2010-12-13-Progression and Group Activity
Topic: Progression and Group Activity
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: “Teacher Aaron and I return now after a break. As a rule, we are not alone. There are others with us, and they are Teachers and there are also students hoping to land a-sometime-in-the-future position and become Teachers themselves to a planet like yours. Compared to you, we have some great advantages here. Universe reflection allows us to experience, to feel emotions at great distances. It allows us to smell flowers millions and millions of miles away. You, on the other hand, are not often so fortunate in that you cannot always see us, but you can hear us. We on our part can see you clearly, feel your emotions, and sense your environment.
“When it comes to universe communication; for Michael and Nebadonia it is easy, for they need no intermediary. For teachers like us it is different. We need Seraphic and Midwayer intermediaries in order to be able to communicate with you, and we are delighted when you respond, and manage to talk back to us.
“In order for us to answer some questions as they were posed, it is important for you to know and realize that as you progress in the celestial realm you will continue to work with greater and greater groups of co-workers, of advisers, and students. As I made clear, Michael and Nebadonia can communicate with you directly and so can Machiventa Melchizedek. However, where it comes to preparing lessons for you, many of us work together. And so you will find that Aaron and I belong to a group of Teachers, and so do many others, although Aaron is a recent addition to this group. And there may be just one spokes person, perhaps two for a particular group but all contribute to the lessons.
“You will remember that when you spoke with a member of a group of former receivers of messages that it was in fact a very large group. There are more than a dozen Teachers associated with us, and then there is the Circle of Seven -- seven main Teachers and perhaps two or three spokespersons for that group. This is how it works. This is how it functions with us. All contribute, and this is how a group builds up over a period of time as one makes progress on the Mansion worlds and beyond.
“These working groups become bigger and bigger, and the art lies in these groups to work in peace, to work progressively, to get the maximum teaching and learning out of such activity. Is there a lesson to be learned from this? I would say, yes! The lesson to be learned from this is that should you have the opportunity in your terrestrial life to work with others, as many others as you can handle, you are in fact preparing yourself for that time to come. Carry on.
“This is your Teacher Samuel and his dear friend Aaron, as well as all others involved in this group saying thank you for your time. We wish you good night.”
George: “Thank you all.”