2010-11-29-Working with the Spiritual Hierarchy
Topic: Working with the Spiritual Hierarchy
Teacher: Monjoronson, Michael
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Greetings to you my Dear Ones, and today I wanted to give you an insight into channelling from my perspective. I have discussed this with Vince and we have agreed that certain facts from his present incarnation can be included because it is appropriate for use as a learning tool.
Before every human incarnation on Earth, a Life Plan is compiled which sets the trends and DNA Coding for the duration of the life concerned. It is not often appreciated that the full spectrum of DNA is the master code for every detail of that particular human body, from physical looks to likes and dislikes, susceptibility to illness, and whether the brain is a first class one or a reject from the bargain basement, as it were.
The aspects of trends sees the individual born into a family in a given trade or profession where they can experience the kind of life they are destined for, and if an adverse one is called for due to karma earned in previous incarnations, then the individual can find themselves in very difficult family circumstances from which they will either sink or swim above the prevailing waves most magnificently.
It may be that in one or more previous lives, the person has done things so bad and counter to Divine Law, that their wishes are not taken into account and a particular incarnation is imposed upon them, but in normal cases a degree of choice does exist. It must be said though, that some of the choices available may be quite limited, given the nature of the required development concerned.
Like many other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, of which only a relative handful have been revealed to you ones at this point, there is the constant need to find people in the material world with whom we can work. If we wanted input into the world of Finance and Banking, then it would be logical to find a soul of a suitably developed level of spirituality, and who was due for an incarnation into a family in banking or finance, and not a family of builders.
Remember that the typical pattern of human existence in the material body is very short by our understanding, and the period of usefulness for our purposes dictates that the individual is usually a mature adult when their service to us can commence, prior to old age and the inevitable passing over at the end. Even twenty years of a person’s life dedicated to serving us is very short, because for us it passes in the blink of an eye, such is the passage of time in your dimension, relative to the physical timelessness in our reality.
We check on the child growing up through school and university if appropriate, then in the various stages of their personal development until they are in the position to be able to serve us as agreed. Many become diverted by circumstances and are unable to fulfil their agreement, and so the rate of attrition is quite high. We would be fortunate to obtain a success rate of ten percentage points, for the figure is much lower than that, and I shall explain why.
Firstly there is the birth process itself which can produce a defective child or one who is stillborn, and if the latter is true it may take a decade or two before a similar opportunity arises and the individual can find an appropriate host family in which to incarnate. After birth there are the vaccinations of the child where much damage is often done to the child’s DNA, which often appears when they are adults, and this is a deliberate policy of the Dark Elite.
Then the brainwashing starts, for that is what education and indoctrination of family values often is. This can be very subtle and ranging up to completely brutal, such is the spiritual sickness in your world. At every turn the individual is indoctrinated into one kind of philosophy or another; conform or be punished, that is the choice and it is a very stark one for many of you. You are often forced into accepting the values of an individual or organisation which you do not respect; for that is the price you pay to gain entry to the “Club” of your choice.
Whatever your chosen pathway through any given life, the chances of you being diverted from this path are quite high, such is the way your reality has been structured for you by the Dark Elite. You may get to be a Dollar Billionaire, which may very well have been the very method of diversion for preventing you from fulfilling your task. Then there are all the other diversions and perversions, from electronic games through gambling, boozing, taking recreational drugs, not to mention American Line Dancing!!! Well you see; if dancing becomes something which is the main focus of your life, as opposed to an occasional recreational activity; then it is a diversion.
Your Dark Ones are masters of the art of diversion, and just about every gadget introduced to mankind has the possibility to enslave you built-in. Is the individual working for the Spiritual Hierarchy this weekend, or have they got the dragster or fishing rods out again? Remember that here I am talking about the ones whose life plan included an agreement to work for us, not Joe Public in general.
Every so often one of our workers becomes, ill, infirm or passes over; and so we have a constant search to find those who will be suitable for service with us and this is a never ending task. We can always do with new workers, for due to the adverse conditions in your world there are never enough.
