, but I remind you, it has already begun. You have turned on the lights, and your lives have broadcast a sign of welcome to your cosmic siblings of whom I am one.
My friends, if you have comments or questions feel free to offer them.
Otherwise, I would send you on your way to your rest. Good night my friends.