2010-09-26-A Very Crucial Point
Topic: A Very Crucial Point
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Vince: Hello MoJo, I sense you are around and wish to speak, so please feel free to go ahead
Monjoronson: Hello my fine young man that is so.
Vince: Flattery will get you nowhere!
Monjoronson: Then, nowhere it is.
Actually we are now at a very crucial point in the order of things as we process along life’s highway towards this monumentally important event involving the rebirth of your planet. Each and every one of you “Few” who are to be our team on the ground have had much of the necessary education while asleep, and there are the particles of the new energy surrounding you and your whole body is being gradually upgraded each and every moment of your day.
But what the majority of you lack is hands on experience in a kind of warzone. Make no mistake; in the time of the pre-stasis planetary upheaval, you will be going through events of an exceptionally harrowing nature, which even soldiers, ambulance crew and fire-fighters would be blown away by.
Equally there are no adequate plans by any Government or international body which could possibly deal with the stress and horror of a planetary revamp. If the hurricane Katrina events in New Orleans, the Haiti earthquake and the recent floods in Pakistan are the litmus test of overwhelming events, just imagine how the services would cope with these if they were replicated many thousands of times over and spread across the surface of the planet.
Clearly, any emergency response will be limited and quite puny, and if many members of the emergency services have themselves and their families been similarly devastated, then the response will be even worse. In such a scenario, it is pretty much every man and his group of family or friends for themselves. And yet there will be people trapped and injured, family members missing, interrupted utility services, food shortages, inadequate transport, overwhelmed medical services and substantial numbers of the deceased laying where they fell with all the public health problems that will cause. It has the potential to be far worse than anything comparable in your two “World Wars”.
It is worth remembering that your two “World Wars” were planned, financed and equipped by the Dark Ones in advance of their onset, and countries and their people gradually became on a war footing with their daily experiences as the conflicts progressed so that by the end, they were very experienced in all manner of devastation, where you are not. When events unfold and you individuals find your surroundings affected by the naturally occurring planetary remodelling, you will be thrown into the deep end and left to cope as best you can.
This is both a disastrous situation for humanity, and a wonderful opportunity for the members of our team on the ground to show leadership, love, compassion, unselfishness, commitment to the cause, during these events before the period of stasis is declared. It won’t be like anything you have previously experienced before, and it is impossible to say just how bad it will be in any individual’s neighbourhood; but if you allow yourselves to react naturally to the situations as they arise, you will find yourselves growing into the strong individuals who will be able to cope in harrowing situations. This is essential experiential growth which will prepare you for the post stasis scenario of coping from scratch in a vastly different world from the present one. It isn’t all doom and gloom, for in the process of coping with major events, there is love, light and laughter to be found and the human relations in dire situations are often much more caring than in your “normal” lives.
It may be that you see the immediate future as another case of “The Management” cocking it up again because you are going to be thrown in at the deep end, when we have been waiting for years for the Dark Ones to quit and come to the Light, and wasted so much time. But I must say to you that the time has not been wasted, for every one of God’s children deserves to be given the chance to repent; but now it is crystal clear to us that we have finally reached the end of the waiting time and the “end time” of the current cycle is upon us.
Which ones of you do not wish to move forward for your God and for yourselves? Which ones of you are not in touch with your inner God spark? Which ones of you will cave in under pressure? I say none of you; for you are all beings of vast depth and experience as total souls, and so the collywobbles in the pit of your stomachs which may appear at the beginning of the upheavals, will soon be gone when you begin to deal with the serious problems in your area, and you will find the work to be very rewarding as well.
Now, there are those of you who are suffering from sickness or disabilities gained during your current lives, and you will not be able to participate physically to the extent that is possible for the well and able bodied ones; but leadership and ideas can be based in an armchair if that is the way in which you can help your Brothers & Sisters of Humanity. Sometimes a single idea can have a beneficial effect on a vast scale, so I say to you that the less physically able ones of you carry just as much weight and responsibility for your God’s programme on the ground and will be regarded no differently by us, provided they participate as fully as they can in whatever way they can; for your God loves you all unconditionally.
Everyone knows what it’s like when your favourite store closes down for rebuilding, and you have to put up with a temporary one which is inadequate and doesn’t sell all you need for your weekly shop. It’s dusty and cramped and every customer moans about it and the remodelling seems to go on for an eternity. But then comes the day of the reopening, and joy of joys, your lives are improved immensely by all the new facilities and the larger range of products stocked in the old store. Try and look at the Earth changes in the same way, but on a vast scale; and for those of you on the ground going forward with your upgraded planet with your own upgraded “beingness”, this is the most wonderful opportunity and experience and there are billions of beings on other planets cheering you on towards victory as Soldiers of the Light.
Think of yourselves as you would Olympic Athletes representing your country in a world class event, except that this is an event of great significance to the whole of Creation and you the “Few” are just a tiny number beings in an infinity of existence, and your fame will spread far and wide. Even though you are deeply humble and not aware of the vast number of eyes focussed upon you, you cannot escape the gaze of those watching the freeing of your most beautiful and significant planet from the evil grasp of the Darkness.
For many countries, the present times equate to the lull before the storm, while in others your Brothers and Sisters are suffering all manner of problems involving floods, famine and overwhelming disasters; and yet donated food, equipment and funds are being stolen on a vast basis by their own countrymen and others eager to enrich themselves at the expense of the victims. These are the despicable ones who are in all levels of society throughout your world, but in the coming times, money and power will not buy them comfortable lives, for the natural Earth changes are no respecter of social position and material wealth. You will begin to see how the times will change and the ones who proceed with Love, Light, Compassion and Humility will be the ones who lead, and the old world values of Greed, Material Wealth, Hatred and Bestiality have nothing of any worth remaining because Dollars, Pounds, Euros and other currencies, will cease to have any value; and a Position, Title, Job or Bloodline will be equally valueless.
You will find that much of this information is being given out by various Spiritual Hierarchy sources to ensure maximum coverage, and this is part of my contribution. We have to do our utmost to inform as many people as we can, but even at this late stage in the process, the vast majority of people are totally preoccupied with their material lives and diversions. They have utterly failed to grasp what is going on beneath their feet, above their heads, and all around them. If they did but know it, they are missing the most important event in their dimension for hundreds of thousands of years, and when the bus leaves the depot there are going to be plenty of vacant seats which would have been filled by the people who can’t or won’t look outside of the box, in the manner of: “There’s none so blind as those who will not see”.
So my friends, as the curtain goes up on the biggest show of shock and awe you’ve ever seen; just remember that your God loves you unconditionally and by being part of the process on the ground you are doing His will and the will of Source.
Vince: Thanks for the message, MoJo.
Monjoronson: You are most welcome.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this message through Vince. 26th September 2010