2010-10-02-The End Time Cometh
Topic: The End Time Cometh
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: I want to talk today about the progress of humanity up the evolutionary ladder and how difficult it is to make adequate progress.
Have you ever wanted to tap someone on the shoulder and suggest they cease some activity and wise-up to the fact they are engaging in matters of a low nature, which isn’t worthy of them being a Child of God? And if you had done, what abuse would you have received them?
Of course you will never know, but those who have done so have experienced a range of emotions from complete compliance, down to physical violence. It is not an easy thing for you to do because the vast majority of people in your world are of a lower vibration than the Few who have various levels of understanding of what I shall call “The true nature of existence.”
You will know by now that people just don’t want to gain knowledge in this field and are pretty much totally preoccupied with the material life, and if they seek spiritual upliftment it is most usually in the wrong place; in the arena of the organised religions of your world. This is an observation and not a criticism of the beliefs of mainstream humanity; for we do not judge you as that is the sole preserve of the individuals themselves.
In the many thousands of years of the current cycle on the planet you know as Earth, humanity as a collective has made inadequate evolutionary progress in time for the Harvest at the end of the cycle, which is imminent. To say we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are disappointed is a huge understatement and we have seen so many promising people succumb to all the diversions which are available, for they are an easy way of spending time, rather than thinking for themselves and trying to find out the reality of God and Creation.
Even with the ones I call the Few, many of them are really so far behind where they could and should be, but again we do not stand in judgement against them, for the environment in which they exist is far from being conducive, because of the general lack of understanding and acceptance of knowledge and values which are held by the populations of very many planets elsewhere in the Creation. Mankind on your planet is backward in the extreme because the direct link with your God has been severed by the Satanists and their ilk, and their stinking rot has been liberally spread around the whole of the population and you have either accepted it in place of the truth, or it is lurking in a corner not far away from the unwary.
Even the most highly evolved and spiritual of you cannot avoid it, for its atoms are in the air that you breathe, in the water that you drink and the food that you eat. It is on TV and Radio, in the Newspapers, at the Cinema and Theatres and its threads are woven into the Internet where it shares space with the very highest examples of spiritual philosophy on your planet. It is there; it surrounds you; and you are affected by it to some degree or other.
For the relative few who know that Christ Michael Aton is their Creator God, and keep in daily contact with Him and other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, it is tough going because you are swimming against the tide of mainstream humanity, but you are making progress and the light amidst the darkness on your planet would be worse were it not for you and selected members of the Animal Kingdom, who do their job so diligently. It could be even worse, but equally it should have been so much better by now.
So the Harvest will take place and the rotten seed will be unceremoniously placed upon the compost heap, where they will either rot down to their ingredients, or sprout in the narrow beam of light and find their way back to God once more. Those who have not developed sufficiently to qualify for further citizenship on your Planet Earth will unfortunately have to go to other inhabited planets to begin a new cycle of development in far more favourable conditions than they have experienced recently.
The Few are all we have left to construct a new civilisation with on a cleansed and upgraded Urantia (Planet Earth). It is such a shame that so many have missed such wonderful opportunities in the current cycle, but that’s the situation and we will have to go forward with this tiny minority and create what we must, as there is no other suitable option.
Many times we scratch our heads and wonder why people elevate money, possessions and power to the level where it is their personal god and they worship in their offices, their political assemblies and their cathedrals; and the mantra is “Gimmee, Gimee, Gimmee”. Do they not understand that if they knew their true God everything is possible; it is magnificent beyond their wildest dreams, and all the money, possessions and so called power are by comparison a metal bucket with a hole in it; absolutely useless!
Now it is understood that the individual has to obtain money to live, for that is how your society is set up, and it is not for your benefit. As your family grows there are demands placed upon you to obtain more spacious housing, but the pursuit of these purely material things should not become a cult activity as it is with so many people. If the few grab all the resources for their own selfish ends, then you have what are often called “Third World Countries” where apart from a few despotic ruling officials, the majority are dirt poor. Greed begets war, and war is evil; and most of your conflicts are caused by greed and by those not wishing there to be a fair share of your planet’s resources for every person, and in this respect alone your world gets worse every day
I could sit with this scribe all day writing a thesis on the love of God, and evil of poverty; but the trickle of people who will read my words are mostly the converted and not those ignorant of these matters. That is the crux of the problem as to how we engage ordinary people in your society to find their true God and not worship at the altar of materialism, as once you get into the “new car every year” frame of mind, and the holidays abroad; and all the gismos there are to be purchased, these possessions become the conveyor belt which take so very many people forward towards the altar of greed.
