2010-11-02-Regarding Updates
Topic: Regarding Updates
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Good Morning dear fellow, I know what you are going to ask me, and the answer is yes, no and maybe.
Vince: Good Morning MoJo, by that I take it you are not going to give me an Ascension update.
Monjoronson: Yes, that is what I mean, as I don’t want to keep revisiting this matter every time we speak.
You will recall that over the last couple of months I have said to you that there will be whatever there will be in terms of stasis and earth changes, so let me explain it again for the benefit of Erethea readership, which is the group you wanted the information for.
When somebody takes their car to a garage for servicing and for it to be officially certified as being in a legal condition on the road, they may anticipate how their day will go and how much it will cost them in repairs. They may anticipate a small spend because to them the car is behaving perfectly; but in reality they may end up with a huge bill because the tester found brakes, tyres, battery and wipers all needed replacing, not to mention the shock-absorbers which were on their last legs.
That bill is a written statement as to how the day went in reality, and with Ascension and Earth changes, it will not be known how it went until after it has happened and the history is written. That is why I asked you to prepare yourself for any and every kind of eventuality which is possible and then wait and see what actually happens. That is by far the best course of action to take.
You know that stasis happens because you lived through and remembered the one in the late 1980’s, so you have the advantage of knowing that stasis periods are real and not figments of the imagination of deranged beings. Those of us Celestials who are involved in this project are well aware of the prevailing conditions at any given time and if we are asked by you ones for an update, it is often given; but it is little more than a photographic snapshot compared with live TV.
Planetary creation and changes are normal in the evolution of Creation, but because mankind on Earth sees himself as the centre of all that is, he does not see that which is hidden behind the scenes. The play goes on, the actors act and the scene shifters change the scenery for any particular given scenario. You ones ask us if we have reached the part where the evil witch is put to death and the peace is restored; and we tell you where we are and what possibilities lay ahead of us all. You then transcribe and publish the information contained in this snapshot image, but the plot carries on through all the twists and turns associated with a task of such magnitude.
A couple of days later, another of your number asks another one of our number for an update and we give this truth to you with unconditional love, but in the time directly after this statement it will have moved on to some degree. How do you as incarnate humans deal with this?
There are the ones who cry “Stuff and Nonsense”; those who take every detail they can find and analyse it to the level of nano-particles, and many other levels in between these two extremes. In some cases where a large message is received from a senior celestial figure and transcribed and published, a few days afterwards the scene has moved on and that which was received as the gospel truth now has the appearance as being that which is no longer truthful to the eyes of incarnate humanity, and the telepath may be regarded as well meaning but possibly fake, which is quite unfair.
There are going to be some major changes to the physical layout of your planet, and if you look carefully you will see evidence that the process has already started. The population will be divided and there will be a great deal fewer of you on the cleansed and upgraded planet after the major period of stasis.
There are many points of agreement in the many texts we have given you as to the long-term plans of us for Urantia, and the contentious matters surround how we get from ‘A’ to ‘B’, with ‘A’ representing the ‘Now’ point at any given time, and ‘B’ representing the post stasis time of building a new civilisation based on Divine Law and spiritual principles. On top of that, some of you people do like a “bitch” about the grim circumstances you find yourselves in, for this is not how it was supposed to be.
All is well my Dear Ones and very real progress is being made, but whether stasis of small or large magnitude happens in two days, two weeks or two months, is an unknown factor, but it is very near. If I were to say to you it will happen by 6th December that would be a true reflection of my considered opinion at the time I spoke; but if on the morning of 7th December nothing had happened, you would be very disappointed.
We do not measure time as you do with calendar dates and the hands of a clock, and we do understand your frustration concerning predictions of events and when they will take place, but the outcome is assured and it is just the detailed events along the way which are subject to change.
That is why I advised you to be patient and wait and see how things pan out; because then there will be no disappointments for you to live through. So my Dear Readers, will you not heed my words, just stand back a little and observe the actual changes happening before you, before the big events play out, and I do assure you that the Ascension programme is advanced and ongoing.
Vince: Thanks as ever MoJo for your kind explanation and words of advice.
Monjoronson: You are most welcome.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with Vince. 2nd November 2010