2010-12-13-A Proposition
Topic: A Proposition
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Hello my Dear Ones, thank you for visiting Erethea and reading my words. I would like to place a proposition before you so that you may consider it carefully and see if you are able to rise to the challenge. This does not apply to everyone, and to those it does, it may not be possible to implement yet, but a little further down the pathway it may be a possibility.
As you may be aware there are a number of websites dealing with spiritual matters involving we Celestials, and some of these have forums, discussion groups, meditation groups and other associated matters. These are good and they provide tuition and opportunities for individuals to meet online and join in conversation, exchange messages and have meditation themes. It is only a tiny minority of these where there is actual physical contact between the individuals, as often the membership is of a global or regional nature. Without these, many people in some very distant and isolated locations would not otherwise be involved to the level that they are.
There is though a need for groups of like-minded people, living close to each other and having physical contact with each other and meditation group meetings on a regular basis. This is not easy to achieve, for meeting like-minded people in your locality may not actually be possible on the grounds that there aren’t any, or if there are then you can’t actually find them. It would be pointless and detract from your own mission if you have to work with people having no appreciation of spiritual matters and have to start from scratch; unless you are in it for the long haul.
Where there exist a few people of the right calibre for the task, setting up a meditation and development group has many benefits to the individuals, their local population and environment, as well as contributing to the general enlightenment of the planet and its people. With the groups which exist purely on the Internet, they deal with things at more of a Global view, although there are some benefits to the local community with such a person living amongst them. But if two or three, or more if they are there, meet together regularly and enter communion with Celestial beings during a period of meditation, much additional benefit will be brought to the whole of the local community.
Even within a period of just a few weeks, the energies of love and light can be built substantially in the room where the meeting is held, and as well as the individual members reaping huge benefits by way of upliftment, spiritual development, healing, meditation techniques and so many other things, this energy flows out into the local community. When the members leave a meeting and go about their usual daily business, then all of those people, animals and plants they come into contact with will receive a share of this pool of light and love.
We can be with you, our group of Celestials with your group of people. We can sit with you and explain things to you; be with you and our attributes will rub off on you. Every member of the group looks after the others, as the true Sons & Daughters of God you really are. The group becomes strong and brings love and light to a local community, and this becomes like a pebble cast upon the still surface of a pond, with ripples of love and light moving ever outward beneficially affecting all the community, whether they know it or not. In these circumstances the group as a collective, is so very much more powerful than the sum of its parts and can bring real benefits to your locality or region.
There are some examples of these already in operation and they have been most successful in raising the vibrations most helpfully. This is something you could start now, and carry forward to your new society on your Ascended planet, for there will be much need for such groups in the future. Your new society will be built on the foundation of Divine Law and it is imperative that each citizen engages with the Spiritual Hierarchy as a group and Christ Michael Aton in particular, as your own true Creator God. We must start as we mean to go on, and as a co-creational project with you and us, we must build a society which befits you and in no way resembles the farcical nature of your present civilisation. I think the word “civilisation” in this context is too grand by far, and if it wasn’t so desperately sad we may see the funny side of this farce.
If you think you could start a local group, and this can be as few as two like minded people to commence with, then we should like to hear from you. Being Celestials means that there’s no postal service of any kind involved; no e-mails or texts, only thought. You know who we are; so speak with us and tell us what you want to do, and we shall help you bring it about. It’s that simple, for if you are with pure intent, of genuine spiritual evolvement, honest, truthful and loving; then we shall hear your words and we will give you all the help we can with the establishment of a local group.
There is no single plan; no “one size fits all” philosophy of how to run a group, you build it from scratch with our help, and that’s “co-creational” in action. We look forward to hearing from you if you think you can make it happen.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing this opportunity to you through Vince. 13th December 2010