2010-08-31-A New Epoch
Topic: A New Epoch
Teacher: Michael
TR: Vince
I will no longer tolerate the Dark Energy on My beautiful Planet and today marks an auspicious grand opening to the coming down of the final curtain on this epoch.
When a planet is conceived and terraformed from components naturally available for the purpose, it starts out as a dear little baby, with a soul or spirit by your way of understanding. Over time it passes through different stages and becomes larger, just like a balloon; with land masses dividing and continental plates growing with infill provided by sub-oceanic volcanic activity, and land masses stretching with typical tell markings. You will often find seashells on mountains, and former deserts at the floor of the oceans, after substantial upheavals at the various phases of planetary growth.
To your way of thinking, the billions of your years required from scratch to where your planet is today is such a vast expanse of time, as to be unimaginable. Over that time there have been many changes, all of them managed, with different kind of populations of strange (to you) life, and situated in various parts of this Universe. When major geophysical changes take place earlier life forms are often replaced by more advanced ones, and usually there is a period with the planet left fallow for some considerable time before the repopulation, as major changes are at best very disruptive to planetary life.
When these changes take place there are volcanoes of all magnitudes, earthquakes large and small, vast tidal waves which are currently known by you as tsunamis, all kinds of extreme weather events, amongst other things which are not conducive to life on the planet. If any human life were on a planet such as yours at the beginning of a cycle of change, it would undoubtedly be seen as “The End of the World”.
And, here we are in the year which you call 2010, with My dear planet which you call Earth, and every one else calls Urantia; still in the control of Dark Forces, and not under full Divine control as it should be. There is great depravity in your societies; immense greed and a handful of families controlling the majority of your mutual wealth; plus corruption and vast embedded criminality of all types you can think of.
You are now at the end of a planetary cycle of a vast timescale, as would be viewed by an ordinary person; and My dear planet Urantia is to be downtrodden no more. You are not about to witness the End of the World, as you know it, but the upgrading and enhancement of it to a new and higher level of vibration for Her. I refer to the spirit of Urantia; Gaia and the construction itself as Her, for She is a mother who looks after and nurtures many different life forms upon and within Her.
These changes are a gigantic operation by your standards and you will see geophysical changes of unimaginable scale. For those people whose lives are dictated by daily tasks, news bulletins, bus, train & plane timetables, mealtimes, ballgames and all the material attractions they are so diverted by, once it becomes clear to them that their lives on Planet Earth are no longer feasible; and it will become only too obvious, then they will be in great fear for once in their lives. And, will they turn to me their Father, Christ Michael their God? Well, they will certainly have a perfect opportunity.
After the tumultuous geophysical events are well under way; your populations will be divided. Some will be taken in body to other planets suitable for their present level of spiritual evolvement; others will pass-over in these events and be reincarnated elsewhere. Those of the Darkest Hue, pickled inside with the Evil Black Rot of Negativity, will be given the choice to Repent or be Uncreated. Those who are sufficiently spiritually evolved will be uplifted if they are in danger areas and returned with all of their kind for repopulation of Urantia as a Divine planet, with a population no longer in Duality and taking their place in Galactic Society.
Imagine yourselves on a rollercoaster; there’s going to be an exciting ride ahead, with ups and downs, twists and turns and not everyone will keep their lunch down; but after the final stretch when the car runs in again, there will be a beautiful new home for you and Urantia will have been upgraded to the start of a new epoch as a spiritual place with all vestiges of the revolting darkness removed.
It is happening now as I write this through Vince. Oh, it won’t all be covered in the Illuminati controlled media yet, but the alternative news channels will cover it, so you must look around. Then there will be no way of hiding it, and gradually the whole range of events will be there for you to read and watch.
When you see all these major events, remember that it is I your God who is leading the cleansing and upgrading of your planetary home, and it is Ye who shall benefit.
And so it is…………………
I AM Christ Michael Aton bringing you this thru Vince. 31st August 2010