2010-11-24-Bottoms in the Dirt
Topic: Bottoms in the Dirt
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Vince: Good Morning MoJo, did you want to say something?
Monjoronson: Good Morning, I thought you’d never ask. Yes I surely do want to engage in conversation through the usual channels.
Vince: Go ahead then.
Monjoronson: There are at any one time more opinions about the Ascension of Planet Earth than you can shake a very large stick at, a term you know well. But what has only been expressed very recently is how the process can creep up on you ones and catch people unawares.
In a way, it is like making a blancmange or a fruit jelly, where if you get the mix just right it will possibly set in a certain time given temperatures and other climactic conditions. If you haven’t got the mix right, then it will need to be adjusted by putting in some more setting agent, but not too much for then it will set as tough as leather. Cooking is both a science and an art, and so is planetary management and if you get it wrong in this field, the consequences are huge and don’t merely affect the outcome of a dinner party.
There are still those of you who don’t believe your world is in for huge changes, and if anyone else discusses the subject, they are regarded as bonkers. Now, this isn’t your old friend MoJo giving forth an Ascension process update, but I know the piece from Adama through Eve: https://abundanthope.net/pages/Eve_109/If-tomorrow-never-comes.shtml brought a sense of greater understanding to you.
It wasn’t a case of new information, for that has been in the public domain for some considerable time, but it was the message which you read at the right time which brought you a greater understanding. When the pupil was ready, the teacher came along. In many cases of channelled messages from Celestials and others of the Spiritual Hierarchy, we repeat the threads of messages many times and in many different ways, so that those people who are ready to “get it” at the time do so.
For many people who hear or read the message it will be a revelation to them, and for others it will just be a re-packaging of that which they recently heard; but with so very many people in your world just not listening at all, sometimes it is like flogging a dead horse, as the saying goes.
As I write this with you, matters are well advanced and the first major event of the Ascension process is very close at hand. That is, a major event by your definition and not mine, because there have been a whole series of major events for the Ascension Team to attend to. For us it’s rather like lighting a series of major fireworks with delayed fuses of different lengths, and once the whole task has been completed we must stand back from the work in progress and watch carefully as the different fuses burn down and set off each device.
By my estimation you are now very close to the first big event and if it does go off during the Christmas/ New Year period, then that will stun a good few people all around the planet. Whether any of the unbelievers will suddenly wake up is a matter of conjecture, but it is very likely that there will be many who see something so major which is outside of their previous experience, and that of many generations of their forefathers.
When people are sat on their bottoms in the dirt, with no longer any home and wreckage all around them, this tends to focus the mind as to why such devastation happens, but when it is co-ordinated across the continents in a series of major geophysical events then the attention of many will be gained. Everyone shall have the opportunity of seeing what Humanity has done to their Earth, even if they only stood by and said nothing as the powerful ones stuck the knife into Mama Gaia.
At that point all the money in the bank, a garage full of cars, a wife at home and a mistress in Paris, and a whole barrow load of material accoutrements will not assuage the events happening, whereas those who have followed a path of spiritual evolution instead of the path ruled by materialism, will find they have backed the winning horse. But in the end whatever side of the fence you are on, it is indeed a great tragedy that there is so much Dark Energy in your world which must be expunged by cleansing operations before it is once again fit enough to welcome home those of you with a spiritual disposition.
And so it is......
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you these words through Vince. 23rd November 2010