2010-10-17-Mother's Message to Her Beloved Children
Topic: A Mother's Message to Her Beloved Children
Teacher: Mary
TR: Diana
My dearly beloved children, it is with great love and affection that I come to you today to give you my blessings and to assure you that none of you are forgotten in any way. I am Mary Magdalena although I have many names and identities all of you know me in one way or another. With the turmoil, unrest and turbulent times that are occurring on your dear planet Gaia it is time for me to speak a few words to you. You may think I am unaware of what is going on with you individually but let me assure you I am not, I feel your hurt, pain and anguish as though it were my own, and your tears are my tears.
Some of you who are more sensitive will at times feel a touch on the brow, a whisper of air near your cheek that could almost be a mother’s touch; this at a time when you feel abandoned and unloved. At times like this I draw near and these feelings are me giving you the love and strength from a mothers heart to help you get through the next hurdle of what at times feels like an endless journey, the next challenge and in some cases the next battle to find your path to the light.
I walk often among the sick and dying to bring what comfort and healing I can to help their pain and suffering, I see the children in the poorer countries who often go to bed hungry and unloved, often sick with illnesses that are easily cured by mankind, my heart and soul aches for these innocent beings. It must be remembered that although choices are made before a reincarnation takes place, these souls are blank canvases that are pure until soiled and sullied by the beings and influences that surround them. The innocent are being harmed both physically and spiritually by the ones who lean towards the dark side in your struggling and unhappy world. This is not the way it was meant to be, it was always intended that the creation of offspring would be a joyous and celebrated thing and that the new beings would be the future of mankind’s journey to spiritual development and the harmony for Gaia to shine with love and growth towards her own development into light with her beloved children.
The cruelty that takes place due to the actions and behaviour of the few reaches many souls in your world, there is the elderly person who struggles to keep warm and feed themselves in the winter time, the drug addict who is addicted to the ruinous substance that has been used to tempt them, allowing them to be controlled and exist in a psychedelic fog to feed the wealth and the lifestyle of the dealers and manipulators. There are also those addicted to alcoholic beverages that use this way of life style to remove themselves from the world that they do not fit into. There are those that you will not always see; the other victims who suffer at the hands of the dark ones, the ones who struggle to make a life for themselves and their loved ones, only to have it taken away when the means of supporting themselves is lost. There are those that are influenced by the warped media and messages manipulated by the Dark Ones.
None of this is in anyway acceptable my children, it was not what we intended for you my dear souls when Gaia and your civilisation was created by my loved ones. We wish you to understand that there are many Celestials who are working devotedly to stop this situation from continuing and to set you devoted and beloved souls back on your true path.
The path you must travel to work with us to overcome and remove the dark will not always be easy, but what you all hold in common with us is your love and belief of good succeeding and overcoming evil, success in this way will always come through and succeed in the end.
Although the Dark Ones will fight with all their strength to the very end to protect what has become an easy and very comfortable existence for them, the goodness and light at the end of the day will win through and restore the proper way of things to you our children of light. This journey will take stamina, determination and fortitude from you all; and we need your help for this to succeed. The thing the Dark Ones are most afraid of is the love and light that emanates from each and every one of you, you do this without realising and even when the going gets tough you need to continue with this. This is your strength and their weakness.
I ask that you devote a few minutes of your day to sending your thoughts towards helping the lost, lonely and suffering, to linking with us and spending a short time to draw light and love from us; this will help you to have fuel to sustain yourselves and get you through what lays ahead. The journey will not be easy but with the strength you draw from within yourselves and from the Godlight that surrounds you, you will find that you are protected and sustained through the difficult times as well as the peaceful and new times that lay ahead of you, when the healing and rebirth of Gaia and her people is complete. During the times that lie ahead you will live as we intended in an environment of development, learning and love and spirituality.
My children I leave you now and give you my love and blessings. I hope I have perhaps touched your hearts and inspired you to help both yourselves and your own. As your journey both starts and continues into the future and all of that which awaits your souls be assured that the time will come when you are reunited with us and we can become as one again and start our journey together towards the Godlight as we were always meant to, hand in hand.
I ask that you accept my love as that of a mother’s love which is never ending, eternal and without conditions for I am the mother of you all and you are my children.
God bless you all.
Mary Magdalena - through Diana. 17th October 2010