2011-01-12-Practical Spiritual Philosophy

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Topic: Practical Spiritual Philosophy



Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Vince



Monjoronson: In any given situation in which you find yourself, there is some spiritual philosophy which is applicable and which will add a new dimension to it. Many of you are very badly affected throughout your lives because of action against you which is motivated by negative thinking, and this can arise within the family setting, during educational study, in the workplace, and pretty much in any other circumstances you can think of.

Fear, jealousy and greed are the three most common motives behind negative thought, and it may be despatched in your direction by all manner of people from a sibling up to a head of state. Insecurity causes people to hit you before you can hit them, even though you may have had no intention to hit them. Insecurity is a cancer which eats away at the soul, and many of the most famous people on your planet have insecurity at the epicentre of their being.

Whereas we of the Spiritual Hierarchy would tell you that you are Children of God, and as such you should help your fellow beings and encourage a caring society, those of an insecure nature will deny the very existence of God, or at least construct a virtual god to divert you away from the real thing. If you can be prevented from gaining real knowledge of your divine roots, and limited during the compulsory education process as a young person, then you will never be as clever as the insecure ones are.

The very darkest of people are insecure, and you will find them in all walks of life from the common labourer to the Illuminati, and what they all have in common is the desire to control you, and give themselves’ an advantage over you. Whereas a secure person will help you and require no reward, the insecure will pull the rug from under your feet, charge you a high price for doing so, and then kick you when you try and get up.

After a while the insecure realise that they get a kick out of keeping you down and they go on and develop systems to keep you down where they think you belong, and thus begins their personal enrichment at your expense. This has been going on for millennia but in recent times, computers and automation have given them the ability to reach the majority of you from afar, so that the Admirals, Captains and First Officers of this great global fraud can extract the resources from you and have for themselves a wonderful time at your expense. There is scarcely a small patch of territory on Earth where their malignant tentacles do not reach, and traces of them are to be found in every walk of life.

How do you begin the task of extracting yourself from their grasp? Well, it isn’t easy, given that they control the money supply, taxation and commodity prices, and control the police, judiciary, and armed forces as well as religion; but the first step is to realise what they are up to. In a society built upon strong spiritual foundations, there is no need for money in the first place, because everyone feels secure and the communities are run for the benefit of each individual, and it is everyone’s pleasure to give to the commonwealth of the community and take from it that which they need at any particular time.

In your adverse society there have been a number of local gifting schemes based on the same principle and they have been very successful. In general though, the insecure, greedy and just plain nasty ones, who hide behind a smile and rob you blind, have got their hands on the control levers and the machine rolls on, defrauding you at every turn. You may moan about taxation levels and interest rates, but as individuals you are unable to cast off the chains of the system as it is presently constructed.

Because the slave masters, as I shall call them, work with negative energy and, although they are fully aware of God and the Spiritual Hierarchy, they are unable to understand divine love and above all they fear a collective spiritualised society which would overwhelm them and sweep them away. This is one major reason why the religions of your world are in being, and are there to divert you from finding the truth which would begin to set you free, for although they may still control societies’ resources, they cannot control spiritualised people who can see the truth through the constructed web of lies.

As I said at the beginning of this piece: “In any given situation in which you find yourself, there is some spiritual philosophy which is applicable and which will add a new dimension to it.” This is particularly true in terms of how your daily lives are constructed to follow the clock and the calendar, where in many ways if you are a second or two late for something your whole daily schedule falls about your ears and causes great anxiety.

It was never meant to be the way it is and although we are working hard to establish a completely new paradigm, it is essential that individuals discover what has been hidden from them. Inside you there is a small but powerful piece of God and if you have already found it then you are at least on the upward path, but the majority are completely unaware of it. By connecting with this Godspark or thought adjuster, as it is also known, your direct connection with your God will provide you with truth and philosophy in every given situation you may be.

It is something which starts from a simple realisation that you are not alone and your God is with you, to being a fount of knowledge and truth on every aspect of everything you come into contact with, and this is the spiritual philosophy which will keep you in tune with the Source of All That Is.

Will you please join with me in thought and think of those worse off than yourself, of which there are countless millions, that they may come to know the divinity within them, and open their eyes to what is hidden around them in plain sight. Then your brothers and sisters of God will become members of a spiritualised population which will help overturn the existing system of control, and ensure it never becomes established again.

Dear ones, your thoughts are very important, for they are the engine of recovery to achieve the glorious lives you should have enjoyed and which you were prevented from having by the dark ruling elite over many millennia. Do not chastise them, or become bitter when you think of them, for they are worse than ignorant; they are spiritual paupers and they know no better.

Join with me and think of them being removed from their positions and taken to a place of safety, where they can admit to what they have done to you all, and then the long period of reconstructive work with them can begin, and they too may become what they were destined to be, and not the sad objects they currently are.


Thank you for making the effort to read my words, and although you may not know it, by so doing you and I are becoming closer and in our moments of thought for the benefit of others, you too will benefit from the experience. It may be gradual, but I like to see gradual evolution rather than vast sudden changes, as they are more stable over the long term.

God bless you all.

I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you my words through Vince. 12th January 2010