Topic: Service
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Prayer: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to gather once again under the wing of the Correcting Time to serve our Magisterial Son as he helps us bring in these new energies of transformation. We thank you for weaving us together, heart to heart, mind to mind, soul to soul, Adjuster to Adjuster. We thank everyone who participates in the unseen realm using our energies, augmenting them where they can do the most good. We are ready to receive Monjoronson though your grace and your will.
MONJORONSON: Greetings to you all, my beloved brethren. This is Monjoronson. As always, it gives me great pleasure to enjoin with you through these circuits that connect us to the fabric of life itself. Urantia is being upstepped in a way that has never occurred, and your efforts and the efforts of others who combine in mind and heart bring out the best in humanity are creating a wave of light on the planet that is unmistakable to witness by those of us who see the light coming on Urantia from the far distances of the cosmos.
Many changes are planned for your world, as you have been told. Most of these plans will be implemented, instituted by your efforts and those who are also working for planetary transformation. Reach out to your like-minded and like-hearted brothers. Let them know of your own interests and desires to serve. The playing field for collaboration is fertile as never before, and you will find many more like-hearted and like-minded people with whom to connect and interact as you reach out to make yourselves more visible and available to service.
So it is in keeping with this idea today of being more available to service, we will continue to help you in your quality of MINDEDNESS: to help you become more devoted and dedicated to service; help your minds become more fully impressed with the aspects of service that are renewing, regenerating, socially augmenting and culturally edifying.
You know that you are social creatures and that living in isolation is not conducive to spiritual development. As you go about your day, as you practice being more mindfully aware of the quality of what you are thinking and perceiving, let word SERVICE be in the forefront of your mind. You will actually be giving your guardian seraphim more of yourself to draw into closer relationships with your brothers and sisters. This is how this world will truly transform—when the heart-to-heart connections between individuals are so strong that nothing can tear the fabric of love. No fear, no doubt, no anger, no hate, no prejudice, no intolerance.
Let us move in you now. Let us help you weave more of this service devotion into your energy systems and then, as usual, we will take some time to focalize places on the planet where this idea and ideal of SERVICE is warranted and necessary. Allow this word SERVICE to enter into your mind’s eye. As you see this word, feel your devotion to being about the Father’s business of building a higher culture upon this world. Use the power in your mind through your feelings to draw this word into your being where it may produce new ideas that will help you out in the world: loving, relating, being compassionate and considerate of your fellows. Take a few moments and we will move in you as you do this. (Pause)
MINDEDNESS for SERVICE takes you out of the mind of self-serving. You are now developing a wider bandwidth of self-forgetfulness. As you grow in this awareness of self-forgetfulness, you will find a greater ease comes to you in dealing with your day-to-day challenges. It is a principle of the Father’s will that when you put your focus on serving another person, you are sharing love, and more love will come back into you, to keep you in that field, so to speak. So it behooves all of you to devote and develop more of this SERVICE motive as your heart desires, to help you make that great leap from self-fullness, self-centeredness, to self-forgetfulness.
Herein you will find many other dimensions of you Father-bestowed personality talents and gifts to share with the world. Think about this now, about your desires and motivations to be of SERVICE. Are they sincere? Are they pure? Are they focused on helping others? Take a few moments to go within and seek the guidance of your Adjusters; help you ascertain within your deeper reality the purity of the service intention in your hearts. (Pause)
So few humans have really put this SERVICE motive to its full implementation. There is such an arena of competition, self-aggrandizement, that your minds have been functioning within for many generations, so it may seem to be somewhat going against the grain of your better inclination to have this unselfish devotion to your fellows. As you become more comfortable and have more personal experience serving, this begins to stimulate your appetite for spiritual attainment. It sets you on the path for greater service, more devoted service, and it allows you and your Adjuster to make those decisions about where and how you will serve.
There are many opportunities for you to share love with your brothers and sisters. This is the simplest form of SERVICE. We encourage you to start out with people you approach, whether it is within your families, your friends, colleagues at work, strangers that you meet in your day to day activities. Just love them. Appreciate them. You develop this frame of reference, you are opening a channel in your heart for not only compassion and care to come through, but more of your Father’s love and more of the way in which your angels can guide you as you go about your day to day activities.
