2010-12-26-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Beloved children, this is your Father Michael. While your minds are still full of Christmas cheer, turn your thoughts inward to me and your Mother. There is a gift of JOY we wish to share with you as your world increasingly turns itself in the direction of LIGHT. This light is the growing consciousness of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Humanity where LOVE is the currency which you share with one another to support your material lives. Rejoice that this light is gaining strength, my children, and that the liberation of the human heart is now resounding within the minds of millions of people all across the world.

What JOY there is in the universe as we witness our children of Urantia cast off the shadows of the past—the legacy of darkness which kept your hearts in fear and confusion! Allow us to build this force field of JOY within you now as you go within and ask us to infuse you. Take some deep breaths as you read this message and ask us to stir in you. We will share with you what you continue to need as the shadows of darkness further recede into history.

Ingest this JOY and allow it to build each day, my beloveds. There is a circuit from your Mother that will go stronger when you focus on this word over your heart centers and simply breathe it into your bodies. This connotes the relationship we share with you. Our love is alive and resonates in you, and the merging of the human with the divine creates that state of JOY. Live in it, my children, and let it become so infused within your bodies that it radiates outwardly to your brothers and sisters.