There are educational programmes in place and many more planned, but these will only reach those of a sufficiently high educational standard and in operation these exclude the majority of the population who, to use a modern term, are “dumbed down.” Even with a certain percentage of the Few, there are those for whom such lessons would be meaningless and the objective would elude them completely. They are of a certain spiritual height, but in their present incarnation prior to Stasis, do not have the required intellect for these studies.
Many people are drawn to the Religions of your World, for they are an easy option, and every one of these organisations is faulty to some degree and the whole truth is not told. Indeed, some of the biggest include the most mammoth lies within their doctrine, and this they do in the name of “God”, this mythical creature so far removed from your true God, Christ Michael Aton.
It has to be said that from your perspective, it is not every person who will get up one morning and say that this is the day they will begin to search for the truth about Creation and the true God, because not many people do this at all. Others decide to become involved in a religion and therefore learn much untruth; while all the time mainstream humanity doesn’t bother with the big questions in life and moves on to undiluted materialism in any number of guises. Is it any wonder, that with all the diversions going on in the material world only a small percentage ever find out the truth, and everybody says they’ve found the truth in their reality, but nothing could be further from the truth.
It then becomes crystal clear that any form of constructing a new civilisation run on spiritual lines, on an upgraded planet but with the existing population, is impossible because so many of them have largely wasted multiple incarnations by sticking their greedy snouts in the cash register, to the detriment of what they should have been studying. Lest you think I am being unkind about them, if only you could see what revolting people some have become as we see it; it is most unpleasant to behold. You either make yourself rich at the expense of other human beings, or make yourself spiritual with your studies and contribute to the wellbeing of your whole society, for these opposite ends of the spectrum do not usually become bedfellows.
Unless wealth is distributed equally amongst the global population, all economic growth is achieved at somebody else’s expense; think about that for a moment. Now, I expect there will be businessmen, politicians, economists, bankers and their kind who will tell you this isn’t so, because they don’t want you to know how fractional reserve banking actually works; how defence contracts are fiddled and given to their friends with the vast cost-overruns which are involved, and how the national banks like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are actually privately owned, and yet they are involved in determining how the relevant country’s economies are run. It’s a crooked system and steals money from the population, on the basis that you are all suckers and therefore shouldn’t be given an even break.
And why should this concern senior members of the Spiritual Hierarchy; well I’ll tell you? Earth’s population has got itself in a fine mess, and it can’t sort it out by itself because in the first place it doesn’t know it is in a mess. People think the way the world is governed is “normal”, and that what you have to put up with on a daily basis is how it should be and how it will always be because, “That’s the way the World works.” Well, it isn’t “normal” and it isn’t right either. It runs that way because a few people of certain bloodlines decided that suited them the best and you must be robbed at every opportunity to provide their riches.
But, they are really very stupid people as well, because in the vast majority of inhabited planets the system does not run like that and it is a relatively small infection of darkness in a small area of this universe which is operating for the time being on such greedy and corrupt lines by a criminal elite and “criminal” doesn’t refer to the laws of the lands involved, nor to internationally agreed conventions; but to Divine Law which applies to the whole of the Creation. They cannot see that by ignoring the Father and the Source of All That Is, they are effectively sawing off the branch which they are sitting on and they are going to plunge into the abyss. It is inevitable unless they give it up and allow those of the light to take over from their dark controllers, and it will be snatched away from them in a manner they cannot even imagine.
I have many important things to attend to as I write this piece, but I continue to try and remind everyone by whatever methods I can that time is rapidly running out and the End Time of this cycle is upon us; and the time to give up and turn to the light is now. It is a message I shall continue to repeat in various forms, for we of the Spiritual Hierarchy still want as many people as possible to give up their dark ways and turn to the light; and if only one single person heeds this message, then in our eyes that is a great success.
Your true God cares for and loves every one of you, even those poor souls infected with the dark rot, and that is why we are bending over backwards, as you would say, to try and rescue more of you even at this very late time in the process.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this message through Vince. 2nd October 2010