2010-10-06-Looking for Problems
Topic: Looking for Problems
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Oscar
Teacher: “Finding a problem in your world is not difficult. You simply need to look around you and you will see many that are suffering through damage caused by others, or by themselves. You will see many that struggle hard with life and feel as if each day is a battle in which they keep losing ground, and they live in this fashion because they don’t know a better way.
“However, to find opportunities to serve your brothers and sisters and learn the useful lessons of eternal value that arise from loving service, you don’t have to go looking for problems. The many agents of the Father, with the help of your Guardians and the approval of your Thought Adjuster, will place in front of you plenty of opportunities, so you can learn all you need.
“Many have invested time and energy in moving to places where there are problems, apparently without realizing all the help they could provide right there where they were. All human beings, to some degree depending on the level of cooperation with their Thought Adjuster, are where the Father wishes them to be. Each person crossing your path, and each new sibling you meet, has come to you for a reason, maybe to teach you something, maybe to learn something from you, or maybe to achieve something together, something that neither of you could achieve alone.
“Consider yourself to be an agent, a representative, one of the workers of our Father. When the time comes for you to provide help about an issue that falls within your circle of influence, you will be the one who is called to cooperate and through the practice of exploring and learning to discern the will of the Father, you will be better prepared to answer the call efficiently, and be to those who need your help everything the Father would be if He was in your place.”