2010-09-08-A Glimpse Behind the Curtain
Topic: A Glimpse Behind the Curtain
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Now is not the time for discussions about the Ascension process, and where you stand as far your imaginary timeline is concerned; for the process is happening as we speak and being a natural process it has its own dynamic. But just cast your mind around the Pacific Rim for a moment and you begin to see the first bubbles before the whole saucepan of porridge comes to the boil.
As you well know, the first bubbles with the porridge cooking process soon disappear, then the whole saucepan full boils up, and if you don’t turn the heat down low, it boils over onto the top of the cooker. Well, the earthquakes around the Pacific are at the stage towards the end of the low bubbles, and soon enough some big ones will appear; but the power won’t be turned down like the porridge, and it will boil over and other areas will join in as well.
I am more concerned about the spiritual constitution of what I like to call my Enlightened Ones though, because there are going to be people frantic with worry about loved ones lost in the upheaval and the future viability of life on your planet. Don’t expect comfort from the authorities either, for there will be precious little of that and many of their number will hop it at the first signs of major trouble. To be fair to them, they are not trained adequately for apocalyptic events on such a vast scale and will quickly become overwhelmed by it all. This will not be exactly the same everywhere; but should be taken as the expected trend.
Equally there are not enough enlightened ones in every far-flung corner of your world so there will be many large areas without those able to give advice of a spiritual nature. There are many different groups, largely unknown to you who have been preparing for this event for a long while, and although they will not be familiar with my name and others they are still connected to Source and will be able to help.
Many ordinary people will be bewildered, angry and hurt that their comfortable (to them) lives have come to an abrupt end, only to be replaced with turmoil, pain and tears on a massive scale. To you who understand the reasons why this point has been reached, comes an opportunity to help explain some of the background to them, but there will be many who will not wish to hear, and those who will see you as their personal saviour, which you are not.
To those who ask you questions of a specific nature as to why their loved ones are no longer nearby you should answer simply that many people have been sent elsewhere for further training, and that not everybody who has ‘disappeared’ has ‘died’, to use their terms. This area is likely to be the biggest one for questions, and it is important that people are given a little hope that they may see their loved ones again. Some will, and many will not; but it is important to allow the possibility of hope, for there will be many colossal problems to occupy them especially in areas badly affected by earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, as well as flooding and drought.
You need to gather around you a nucleus of people who have an understanding of matters related to what I shall call the “Invisible World” and related to the non-material aspects of life, for they will help you get through these difficult times; where for most people there will be more questions than answers. Not everybody will have such sympathetic people at hand, and if you don’t, then not to worry; but for those who do, you will find strength in numbers.
How do you dispense spiritual philosophy to those who have no understanding of the subject? Put simply, you don’t as such; but in answer to simple questions like “where is my husband”, or “I can’t find my Mum”, kindness softly spoken goes a long way, as you do your best to explain that some people have gone away to a better place for training. It will be difficult in the initial days, but you will grow better with experience.
To broader questions about the viability of the planet and the various upheavals and sinking of land masses; it can be said to them that these are natural changes happening during the natural upgrading process of the planet. But as to the questions of a more localised nature concerning water, electricity, gas, sewerage and phone services; answers are best left to any surviving forms of government and utility companies. In some areas it may be that the population has to fend for themselves where these utilities are disrupted, and here the enlightened ones may well be able to offer some help with finding solutions for the period of disruption.
We are now past the tipping point and there is no going back to the lifestyle of the old days, as you may come to know them; but because many of you have yet to experience some major geophysical events first hand, you still may fail to recognise the actual point we are at in the overall process. Trust me when I say it proceeds well and all is going to plan. Soon enough you will begin to experience shortages and outages. That means certain items of food you are familiar with will begin to become more expensive and harder to obtain, and in some cases there will be power cuts in various locations. These will be due to both financial meltdown, and as a result of geophysical events. As a result life will become extra challenging, for all but the super rich who will soon experience challenges of their own. Please remember that not every super rich person is responsible for robbing you blind, as there will be family members who are not directly involved with the dark processes, and have just experienced a fabulous lifestyle which for them is perfectly normal, and they do not understand the scale of the dark games which keep their families wealthy and they are just innocents like you ones.
We are approaching the gates of a new epoch in which the currency of spirituality and the obedience of Divine Law will carry the weight that money carries in your present lives, and then some more on top. Money will become simply a token of exchange of value, and not an end in itself as is the present situation. I don’t expect you to fully understand this concept at present, but in the period of time post stasis you will begin to understand the philosophy behind this new paradigm applied to money.