We work with people in a variety of ways, from people who are embedded in politics, government, banking and finance, medicine, the armed forces, the media, and right at the heart of the Dark Elite themselves. You would be hard pushed to spot them though, for these are brave people who do dangerous undercover work and you could not distinguish them from the real Dark Ones, but we can as they are our assets. These people receive their instructions from us in a variety of ways, but the most popular method is while their body slumbers, when information is uploaded and downloaded for their next day’s task.
Many other people tune in to us, via prayer, meditation, and quiet reflection and we influence their lives for the better, and when the opportunity arises we arrange for them to work for us, and there are some splendid and quite high profile ones who do this. It is vital work and we are glad of their assistance, but we are always searching for people of a suitable level to join us in our tasks.
Then we come to the people who are our channelling partners who are in constant contact with us during both day and night. Of course they have a life of their own, but once developed to the necessary level, they can receive and transcribe our text as and when required, but there is a two-way street of thoughts between us at many other times during waking hours, and time in our presence as required when their body is asleep. A good channeler is both a friend and colleague and works very closely with us, and we are always present with them during their meditation where they are influenced in such a way that they become even closer, so that the best of them are as an extension of us.
There are all kinds of different channellers from the formal to the casual, and not all of them publish to the Internet, not by a long chalk. Those who do have a variety of profiles from high to low and in many different languages, and there are many others who only publish within a family or group setting, and this includes members of the indigenous native peoples of the world, who are among those who look after some aspects of Earth, and we term them Earth Keepers.
Like many of you Vince was here on a mission, and as early as age 5, could give healing to animals quite naturally by laying hands on them. Had he remained thus, we could have been working with him much earlier than we did, but the process of going through Infant, Junior, and Senior Schools, as they were then known, knocked all of that natural spirituality out of his consciousness. That was followed by the materialistic practises of industry in which he worked, albeit behind a desk, which also deadened any spiritual development.
These areas in education, advanced education, employment and the associated social aspects of them, were specifically designed to be operated on the basis of fear, and are not conducive to the development of the spirit, quite the contrary; and if there was ever any discussion on that subject, there were plenty of other people handy to poke fun at him. Eventually somebody appeared in his life and helped him start back on the path to the point where he should have been thirty years before, such was the damage done.
His story is by no means unique because of the Illuminati system which affects everybody in all aspects of life, but we have just briefly outlined what happened, and know that most of you reading this will have suffered at some point in your lives, as a result of what the Dark Ones have done to humanity. My reason for presenting this to you is to show you that each and every one of you who came to Earth on a mission can still awaken and look to God and the Spiritual Hierarchy to help you recover your memory of events outside of your material world, when you agreed to serve on Earth in a specific way.
We, and here I speak for the whole of the Spiritual Hierarchy who are engaged in the Earth Ascension Project, are always looking for new people of the right kind to work with, and even if there have been times in your life when you have done things that you are not proud of, by turning towards the light and renouncing the materialistic life and embracing the spiritual one, through that piece of God deep within you, it is still possible to remember why you are here and begin to serve for the benefit of all mankind, as you were meant to. Be still within and ask that ye shall be made whole again and serve mankind in the name of the Father, and if your request is genuine, then shall you be aided to find the right path once more.
It may then come to pass that you shall join us in our work and be in direct contact with one or more members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, for there is no more noble cause than serving your one true God, also known as Christ Michael Aton, and there is much work for all of you to do, and ye shall be most welcome. Bless you all.
I AM Christ Michael Aton with Monjoronson speaking through Vince. 29th November 2010
- Please Read the Note Below
Vince: This message started off with Monjoronson, and yet towards the end I felt a change in style, particularly where the word “ye” is used, and I know that some of this piece is by Christ Michael, but I can’t honestly say where this change took place for it was quite seamless.
When I questioned them, I was asked to just accept it for what it is, for it is only the human who tries to compartmentalise such things and define the boundaries; but in reality no boundaries exist.