2010-10-10-Encouragement and Mindfulness

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Topic: Encouragement and Mindfulness

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time together with my sisters and brothers that we may come before you, come before our Magisterial Son to receive his ministry as he takes charge of this planet in the Correcting Time, leading us forward into your light, into the currents of the universe. Thank you for preparing us with one heart, one mind unifying our energies that we may focus where we are being guided. Our hearts are so full of appreciation and joy. We ask that you use this energy that we are generating for the benefit of humanity and our planet. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings my children. This is Michael. Before I turn the floor over to my brother, I wanted to speak to each of you today. The transformation energies on Urantia are now all in place to enact the greatest awakening of the human heart that your world and the universe has ever seen. What you are embarked upon is a thrilling adventure--changing the tide upon Urantia. We need you. You are the workers in the field. No one can do this for you. It is not to be done by those of us in these unseen realms, but by you humans, living a corporeal life on a physical world. This is your task and each of you has been prepared in a unique way, albeit unknown to you at times. You have made certain choices to engage with spirit, to walk hand in hand with me, your Mother and your indwelling Father Fragments, to draw closer with them and to increasingly see and receive the Father’s will in your lives.

My words to you today are to thank you for your participation and to give you more encouragement and strength as your world goes through some chaotic changes. Some of these changes will seem slow. Others will be hard ones. I cannot speak to which changes will be easy and which ones will be challenging, but I encourage you to more and more each day to ensure that you are strong and capable and that you have engaged your mind in stillness to receive what you need, even moment by moment, to make you more firmly anchored in the energies of light and love. I pledge you my support. I uphold you in the palm of my hand. But you must keep your attention turned toward me, toward your indwelling Father Fragments. The support you receive will be commensurate with your abilities.

Trust that you are being nurtured along this path and my love is always available to you as it lives within you. It is only a matter of you coming to me and receiving what it is you need. I leave you in my peace, my children, as I turn you over to Monjoronson, who will speak to you of encouragement and upliftment. Enjoy your day and enjoy your time with one another. Good day.

MONJORONSON: Greetings my brethren. This is Monjoronson. Michael’s presence among you today is meant to stimulate new potentials of hope and joy, refreshment and renewal within your mind and body. When you feel your own human strength is waning, call upon him. He is your Father. He will support you. He will give you what it is you need to accomplish the task at hand. Try to stay in that space of peace and grace throughout your day, as it brings your life a more effortless quality. The circuits of spirit upon Urantia are in place now, but it is your thought forms and your actions that will continue to build a greater pool of spiritized consciousness on your planet for your brothers and sisters to engage within their minds.

It is important to be mindful of how you think and how you respond. This is one of the reasons we have been working in the realm of language, to help you reorient how you process information--how you use your thoughts. The energies of RIGHTMINDEDNESS are there to clear your mind of wrongful thinking. The idea of RELIGIOUS LIVING and LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL are not simply words, but are living energy patterns that foster the rightful use of your thinking processes. But you must be mindful and diligent and become increasingly nonjudgmental of yourself when you find yourself slipping into mundane patterns of thinking. We expect this to happen for some time, but we encourage you to grow more mindful, that you become so mindfully aware that you can turn your thoughts and have your feelings react to your thoughts in a matter of a few minutes.

This will help you tremendously in the times to come when the world around you seems to crumble, literally fall apart before your very eyes. This is not a time to fear, but a time to be responsive to the needs of your brothers and sisters. You are being prepared in many ways unbeknownst to you. There are spiritual and morontial energies that are coming in to you of which you are still barely conscious. The superconscious arena of the collective mind is changing and this pool is becoming bigger, cleaner, and more easily attainable within your own consciousness. But it is your desires for this level of achievement will truly make these living realities within your beings.

