2010-12-12-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Your lives are precious to me and to your Mother, and we would hope that you begin to feel how precious you are to yourselves. There is an innate beauty in your evolutionary natures that discloses the nature of God, and allowing yourselves to appreciate how and what you were created to experience brings you closer to your Indwelling Spirit to guide you more assuredly throughout your day. You have been designed to follow a long path that leads you back to the very perfect Source of LIFE itself. So each day brings you one step along this path, and helps you add more life quality under your belt. How can you not love yourselves when you were created to be this way?

Enjoy your life experiences more each day. Look to the morning as a time to set an adventure agenda for the day. What will you learn? Who will you meet? How will you share yourself with others? Set these as your priorities and goals and ask to be guided throughout your day. There is an overarching energetic force that can gently move you in certain directions, yet you must be willing to follow and flow in the day’s grace.

The distractions of your culture take you away from this recognition of your evolutionary nature. Therefore it is always a good idea to return to the well of appreciation of LIFE and the natural forces around and within you. This is a time of remembrance of who you are and brings you into more unity with the reality of LIFE. Love who and how you were designed to experience creation, my children; it is really all up to you to make what you will of what you have been given.