2010-12-05-Seasons Greetings Beloved Children

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Topic: Seasons Greetings My Beloved Children



Teacher: Mary

TR: Diana



My Dear Children,

I look at you from within my soul and I weep for you, your life is at present consumed with preparations for the so called festive season. You are frantically gathering presents and food for the festivities that you can barely afford, getting into debt that will cause you worries and stress that will in turn affect your health. It is of great concern to me to see my beloved ones so carried away with this. The true meaning of this season should be time spent with your loved ones; it is a time to share love and to have fun. It should also be spent in contemplation on how the coming year will be spent with you planning your path and continuing journey towards the light of your spiritual destination - home with us. It was never meant to become a festival of greed and indulgence. Many years ago the celebrations meant family time when people opened their homes to those less fortunate and there was love, laughter and sharing. Somehow along the way this has been lost, over indulgence and greed has taken its place, this causes me great sorrow and my tears are for you in your struggle to survive this difficult period of time.

I look forward to the times ahead when you can be helped back onto the true path that you are meant to be travelling, the path that involves sharing your time, love, prayers and hearth with those you love and those that you meet along the path of life that you travel. Your journey will be changing; and those of you who will be chosen to stay and rebuild this world, will be shown how to find the true path. We will spend time with you and help you to understand that kindness and love are yours and this is your right. How you use this is part of how you develop and grow within yourselves.

Your journey includes learning how to love yourself as well as others. It is too easy to walk past the homeless person on the street and turn your nose up at them. These unfortunate souls are often in these situations not through any fault of there own, but due to the actions of others that have had a knock-on effect on their lives. Rather than walk past and ignore it is better to send loving thoughts and healing to them, to smile and say good morning this may be the thing that they need and be the start of helping them to find their way back onto the path to the true light.

Remember the elderly and sick at this time the ones who find all these so called celebrations overwhelming and hard to deal with, find the time to spend with them to share your love and help make sure they are warm and have enough food many of them have to choose between eating and staying warm; it is a hard and sad world that you live in. Many of you are lonely and feel isolated, as an individual you can all help by taking the time to talk to those who are less able to be part of your so called civilisation. Your culture has become that of many mixed nationalities; remember many of these people are unable to understand your language and are as a result, isolated and alone in what to them is a strange land. Many have come from extreme poverty and hardship as well as from fear and terror to what they believe is a sanctuary; that is the answer to their dreams.

In reality this cannot be, as each of you has to experience and overcome your own karma that has followed you through your previous lives. Life is not supposed to be easy at this time but it can be made a much more pleasant and a more positive experience when you take the time to share your love and time with each other.

I ask that you take the time each day in your quiet moments to think of these less fortunate ones to send love, healing and prayers. Remember that giving out these thoughts helps those in need but it also helps you, as what you give out you receive back. This is something you would do well to remember when you get cross and lose your patience with another during the day, it is better to take a step back and then deal with a given situation in a way that helps the other person to understand the problem and to deal with the matter in a positive way rather than in a negative one. Being a positive and pleasant person is a better way forward; than if you go the negative way as this then reflects back on you and becomes more of a problem for both of you. To be positive and help the other person understand the way forward leads to a better environment and a healthier way forward as you work together.

These skills will be needed in the future as you will need to work together to enable you all to go forward; it is a good thing to start now as you mean to go on. I will be with you and help you as well, but the first step needs to come from the individual and this is part of your journey.


Remember my beloved, no one said this would be easy, but go forward with love and kindness to each other and you will see the results slowly become obvious.

My love and blessings go to each and every one of you, as we walk together in peace towards the light.

Mary Magdalena

A Message from Mary Magdalena through Diana – 5th December 2010