2010-11-27-Silver and Gold
Topic: Silver and Gold
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Vince: Good Morning Mojo. You have a message for me to tease out of the ether, I understand.
Monjoronson: Good Morning my Dear One, you won’t have to tease this one, for today’s conditions will provide a very strong connection, and it is usually if you are run down with fatigue that we have the problems.
I want to talk about money and its place in the community in the future. I’m sure you all know the evils of money in your world today, where the majority are impoverished and the few range from comfortable, through wealthy to stinking rich. It did not start out thus, nor was it intended to be this way, and we have to thank a comparatively few Dark Ones for this scenario.
The fact that many of your communities are no longer close knit affairs helps this along considerably, and one of the long term aims of population migration was to break up close knit communities, which has proved very successful. The community is important because this is where the glue which holds human lives together comes from, and it is a commodity in short supply in your world at present. True, close knit communities do exist, but the migration of population from the countryside to the factories in towns and cities began to break these communities down, and continual migration from countries having different cultures and different languages, has continued to erode these tightly grouped communities.
Let me say immediately that this is not a racist comment, merely an observation of the present day circumstances, with lack of investment by the Dark Ones into countries where people are desperate for work so they can feed themselves and their families. Desperate people will take whatever chances are offered to them and global migration is often the only way forward for them, even though it often heralds the breakdown of the migrants’ own families.
In your world, Gold, Diamonds and other hard to find minerals have huge wealth attached to them and so they underpin the financial system and the currencies of the world at least in theory, as your currencies have been robbed out of these value attributed commodities because of huge greed by the Dark Ones. Gold and Silver in particular were the precious metals from which your coinage was minted, but gradually base metals were used, which left the currency intrinsically valueless. It was only after your Second World War as it is known, that silver coinage was withdrawn and substituted by base metal coins, so it is within living memory of many of you.
Gold and silver coinage was a means of exchange of value between individuals and bodies or organisations, exchanging goods, services, or labour between them, as it provided value against a basket of apples say, against a sack of onions. Such commodities are more valuable when supplies are short and less valuable when there is a glut, so the perceived difference would have been made up by a weight of gold or silver to the satisfaction of the trading partners. Eventually there became less reliance on exchange of goods in a trade and money became the main way of trading, although a certain amount of pure goods or commodity trading still goes on, but they are usually related to currency exchange rates.
People needed places to keep their spare Gold & Silver coinage, so in ancient communities where trading took place, rudimentary banks were established, and these were little more than basic huts or cottages with large earthenware pots sunk into the floor in which the coinage was stored, and these would have been guarded, and records of who owned what were kept.
Some people were more fortunate than others in the production of food and other commodities, and so earned more coinage than the less successful, and here we see quite clearly the division between “What Is Mine” & “What Is Yours” which was handed down the generations to your present lives. Some people live only for money, which is little more than figures on computer screens and often backed by base metal bars constructed to look like gold, and part of the biggest criminal operation your world has ever known.
Again, it was never meant to be thus, but with the general level of spirituality of mankind being so low, it is no surprise to find the outcome is thus. The only way this can be overturned will be when communities contain people who all meet a minimum level of spirituality, because it is those below that level who are the worst perpetrators of these Dark activities.
It is at this point where the tight knit community comes into its own, where the community jointly produces all the needs of the whole community, and only trades with other communities once those needs are met, or where there is a shortfall. The very idea of having a collective is I know alien to most of you, but that is largely due to the great differences of spirituality levels of people currently, where some want to be the boss and tell others what to do and rob them of their money.
In local communities on an Ascended planet, with a substantially reduced population from the present level, there is a greater chance of achieving quite harmonious local communities which are governed fairly by elected members of the community on a rotational basis. (Yes, that means no more politicians.)
There have been experiments with gifting groups in the world where things are taken because of need and something is given in return, and they have been quite successful with many people putting more of a commodity in the system than they took out. So we can see that even in your dysfunctional world, greed free exchanges without the need for money are workable on a limited basis, but in a world of greater spiritual harmony, much more is possible and the long term aim is the elimination of money as a method of exchange altogether. It is how other civilisations in the Creation work, and is the normal model, whereas your current system is very abnormal.
I have mentioned merely the bare bones of this topic and it isn’t my intention to flesh it out at present in any way, but just give you a look at how things could be when everybody cares about everybody in their community, and if someone takes a dislike to others in their community there are a number of ways of sorting it out. First there is discussion between the individuals involved in the disharmony or dispute, then if that doesn’t work it can be discussed with the Community Council made up of community members on a rotational basis and if that doesn’t work, relocation to a community more in harmony with the individuals’ tastes.
Ah yes, I nearly forgot; there is a spiritual dimension to this. All bodies are to operate within the boundaries set by Divine Law, and there will be those in each community, or small group of communities who will oversee all aspects of Government by the People at local and higher levels. This is not like a Spiritual or Religious Police Force, or any other Force, but kindly and determined souls who understand the rules of Divine Law and ensure they are implemented for the benefit of the planetary population as a whole. This is very much NOT a One World Government as you currently understand the term; nothing like it at all, in fact.
It is the implementation of Divine Law which emanates from the “Source of all that is”, and at last you will find that harmonious conditions will prevail which will benefit everyone and you will neither be wage slaves, nor part of an elite which has stolen all your planetary resources. At this point true happiness is possible.
In any given community, once each day’s necessities have been produced, then the remaining time is available for the individual and the community to partake in activities which are not about earning a living and are more cultural and spiritual in nature, befitting a population of a collectively higher spiritual nature than at present and I mean “Spiritual”, not what you call “Religion” in your world today.
There is much to look forward to, compared with your present lives, which are ruled by “Materialism” established by a relative handful of the global population, with their hands in your wallet or purse, and corrupt to the very black core. You will be well rid of them.
This is a very basic view of economic and community life now, and how it can be on your Ascended planet, which if you haven’t read it elsewhere can be an introduction to the process after the Earth changes are complete.
My love and best wishes goes to everyone who reads this piece.
I Am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this through Vince. 27th November 2010