You are living in a more Christed state of consciousness, the kind of consciousness that Michael demonstrated in his human life as Jesus. So my words today are to encourage you to be more mindfully aware of how you use that which you call your mind. Let these words settle into your hearts now, and we will continue to minister to your minds, making adjustments where you need support and realignment within the Father’s will. (Pause)

In the coming days, each of you will be given certain lessons to practice and to master. Your Father Fragments are perfectly poised to help you achieve these lessons, but it is up to you as to whether or not you wish to put your attention and ask for these lessons to be learned. What are these lessons? They are basically lessons designed for your own individual spiritual growth. They are in areas in which you seem to falter in your demonstrations of love to your brothers and sisters and all of your day to day experiences. Pay close attention to what is before you--the task at hand. Engage your mind more fully in what it is you are doing in the present moment. This is where your Adjusters are able to reach down and send those signals into your mind to help you become more aware of what it is you can achieve, master in the learning experience in that very moment. It is as if you will have many “aha” moments during the day and this will give you great stimulation and creativity collaborating with us.

It is very important that you trust in the process now, even though you may not always understand or appreciate at that time what the lesson is all about. We ask that you trust. We ask that you let go more and more of your own ideas and beliefs and trust in what the Adjusters are sharing with you. We know that your hearts’ desires are along these lines, but your efforts sometimes fall short of attaining 100% perfection in this throughout the day. We do not expect perfection, but we do expect you to try your best. We do encourage you through these lessons. So let us again minister in your minds, bringing you ever closer to your Adjusters and to one another, that you may share in the joys of growth together and play as you labor in the fields where your brothers and sisters receive you. Prepare yourselves. Make yourselves open vessels of Michael’s love. They are ready for this, and they need you. (Pause)

Sometimes during your contact with your brothers and sisters you might speak words to them that do not seem to be coming from your own mind. This is as it should be. We are training you to be more open to not only your Adjusters speaking through you, but to others who are attached to you who wish to share information. You are becoming, you might say, clear signals—conduits--of information for your brothers and sisters. Your desires to serve them open this door and then you are being encouraged to let go of what you think needs to be said in favor of what they truly need to hear or receive. In some ways, you are becoming a crystal that is able to conduct energy, so ensure that you are also taking most excellent care of your physical vehicle with proper nutrition, exercise, rest and stillness; that your body is clean and that the thoughts in it are clear, emotionally balanced.

Today I will invite your questions as you continue to receive. If any questions arise in your mind, feel free to speak them. You may address me whenever you feel ready.


STUDENT: I am so honored to be here that I am moved to tears. I thank you and I will do my best to serve and be a beautiful vehicle of your expression. Thank you so much.

MONJORONSON: We understand your heartfelt emotions and feelings of being of service and we are grateful to you, my daughter, that you have stepped up. You have heard the call of spirit within, and now your desires will be answered. Much more help will come to you. So get ready!

STUDENT: Okay. Thank you.


STUDENT: I want to say that I am also happy to be here and to be with you. Because I can see around me, can see my life and the world around me and I have a small idea of why I would love the changes to come and be helpful for myself and for others—that these changes can happen and all the help available to everyone.

MONJORONSON: As you know, none of you is engaged with your brethren alone; you have many helpers beside you. It is a matter of you continuing to open yourself to Michael, to Nebadonia, to become even larger vessels of their love to your brothers and sisters. Enjoy your time of growth and always know that there are many who are with you, lovingly guiding you to people who are ready to receive what you have to share with them. Thank you for your participation.

STUDENT: I just have a comment that the mundanity of daily life is overwhelming sometimes and it seems as though surely there is something more important that I should be doing. Can you speak to that, please?

MONJORONSON: As a Paradise order of sonship, it is difficult for me to convey to the human mind a frame of reference that is so far-reaching, and yet in all of the little details is so full of beauty and glory. I encourage you to look at each activity of your life, surrounded in light, that you are making a beautiful piece of art with your small activities of daily living. This is something Jesus was able to master in his human life. Few people discuss the actual art of living—what you are creating.

