2011-01-11-Mindal Connections
Topic: Mindal Connections
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Bzutu: “Do not feel rushed. I have been here for more than 35,000 years and at the rate this world oscillates between progression and regression, it is almost a given that I’ll be here for another 35,000 years, so take your time. What’s another five minutes? This is Midwayer Chief ABC-22 and I greet those here assembled. It is good to be with you. This is my home away from home.
“I wish to speak with you this late evening about what you call the soul and what we call the mid mind. Midwayers use their minds to, perhaps, direct a canine friend to rescue a child that is about to drown, to place in the path of someone in despair another person that may be able to help. We are the workers of mind in events that are meant to be, and when told to jump we ask how high. We use mindal connections. This evening in particular, I want to speak with you about this certain case of a young couple, the male friend of which in a moment of anguish, in a time of despair, decided to take his own life.
“And so what happens as we watch this scenario? We find that there is a lot of grieving going on. This is natural, this is normal, this is human, and this, at times, is very essential. However, we need to bear in mind that whilst these two youngsters are now apart, whilst the one who took his own life has a difficult time on the Mansion Worlds overcoming the likely guilt, the self-effacement, the difficulties of having to start from scratch, the loss of experience of living a mortal life that could have lasted until 70 or 80 or 90 years that has now been cut short, there remains a connection with the one that is left behind. It is mindal. It works over any distance whatever, and the person left behind who continues, and continues, to grieve can slow down the progress of the other who so early arrived on the Mansion Worlds.
“Yes, grieving is normal, but one needs to get out of this habit because it can slow the progress of the other that is now far away. This is not something new to many people. This is very well known to you, to most of you. I give an example: The thought about a friend that you may not have thought about in years, and all of a sudden, on that very day, or very soon after, you receive a message or a telephone call from this individual. It’s mindal. Or they may even knock on your door and say, ‘Hello! Haven’t seen you for a long time but today I decided to come and visit you.’ It is a mindal connection that few of you can explain, not coincidence, uh uh!
“It is something that we work with so very, very often in our lives. The number of times we need to materialize ourselves, or things, to make actual changes on this world are few and far between. Our work is with the mind. I hope that with this you have learned something. Perhaps you are still grieving about someone who ascended a long time ago. Feel happy for them! Think of them in a positive way. Encourage them, much as your Celestial Teachers encourage you to make the best of your lives.
“This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu saying, I thank you for your sharp attention. May we have many more lessons together. Carry on, and good night.”