2010-11-16-Your Contributions to this World

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Topic: Your Contributions to this World

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Unknown

TR: Oscar



Teacher: “The peace you desire is just one step away. You just need to turn your face to Me, and let Me hold your hand. However, for you to achieve this, you need to learn to trust. Many times you have said that you want to do my will. Still, in your mind you always come back to the original plans you devised based upon limited vision, and the belief that they are best for you.

“I know it is very hard for a mortal to observe his or her motivations and detect in them the hand of the Father who is attempting to express Himself through that mortal. Many times you consider your aspirations, and ask yourself if those are your ideas, or if there is any divine inspiration behind them. Don’t you know that you can tell the tree from its fruit? Don’t you recognize truth, beauty and goodness?

“Everything that comes from the Father is an expression of unconditional love, the highest love you will ever conceive of. If the things you want will contribute to bring you closer to your true self and will help others do the same, then what you want is the will of the Father. If what you want will only generate a personal material benefit for you – satisfaction for the ego – then perhaps you should reconsider. A common trap in which mortals often fall is to start projects that will potentially benefit others while expecting at the same time some personal reward. The second should not be a requirement to work for the first.

“When the projects of men are in harmony with the projects of God they will always find success. An idea, the understanding of a value, or good intent are things that will never be lost, and they will be registered forever in the universe and in the experience of the Supreme. Your contributions to this world may well be contributions to many worlds in eternity. Give without expecting something in return, as freely as you have received. Live a life that will be an illustration of another unique way of getting closer to God and an awakening to the spiritual realities, so you can be a light illuminating the path for those who search for the Father here, and anywhere in the universe, during ages to come.”