2011-01-05-Very Happy and Spiritual New Year
Topic: A Very Happy and Spiritual New Year
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: Good morning my dear fellow.
Vince: Hello MoJo, what can I do for you?
Monjoronson: Well, I wanted to say a few words about your New Year of 2011.
Vince: Fine, go ahead I’m ready to go.
Monjoronson: Thank you and I really do appreciate the trouble you go to in transferring my words into text and publishing them. Having a channel who gets the words down I want to use, and doesn’t put their own mark upon them is something of a luxury in the realms of inter-dimensional messaging, and sometimes the procedure can be very frustrating for us on this side of the veil when the receiver is something of a problem.
Vince: I’m not in a position to see that, but aren’t most channellers the Spiritual Hierarchy use of the highest order possible?
Monjoronson: No, far from it. Some of us have right royal battles with some of them about whether they will perform on any given day; about the nature of a message and whether they shall edit it to be more in line with their own thoughts; struggles with sentence construction, punctuation and how phrases are used. Then there are outright rows going on over aspects of how we want something written and “when” certain events are to be played out.
In previous months you got quite stroppy with us for a while, but that was largely down to adverse health and we have been working on you in the daily meditation sessions and at night during sleep and the work is paying off because you are now at a good level of stability and we have seen some intensive work from you in the last few months of 2010.
We have explained to you that we see your group meditation sessions as a kind of “Junction Box” where beings from many dimensions meet, and we have named it The Gathering. In the coming months we want to broaden this from mainly meditation to a greater level of contact with us and special ones we appoint, as the purpose is to reach as many of you ones as we can.
We wish to broaden our approach and provide access to our spiritual philosophy on top of the messages we are already channelling through you. I don’t want to go into detail at this time, for we are only at the planning stage at present, but it will be quite soon when we can begin the development of this project.
Vince: Yes, I know you are now making public what you revealed to us over the Christmas and New Year holidays, and we are all looking forward to it commencing, but I have a question. With the likelihood of upcoming geophysical and other major changes on our planet, won’t this plan be subject to huge disruptions?
Monjoronson: I don’t want you to concern yourselves with how it will work and the when’s, where’s and why’s either; just work with these changes as they happen, and let the thing evolve naturally. As I’ve said to you quite frequently, don’t get bogged down in the progress of the ascension process and what you think will happen and when.
Wherever you may be at any time, I shall be in direct contact with you and the Erethea Project is in its’ infancy and an ongoing exercise where internet access will be available for visitors, as we go through the ascension process and begin to co-create a new civilisation with you ones.
It is important that we establish a diversity of available sources for achieving spiritual growth with your people and Erethea is one such project which we are most pleased to be your partners in. Everybody is different and not everyone is able to learn things and develop in the same way as others do, so it is vital to have all manner of projects in operation, because one size does not fit all and great variety is essential, while still being on the trail of true spiritual enlightenment.
I look upon this new development with great enthusiasm, as I know you do; and look forward to taking the first steps forward in the coming weeks.
Now I shall wish all readers of my work at Erethea a Very Happy and Spiritual New Year, and one with increasing levels of light, love and compassion in your world.
I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with Vince. 5th January 2011