2010-09-22-Getting It
Topic: Getting It
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Good morning my dear friend and scribe.
You are now “getting it”, aren’t you? I mean of course that the Ascension programme is here, that it is in operation and it is ongoing. It will not stop until the objective is reached, and the Dark Ones cannot stop it and there is no place in the whole of Creation for them to hide from the inevitable uncloaking of their crimes against humanity, the animal kingdom, Gaia/Urantia/Earth Shan, and for despoiling parts of this universe and going against Divine Law.
Events are moving along with great enthusiasm and joy, for there is pent up energy involved and now that the final command has been given for the Ascension process to proceed, you should expect events to unfold with great speed and the current position you ones are currently in, will no longer prevail quite soon.
I want to address the matter of the use of the word “soon” as it is applied to the Ascension process. If I could tell you an exact date when an earthquake of great magnitude would hit a certain country, I would not do so. If I could tell you an exact time and date when Stasis would be imposed, I would not do so. If I did it would destroy the essential spontaneous nature of the process as well as giving the Dark Ones another large stick to beat Humanity and Gaia with again, and there are too many of those in operation already.
My “soon” means what it says; it will be soon, and too soon for some to do any more major damage. As to which people shall be going to where, this has all been calculated, but there are bound to be what I shall term last minute stragglers, who are borderline cases and will finally decide which side they are really on just as the finger hits the switch marked “Stasis”.
Many who would have stayed with your beautiful planet are just too unaware of reality at the closing of this cycle, and are still in the false reality constructed by the Dark Ones, which you ones would call “normal life”. Well, it is an illusion and the great tragedy is that by virtue of its dense and concrete nature, it is all the majority can see and therefore in their eyes all that exists. Their minds are closed to all other possibilities, and for those who seek to find God through one of the World religions, by and large these are not organisations for educating individuals into the ways of the true God.
They contain many truths, but not the whole truth as they have been revised by Man over time to act as part of a controlling matrix for those who join their congregations. The Dark Ones learned long ago that if you keep just enough fragments of truth amongst the numerous untruths, people will be hoodwinked into believing that the whole is true, and not the pack of lies it really is.
I shall go further and say to you quite candidly that some religions are little more than criminal organisations operating on a global basis. I will not specify here what these are, for such revelations are not my purpose, but these are vile organisations and on many different levels within them. People you currently regard as most senior and holy will be unfrocked and shown for what they really are. But these revelations will come too late for the bulk of Humanity to become educated enough to the required standard to continue with Urantia at the start of the next cycle, and will be relocated to other destinations, that they may continue with their education at a level they will be more comfortable with.
We of the Spiritual Hierarchy have become tired with the authorities on your planet, nearly all of whom are feathering their own nests at your expense and concealing the facts from you. It had been hoped that they would finally relinquish their hold over you for the sake of the greater good, but here again they repeatedly refused; thinking that they were going to let go of their cash machine, and in this respect they were right, they were going to. But there would have been compensations of a spiritual nature which would have been most beneficial over eternity; whereas their cash machine only holds its value during their current lifetime, and those of their future offspring.
It’s a ship of fools; run by fools for the benefit of fools; but they just can’t see it. And so very “soon” they will be removed and salvaged where possible and uncreated where it’s not possible, but they will never again be allowed to practice their dark arts. This is a message I am keen to repeat whenever I have the opportunity, for major changes are afoot and I must keep you informed of the progress being made.
Very soon it will become obvious for all to see that the life of “normality” you have come to know and which has been the illusion for thousands of years will no longer be viable. It is the end of the current cycle and there will be the parting of the ways for many; you will only need to watch and listen and the truth of my words will be self evident.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this message through Vince. 22nd September 2010