2010-12-09-A Matter of Harmonics
Topic: A Matter of Harmonics
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: What do The Blues and Marmalade have in common, would you say?
Vince: I know this is a rhetorical question to kick off your message, so I’ll refrain from corny jokes and politely allow you to develop your theme for today.
Monjoronson: Thank you my friend; I shall continue.
They are both bittersweet, and the bitter and sweet elements of both are balanced against each other. They are both manufactured to express the sweetness and pain most of you experience at some time in your lives. The Blues is usually about painful feelings and memories, often experienced under the influence of alcohol and drugs, whilst the most bitter tasting oranges are cooked in sugar and water, to sell oranges which otherwise would be left to fall on the ground and be trodden in by the boots and shoes of those who pass by.
With music it is often the case that pieces from pop songs to orchestral works are written and composed by people with addictions to drugs and alcohol, and often other addictions from the sexual through to gambling, such is the nature of so very many gifted people in your world.
With food and drink, you will often find that products which have been invented are produced from ingredients which are going rotten, so sour you would never eat them, or available very cheaply. The motive here is to turn junk and/ or low cost ingredients into sought after foodstuffs and make the company owners rich beyond your wildest dreams.
It is dear ones, a matter of Harmonics; which pervades every aspect of your lives and has been going on in your world for a very long time. Now, I’m not going to give you examples of music or foods other than what I have said, for there would be two very long lists which would actually detract from my message here today, but suffice it to say that these adverse harmonics are much in evidence on your planet today; in music, foodstuffs and every walk of life you care to mention.
On a planet which has not been diverted by the Dark Ruling Elite there is sweetness, love and light as core aspects of the underpinning of the society concerned. Long ago your world suffered the shock of mild grubbiness entering the harmonic vibrations of life, and its introduction was done under cover of it being a wonderful learning tool for humanity to experience. In a way it was, but it developed into the dreadful Black Rot you have in your civilisation today. It is a creeping and pernicious energy, which once allowed in will eventually take over and will be expensive and time consuming to eradicate, and only the Spiritual Hierarchy is of the required level to carry out such eradication.
With music the trick is very clever and even the sweetest sounding song may have a dark secret at its heart and when, during the day a particular song, melody or chord runs through your mind it can bring disharmony to your very core. How about that pickle in your sandwich, wasn’t it made from fruit and vegetables, sour vinegar and sweet, sweet refined sugar; produced with the motive of making vast sums of money from selling you rotting vegetation and this also brings disharmony. This may seem very subtle, but the cumulative adverse effects on you are very real indeed.
I am not saying don’t listen to music, nor don’t eat foods produced on that basis; what I am saying is be aware of how the system works. These are other facets of the biggest criminal conspiracy known to mankind, and if they affect music and food which you would think were two pretty ordinary subjects, just think of what else in your daily lives is set-up in the same way.
If you accept what I say as being truthful, then you have taken the first step forward to discovering for yourself more about the works of the Illuminati and how they affect your lives adversely every day, and in every way, and mostly people don’t see that; which is a great shame.
In order to expose this massive criminal enterprise to yourselves, you need to think outside the box and see life for what it has really become, not how most people think it is. One phrase which I think sums up the Dark Conspiracy quite well, if a tad mildly is; “Never give a sucker an even break.” and the majority of the global population are treated as suckers and farmed for all they are worth by the Dark Elite minority. You have proved to be a bountiful crop over very many millennia and they have become very wealthy at your expense.
Try and see the adverse harmonics which are in every aspect of your daily lives and then you will see the truth of how your people have been so very badly treated, for the time is coming soon when these schemes must cease in accordance with Divine Law and knowing how it was run, is key to understanding how it should be when the new civilisation commences.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this through Vince. 9th December 2010