2010-12-05-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My children, this is your Mother of the universe. The life you lead here on this world is so short in comparison to your eternal universe adventure. How your Father and I desire for you to enjoy this human experience! Yes, we understand the conditions under which you must live; however, let not that deter you from growing spiritually—it will help make this earth life more meaningful and joyful.
When you falter in your own attempts to be positive and cheerful, come to me. I will open a place in your mind and body and embrace you with my Spirit. This is a gift I will share with you when you simply turn inward and say, “Mother, fill me with your life force. Renew me as I am feeling downcast or discouraged.” Do not feel frustrated if you need to do this many times during the day. Know that I am here and will respond as many times as you need.
One of the greatest lessons you can learn and master here on this earth plane is to quiet your mind and body and receive my embrace. Practicing this each day makes those spaces larger in your awareness to feel my presence. I will give you peace and hope, but you must expand this pool of spiritual energy if you want more long-lasting benefit through the day. Remember, go within and receive. Go within and be in my peace!