2010-12-13-It Doesn't Work Like That
Topic: It Doesn't Work Like That
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Vince: During a group meditation session yesterday (11th December 2010), Monjoronson visited me and there followed a discussion about the recent piece by Thoth through Leonette entitled “Time needs no apologies only useful learning”.
Now, let it be clearly understood that it is not my place to criticise the channelled messages through other people, whether I agree or disagree with them and I will just read them and extract whatever beneficial information I can from them.
I found Thoth’s piece both refreshing and elegant, and this started a conversation with MoJo; and from that point he said he would write about Thoth’s piece, but this is in no way intended as criticism, quite the reverse.Over to you MoJo:
Monjoronson: Thank you my dear fellow.
Thoth’s message as mentioned above is a great piece of Truth writ elegantly, which seeks to explain matters about the progress of the Ascension project as an overview from a Celestial perspective. For those who this piece gives illumination to, then they will be truly wise regarding the relativity of time; but there will be those who are unable to understand it, because they are not yet at the appropriate level required to understand this great truth.
Some will therefore become irritated and read into the message things which were not said, or even meant. You ones are all different, and if an individual has risen to the level of a Professor of Music, anybody who has a rudimentary understanding of music or none at all, will be unable to usefully understand what the Prof meant during discussions on the subject; and the same applies with Thoth’s superb message.
Some month’s ago, and again more recently I said that you would be well advised to stand back from the Ascension project and keep a watching brief so that you would see progress when it became evident to you, rather than become agitated when an event didn’t happen in the timescale you thought it would, after reading a channelled message about the likelihood of it happening upon or by a certain date.
The Ascension project is in hand and it is ongoing; which means that very many beings are working on it at various levels, and this work will not stop, even though you cannot see this great work with your material eyes. Therefore it is unrealistic to expect a particular aspect or milestone of the project to happen in a particular way, by or on a given date, because IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT. Please excuse the capital letters here, for I wanted to emphasise the point.
I have said to you all along that events happen when they are ready to and not before; and none of you are in a position to view the actual outcome until the moment arrives. I will then ask you to consider why you expect events to happen on or by a given date, as if it was a date highlighted in your personal diary during your next twelve months? What purpose does it serve; my beloved ones? It causes you irritation and heartache, and does not in any way contribute to the ongoing project in a helpful manner; quite the reverse.
Time as you know it has speeded up, and your perception of Ascension related events has slowed down, thus obscuring the picture for you even further. You have to understand the cause and effect of what the Dark Ones have done in your jurisdiction, and unless you do then you have an altogether longer path to tread. Your lives are a distortion of what they should be, for your whole world has been distorted by the Dark energy. You must learn this adequately before you are able to go forward on a newly ascended Earth, for this dreadful Dark distortion must never happen again.
When you read channelled messages from senior spiritual sources, including members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, you tend to draw a picture in your mind of how you consider the events will play out; and I am here to tell you that whatever picture you hold on to, it is wrong. Even if I read them and formed a picture of how events would pan out, I would be wrong too. Seeing it from your perspective I know that the Dark Ones will lose, but from my perspective they already have. There is nothing useful to be obtained by forming a picture in your mind of how things will play out, for they will not be as you expect them to be, and in the timescale you expect.
Even if you are told that a specific event would take place on a particular day of your calendar, the chances are you will not see it, for the clock watcher sees only the passage of time and the clockmaker sees the great works which enable the machine to indicate the time. The passage of the Sun across your sky, and this is how you perceive time; can be slowed down and speeded up at will by the authorities who manage such planetary activity, and if the days pass by quicker and your perception of events stays the same, or is slowed down by the planetary managers, then events and time are not as you imagine them to be.
So I say to you again, why not adopt a policy of wait and see? It will enable you the luxury of time spent in a laid back manner, rather than keep imaging events that will never happen as you expect them to. There are more twists and turns on this project than a billion rollercoaster rides, so by standing back a little you will escape most of the stomach cramps associated with such a massive endeavour.
There are complex reasons why Celestials give indications of timescale associated with the Ascension project, but they cannot be taken out of context and used to build your own vision of how events will be, for that is futile. If you followed the journey of an airmail letter posted in a country in your Northern Hemisphere to the recipient in a country in the Southern Hemisphere, there are many very complex systems and machinery involved in achieving the objective; and so you allow a number of days for the journey and tell the recipient that it will be there next Thursday. But it may take many more days than that, especially if volcanic activity intervenes and stops flying because of an ash cloud. Then there is always a chance that it will be lost en route, and never arrive at all, and you will have to send a replacement letter.
That is as simple as a tub of yoghurt compared to the Ascension of Planet Earth and all the associated greater realignments of other planets and realities in various jurisdictions of Creation, for it is a tiny cog in a vast complex and intricate machine. It does not move to your timing; you move to its’ timing. There is a final point by which all of these complex moves must be completed, which has been set by the Source of All That Is, and you cannot relate this to your calendar and your clock in any way whatsoever.
It doesn’t just involve getting rid of the Dark Ones from your planet, nor simply set into motion physical changes to Earth’s surface, although these are important events in the overall process, for there are so many other planetary realignments to be finalised and matters to accomplish which are way, way outside your levels of understanding from the perspective of your normal human understanding in your state of limited consciousness. There are those of you who are more elevated spiritually and mindally*** than is the norm on Earth, and who consequentially do not expect unrealistic scenarios to occur with this project, so I would suggest you join them and stand back while events unfold in the natural way these things usually work; for it will save you much heartache.
My best wishes to you all,
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this through Vince. 13th December 2010
(This message was received and transcribed in two sessions on 12th & 13th December 2010)
- I cannot find the word “mindal” or “mindally” in an English dictionary or in any web based dictionary. Monjoronson means that the individuals referred to have minds more elevated than others, and he chooses that word for the purpose. Vince