Topic: Surprises
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Oscar
Teacher: “Every day offers the potential for a great adventure. To desire the surprises of each day is a sign of spiritual growth, a sign that you are in understanding of your purpose a little better, and you are learning to trust. This is how Michael lived each day, with courage and joy, because surprises do always come, and the opportunities for spiritual growth are abundant.
“It would be profitable for you to understand that most of the time you don’t know how an opportunity will present itself. Sometimes you will not recognize them when they are right in front of you. Sometimes you would wish to have someone saying, ‘Here is an opportunity, so take advantage of this moment to learn something.’ In this way you would know when to give your best and when to pay attention to the present.
“For this reason, today, I declare that everything that happens in your life is an opportunity. Each new second is an opportunity. Each person that crosses your path is an opportunity. Each decision is an opportunity. In every moment of your day you should give your best, this way you will be sure of not missing any opportunity that is offered to you.
“If you live your life in this way, you will turn every apparently-insignificant thing into an opportunity to grow spiritually. As you can see, it is you who decides what constitutes an opportunity, and what doesn’t. This is how you create your own opportunities, and this is how you can decide the rate of your spiritual progress.”