But it is not something that you need to particularly to speak, it is more an attitude of your heart. What is it about your personality that is unique; that is so beautiful and awe-inspiring to others that you can bring into each moment of your day? Because you are simply awakening to the truth of who you are, these ideas seem somewhat daunting and overwhelming to you when you see so much around you that is besmirched with darkness, greed, anger or intolerance. But you have a unique opportunity now to look at those situations and to say into your mind and to your Adjuster: “What is it that I can do to change this situation? To make it into a work of art? To be a living expression of life, creation, joy, beauty?” You have this ability. Each one of you has the potential to reach these heightened states of living. You have in your immediate spiritual presence the agency of Jesus’ personalized Adjuster, who can help you. You can call upon him and ask to be guided, not only by your own Adjuster, but by his. He will help you understand these things and increasingly turn your attention turn the mundane activities of life into something much more glorious and beautiful. Does this help, my sister?

STUDENT: Yes, indeed it does.

MONJORONSON: Do your best each day. Do not expect perfection, but try your best, and expect to see some wonderful results as you practice this over time.

STUDENT: Thank you. It is an end in itself.

MONJORONSON: It is, and thank you for your participation.

STUDENT: I expect that many of us gathered here together are on the verge of being able to take possession of that great light within. Is there any general information here as we desire to merge these bodies, knowing that we are sons and daughters of light, agents of change? Anything will be helpful.

MONJORONSON: The message that I shared with you today covers this question. It is time that you become increasingly more mindful, more aware, more attuned to how you are thinking and what you are thinking. Your Father Fragments within you are so perfectly poised to help you become this living light. As you master your thoughts, the light will increasingly pour forth from your being. It is an organic process. You only have to be responsible for what how and what you think. This is enough of a challenge for you as humans, and I would say even more so for you who are on the path because you know that it is the mind that must be mastered. Your brethren who are still sleeping or who are awakening are hardly conscious of what a daunting endeavor this is. But you have stepped up. You have moved beyond the bonds of complacency and ease and put yourselves on a rugged path of transformation.

Part of this transformation, actually the major thrust of this transformation, is in being mindfully aware of the use of the human mind. More is added to you when you step up and say “I’m ready to move beyond the ease-seeking animal nature and am ready to follow the will of the Father.” For all of you who have stepped onto this path know that you have had challenges along the way, some very, very rugged and sometimes even disheartening, but you have all overcome many obstacles, some more than others, and you will continue to be given these lessons each and every day. When you read this transcript or listen to this call, think carefully about what is being shared with you today: more mindfulness. That should be your credo and your watchword in the coming days. Does this help, my brother?

STUDENT: Most consistent. Thank you for your response.

MONJORONSON: Thank you for your participation.

STUDENT: How does one achieve mastery over the cycle of being totally focused/totally unfocused?

MONJORONSON: I’m sure this is a question that is on the minds of your brothers and sisters as well, so I am pleased that you have brought this to light. Mastery of the mind is in the quality of thoughts that you are thinking. There is a rhythm of the current of love: an inflow and an outflow. What you described in being focused and not being focused is akin to the rhythm of the inflow of love. There will be times when your attention is very focused on a thought-form or task at hand. Then there will be times when your attention seems to be more scattered and your mind has many ideas running through it. It is not so much the rhythm that I am speaking of here today, because that is a natural part of the cycles of love and you will always be engaged in inflow and outflow rhythms in the natural course of life. However, what I am speaking to more specifically today, is a quality of the thought you are thinking.

When you are engaged in an activity--perhaps when you are learning something for the first time and there is a feeling of discomfort at times--there are expectations within your culture that you should be able to learn quickly and master things very easily. Sometimes this is the case, sometimes it is not. However, what is your attitude as you are learning something? Are you patient? Are you frustrated? Are you eager? Are you resentful? These are the things I encourage you to be mindfully aware of. What are the feelings that you have associated with the thought you are experiencing? We ask you to become more mindful so that you can experience more peace and joy, even when you are in times of uncomfortableness or unfamiliarity. This is what is so challenging for the human mind to master, because the initial emotional reaction is to become either frustrated, discouraged, or to give up. Perseverance and patience and persistence are very valuable spiritual commodities that we wish to see the human mind use more of, especially in times of newness and experience has not taught you yet what you need to learn. I ask if this has addressed your concern or if you wish me to elaborate on this a little more.

STUDENT: Please go ahead.