In the period between now and stasis, the world will become increasingly unstable as society lurches between one crisis and another; from commercial, through political, to geophysical, via weather systems, and all I can ask of you prior to training during stasis is that you do your best to help genuine people in crisis, because of the ongoing changes, as you would wish to be treated yourselves, and in line with your understanding of Divine Law. But, given that there will be people who will suck you dry of every last drop of spiritual energy, beware of them and try to spot them early on and give them as wide a berth as you possibly can.
They are the takers and the deluded, and although they have drastic needs of their own, the energies which you have are better spent on the genuine ones where it will actually do some good, rather than wasting it on those who will actually derive no benefit at all. In a time of apocalyptic crisis it is perfectly normal for people to become overwhelmed by events, and in their fight for survival they become selfishly single minded; so it is important to distinguish between those who will actually derive benefit from your advice and those who will not; if you rely upon your intuition, and that “gut feeling” to determine who is genuine and who is not, then you won’t go far wrong.
When I write these pieces with Vince as my scribe, I am mindful that a lot of generalisations have to be included and what actually happens to you personally and what goes on in your area will inevitably differ from one region to another and one country to another. It may be that one of our enlightened ones just breezes through between now and stasis, while another has all manner of “muck & bullets” to deal with, so all I can ask is that whatever the circumstances you find yourselves in; just do your best please, and I cannot ask for more than that.
Your new lives post stasis will become entirely different from how they are now and although I am certain many of you will look back with fondness to certain possessions, foods and drinks and things which will no longer be obtainable; the sheer wonder of living in a society without the Dark Ones and their negative energy, will more than make up for the losses you will have sustained. When the time is appropriate you will be introduced to new technologies which will seem as magic compared with the current methods in use and overall these will far outweigh all the things you will have left behind.
Once you take out the profit motive from inventions, you will see that so many things are possible and you will be enriched by them. When everyone works for the good of the community, the profit motive becomes redundant and a simple small monetary service charge becomes the norm to be included in the selling prices. You see, eventually money will become unnecessary and that is the position in the vast majority of the other inhabited planets; but yours is a backward society and the next phase after rampant materialism where the rewards are mainly financial, is with money as a token of exchange of value, where the service charge replaces the profit margin.
To many of you this will sound like Communism of Russia and China, but nothing could be further from the truth. Those countries are ruled tightly by an elite, for its’ own purposes; and in that respect is no different from Western countries, except that personal freedoms are less than those in the West. In your new model, there will be real power given to the people to decide how to run each state for the benefit of the whole population, with the proviso that it must be done within the rules of Divine Law and these will be adhered to, because the only other option is to take the other path which leads to the Dark mess you are currently in.
Please remember that in a spiritual society you are expected to care about other people, as well as yourself; and as a result of that, there will be people caring about you as well as themselves. There will of course be likes and dislikes and certain people who do not get on with others, but if the caring principle is applied overall, you will have a bond which will enrich the whole of your society, likes and dislikes included. Then will your co-creational powers lead you eventually to the highest places it is possible for you to be, instead of you all grovelling around in the darkness thanks to your don’t care ruling elite of present times.
What awaits you is as a gold coin compared with an empty bean can or diamonds compared with yesterday’s donuts; and as well as spiritual riches, you will begin to understand what it is like to live in a world where there are no poor and starving people, for everyone can share in the riches not just the few. That does not mean that every person will have a perfect lifestyle, for there will still be people who do not adequately ensure that they maintain their share of the common wealth and throw it away on diversions; but at least they have the chance to have their fair share, which is more than they do at present in your society.
This is just a glimpse behind the curtain of what awaits you in the future and to some it may sound wonderful, while to others it may seem to be a nightmare scenario, so ingrained are they with the profit motivated society. And yet, the new paradigm which is inclusive of everyone will develop over time a far freer and richer society than you can possibly imagine and when you begin to glimpse what happens on most inhabited planets which operate on this basis, then you will see that by comparison yours is an exceptionally backward society, and a relatively poor one at that.
Well, I hope today that I’ve given you some things to think about which will spur you on through the difficult times, whereby you will be in a co-creational position post stasis as you get to grips with building a new civilisation.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy delivering a short piece through Vince my scribe. 8th September 2010