Our mission here on your planet will augment your desire for SERVICE, will give you more experience to expand your abilities to serve. In this manner of coming on these types of calls, you are already participating in a service activity. You are cooperating with those of us in the higher realms to create various forms of thought-construct to be seeded in various places on the planet for spiritual stimulation to be perceived by those people to whom it is directed. You do not even need to leave the area of your own home in order to serve. The circuitry through which effective prayer operates is well in place. You only need turn your thoughts inward to be directed to a place where you see the need for transformation. There are innumerable places on your planet where the need is sought and very much warranted.
As you go about your day, take some time to focus on the places you choose to see transformation take root and grow. Focus on one place for several days and ask for more light to come there. These are some of the examples that you can use in determining how you wish to serve. Truly, it is motivation, intense longing, yearning passionate desire for this will truly take you out into the world in a refreshing and revitalizing manner. Fear not this idea of service, and know it is key to very beautiful spiritual attainment.
I will pause now and let these words settle in. Just focus on the word SERVICE. Breathe and relax, and you will become more service-dominated in your daily lives. (Pause)
These service activities become a part of your soul. As your soul grows, it radiates a beautiful energy out into the world that others can perceive and will be drawn to you. Then you will have an opportunity to minister in loving service to them. So you see, my brethren, you only benefit from adopting more of this devoted passion for service. It will serve you well. (Pause)
Once again, we are at that portion of our call where we will direct your focalized intentions and thoughts to those places on your planet where this energy is warranted. In your mind’s eye, draw a line of energy from your heart center to the planet as a globe before you. Feel your love for your world. Feel your appreciation for this planet: the many natural wonders, wonderous beauty, various racial and cultural groups, all of whom contribute to the fabric of life here. As you see this world, direct this word SERVICE to come from your heart and imprint living language of love and transformation and comfort. (Pause)
As this energy of SERVICE graces the world, direct this mindful SERVICE to penetrate the layers of self-seeking and self-aggrandizing. Feel your desire for the SERVICE motive to replace the profit motive in human interaction. Profit motive is not nearly an example of gaining monetarily. Rather, it speaks to profiting oneself solely in relationships. Its benefits are one-sided, and this operates against the laws and principles of the universe.
SERVICE, then, is the motive that allows for both parties or all parties involved to benefit. The overarching idea of profit motive, self-seeking or self-aggrandizing motive must be replaced with a SERVICE motive. Feel your desire for this. Move from the one-sided benefitting of one individual to the mutual benefit of all involved. We are taking what you are generating and adding it to the fabric of life and thought form where the profit motive is concentrated. (Pause)
The forces behind planetary transformation are taking what you might call more physical forms on your world. The language of construction which you are participating in is drawing the fabric tighter in these areas where change is necessary. It is not only a change of mind embracing these new ideas, but a change of heart. What you are generating here from your heart is providing a context, if you will, for those individuals to open their hearts.
Send your love out to these individuals who are driven by the profit motive. Feel your desire for them to open their hearts to a better way. They will not lose so much, but will gain much more than they already have or can even imagine. The riches they will gain will be of greater value than anything material. So love them, those who are driven by their own selfish natures. Love them. Feel compassion for them. Here is where you are being of SERVICE to them.
We ask that you focus on these individuals and these institutions that are thus driven and motivated, as this is how they will change. It will be by your efforts continuing to keep the spiritual pressure up by focusing your mindal/your heart motivations and desires toward these places that need transformation. You will have us behind you, directing these energies, encircuiting them, that they are able to materialize at the physical plane, at the physical level, in the appropriate time.
Continue to feel your love for this world, for your desires to be of SERVICE. Let the SERVICE motive embrace the planet as it continues to take your energies and directs them to where they need to go. (Pause)
The world is emerging from its slumber and is entering into a dynamic phase of spiritual growth--cosmic enlightenment. Do your part each day to be of SERVICE to your brothers and sisters. Be not concerned about your own needs; they are cared for. You are all being carefully guided. By putting your thoughts on others, you will receive more guidance. Remember this, my brethren, as you go about your day. I will meet you there in SERVICE when you call up on me and my team. We will add this SERVICE language to the fabric of Urantian thought.
On behalf of those who have participated with you today, we thank you. We will be ministering you as you go about your week. Trust that your minds are being opened to greater reality than you can conceive at this time. Ponder these words of being of SERVICE, and being more useful to those of us who are here to help you.
I leave you in our Father’s love, my brethren. Good afternoon.