MONJORONSON: When your focus is more attuned, like you are centered in a thought, take a moment to be grateful, to feel appreciation, to turn your thoughts toward the Father in worshipful praise. Take a few moments to thank your Adjuster for helping you, for being there with you, for guiding you. And when you feel that your thoughts are scattered, take a few moments to breathe deeply, and ask your Father Fragment to step into you to feed you with what your Father wishes to think through you, what you could be learning, what you could be focusing on.

These are some hints for you to feed upon, to retune and retrain yourself, but there are more ideas that can come your way as you practice this. You are all learning at different levels and at different rates and you have different lessons because of your individual uniqueness. But the one overarching factor you all share in common is that you all have wonderful fragments of the Father within you who are perfectly capable of guiding you through this process. But what your Father wants is your will, your choices, and here again one way you can master your mind is to ensure that the choices you are making are always: “It is not my will, but your will be done.” And that in the end is probably the most succinct way to put it. Does this help, my brother?

STUDENT: I’m still wondering whether there will come a point where the cycle will end and I will be centered and perfectly focused for all time.

MONJORONSON: That expectation is unrealistic. It is better to simply be in the state of desiring to follow the Father’s will. Perfect stability will come along the road, but it is a long way away. I encourage you to not entertain this overmuch as a goal in the human experience, but to appreciate more the rhythm and the flow that you are attached to in the current of Urantia and the thought field in which you function. Michael’s peace will provide you with a feeling of stability and security, which is what you seek, but you will still be moving in a current, and that current will be changing--in and out. It is important that you feel stabilized rather than to have your thoughts focused on one particular thing. Here in lies an important distinction between what you think and how you feel.

STUDENT: question about fusion (inaudible)

MONJORONSON: Perhaps not in the way you are approaching it. As I said, there are currents of mind that you are still attached to. The focus or the adjustment that your Adjuster wishes to make within your mind has to do with your ability to be in the flow of love and to respond to the will and the ways of the Father, regardless of the outer circumstances of your life. Here is where you will achieve more mastery of self--when you can simply be in that flow of life and k now that all is well even if in the outer experience that you are witnessing seems to be challenging, unfamiliar, uncomfortable.

Recall how Michael, as Jesus, conducted himself during his trial. The apostles were all in confusion. They had scattered. They did not know what was going on. The outer experience to them had crumbled and their lives were in chaos. Jesus could experience that but he could stay peaceful. He was, after all, in full control of his human mind. Here is where you are encouraged to practice, practice, practice, especially those of you who wish to achieve Adjuster fusion in your human lifetime.

Continue your practice, continue to ask your Father within to guide you and trust that all is well and unfolding in the way it was naturally designed to unfold. Does this answer your questions to your satisfaction?

STUDENT: Yes, Thank you very much.

MONJORONSON: Thank you for your participation. Are there are any other comments or questions before we conclude?

STUDENT: As I study language and etymology, I see relationship between words. The medium of our mind is the language. In German it’s dinken and danken, in English it’s you think and you thank. I see a relationship between mindful thinking connecting my thinking to cosmic thinking and Mother Spirit. There is a close relationship between thinking and giving thanks.

MONJORONSON: Thank you for sharing this comment with us today, for it is a pertinent one. It is simply a matter of changing one letter that brings you into a more full expression of mindfulness.


My brethren, we witness your lives each day and are so grateful for the efforts that you are making, not only in your own lives but in the way in which you are endeavoring to change the planetary consciousness. This world is changing. It is not happening as quickly as some of you wish, but it is changing, and that you are participating in the great change should fill you with great hope and joy each and every day. Keep focusing on these ideas. The eternity adventure is not something that happens over night, but it is a delicious adventure because it unfolds one thought at a time. Each delicious morsel of spiritized thought is delectable to the Father and is to be savored, to be celebrated. We hope that you will learn to savor these moments of thinking rightfully, living in faith and loyalty to the Father’s will; that this will give you a heightened appreciation of what you are doing in mastering your mind.

Ponder these thoughts this week and the next, before our next session, and I will be interested to hear how your days have progressed when you are more mindfully aware. We will discuss this again in our next session.

I leave you in Michael’s peace, Nebadonia’s love, and the grace and mercy of our Father in Paradise. Good afternoon.